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Prayer Vigil

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Our people are suffering under the misguided world government of Cofee Anan and Rains strorms / floods,


Please pray for the UIC victory in bringing peace to our country, against blood thirsty warlords and their supporters.


They have never cared for the plight of the miserable people, now that the UIC with Allah's help have provided peace, the warlords and their international sponsors of death and devastation are yet to kill more people in Somalia, they have just approved containers of weopons to be delivered for killing more people, no food, just more bullets for Somalis, courtesy of the UN, AU, IGAD, USA and EU.


Prayer Volunteers are needed to pray around the clock next Friday, from New Zealand to Vancouver, every volunteer has to pray for thirty minutes ( as many rakats as possible), which means we need, 48 volunteers, prayers around the globe.



Please confirm on this page




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I got my 30 minutes on lockdown.


Check it out tho, The UN,AU,IGAD,USA, EU have nothing to do with our misery. Instead, lay the blame at the feet of it's rightful owners, the bastartos responsible for the destruction of the Somali state and 16 years of hell-on-earth, chief among them: Siad Barre, Aideed,(both way bakhtiyeen, al-hamdulilah), and A/Y, the last standing dheeg-cabo. These men, their associates, their counterparts and peers, and the cattle(tribesmen) that follow/ed them are the ones responsible for the sad plight of Somalia. They have effectively utilised the Somali Idol: Al-Qabil, to further their goals and boy have they succeded. Adolf Hitler's got nuthin on these guys.

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This is a nice dua to read in times of hardship and when faced with enemies.


Just a suggestion,


Might we try a Khatam Al quran i.e. we read a juz or more and try to finish the quran. That way inshallah, we are using the shifa of the Quran. Surely, that is direct access to having an audience with Allah. Our dua's inshallah will get their time.


Allahmu aaiz al islam wal muslimeen wa thabit aqdamahum wa ansurhum alaa aadaeyka waa aadeyhim.




P.S. Count me in

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question .. y 30min?

30 min * 48 volunteers = 1440 mins of du'a and prayer --> 1440 min/ 60 min = 24 hours = 1 full day of constant round the clock du'a and prayer for our brethern back home


or so I think.


Khayr, I like the Khatam-ul-Qur'an idea.... 2 juz'a per nomad ? Need 15.

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Khayr I like your idea. If you guys r up to it we can split the Quran among those who volunteer and finish it on Friday

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Kheyr, Kashafa, Hodman,Devlangle


Jazakalllahu Kheiran for your great idea, could you please lead become coordinator for the Prayer Vigil? we need a volunteer urgently.


The purpose is to cover the blue planet with prayers for our people back home.





Nothing special about the 30 minutes except for the endurance of regular Faarax or Cambaro, the logic goes like this:


On next Friday, Sister Rahima wakes up in Australia, prayes for thirty minutes prayer of Hardship, later, Northerner in the Middles East, then, Hodman in North America and so on, if we have 48 volunteers, each one praying 30 minutes, that is 24 hours of prayer on Friday, a complete day in prayers, like the 400 meters relay running championship.


So, unless we sign up 48 Nomads, or 24 heavy dute Nomads who can pray an hour each, we may have to do with the four volunteers for the entire day to pray.




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Sh. Nur, aniga igu dar, waliba waxaan ku jiraa kuwa taagan 24/7 for perpetual prayers for the Islamic Courts of Muslims.


Waa arin fiican walaahi, ilaahey dhulgariir haku rido xarunta xisbiga gaalada ee U.N.ka iyo Aqalka cad ee gaalka weyn ee bush. Kadibna maxaakimta ha qabsadaan, which is going to be a major miracle for the whole world.

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Shiekh Nur,

count me in insha Allah,


Please also recite this Ayah, very glorious in the batttle of Uxud/or Khandaq, when the muslims were less in numbers and poorly equiped, but Allah gave them tremendous victory against infidels.


الَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ النَّاسُ إِنَّ النَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُواْ لَكُمْ فَاخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَاناً وَقَالُواْ حَسْبُنَا اللّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ


Those unto whom men said: Lo! the people have gathered against you, therefor fear them. (The threat of danger) but increased the faith of them and they cried: Allah is Sufficient for us! Most Excellent is He in Whom we trust!

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M. Gaalkacyo, a resident of Ontario, saw a dream in which the Prophet Muhammad SAWS gave him the good news of Shahaada,( Martyrdom) . He immediately sold all of his belongings and travelled to Kismaayo, Somalia during the Anarchist warlords rein of the City. Due to the confusion of tribalist interpretation of the Civil War, he was unable to join any of the conflicts that were misleadingly labeled to be a war between clans when in fact they were a deceptive plan to burn Somalis against Somalis to maintain Ethiopias supremacy in the region.


M. Gaalkayo who came back home for a devine calling finally joined his brothers the Islamic Courts in Kismaayo, after it became clear to him the true nature of the conflict, and later he lead the second decisive battle between Barre Hiraale ( His own clansman) and the Islamic Courts Union. He valiantly led that army for a decisive victory against that warlord, chasing him away until se secured many sensitive documents and vehicle that showed beyound doubt the evil intentions of the warlord.


M. Gaalkaco, a devout and a law abiding citizen back in Canada, finally led another front to liberate the country from the occupation troops of the Tigree Junta of Ethiopia. After couple days of intensive fighting, his dream came true, he lay martyred in the outskirts of Baidoa, making good of his promise to Allah, to sell his soul for the casue of Allah, of Justice and peace on earth through the following of the revelation of Allah SWT.


M. Gaalkacyo is gone, we hope he is today in paradise, may Allah accept his sincere intentions, and rasie him with the Prophets, the truthful and the piuos of all nations who resisited injustice in all of its forms, his perfumed blood, will be a down payment for many Somalis to live under their chosen faith in Allah SWT, that is denied to them by the forces of evil.


Never again, Never again, we should never think less of our selves, as Allah is on the side of justice and righteousness, we should therefore think of ourselves less! and think more of the casue of Islam in Somalia, a worthwhile cause indeed.


Allah is our sole ally, they have no allies to match Allah!




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