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Somaliland takes over a Military Weapons in Yagoori

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

you never complete sentences ,,,,,, those who are carrying guns sxb

Those that those peacefully oppose seccession are shunned and vilified. There is no room for a healthy discussion in Somaliland regarding secession. You are traitor if you oppose Somaliland independence. Besides, Don't people and regions that disagree with Somaliland independence have the right to violently oppose secession.

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Two points for secessionists.


Nil for Laba-Garaadle crew.


I gotta give it to secessionists power play...impressive. Remarkable indeed.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Che, Those weapons to the Republic of Somaliland.

Then why do the weapons need to be handed over if they already belonged to Somaliland.


Don't people and regions that disagree with Somaliland independence have the right to violently oppose secession.

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NO qabiil, no group and no individual can have such weapons sxb ,,,, i'm glad it is finalized smoothly.


They dont have to violently oppose the independence ,,,, everyone is free to believe what he/she wants but after the referrendum the issue is closed and no one can take a gun and come against the will of the people.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:



Cadowga is anyone who is against the independence of Somaliland ,,, who is working day in and day out to distablize the country.

You must be insane believing so hard in secessionism. :D

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Xaflad loo qabtay Hubka Yagoori oo ay kasoo qayb galeen Odayaasha Beesha J/Siyaad & Masuuliyiinta SL


Iyadoo maalmihii lasoo dhaafay laga saaray xerada timo waynta ee ku taal magaalada Yahoori hubkii Beesha Jaamac Siyaad ee ku jiray tan iyo intii ay dhacday Dawladaii dhexe ee Somalia lagana baxay dagaaladii u dhaxeeyay qabaa’ilka wada dega Waqooyiga Somalia.


Hubkaas oo maalintii laga saaray xeradaasi ay si kuleel gaadh ah uhayeen Odayaal gudi ah oo loo saaray Hubkaasi Odayaashaas oo kasoo Jeeda Beesha Jaamac Siyaad ayaa waxaa maanta la qabtay xaflad wayn oo hubkaasi lagu wareejinayo ayna kasoo qayb galeen Odayaasha Beesha,masuuliyiinta Somaliand ee Gobolka oo horkacayo Gudoomiyha Gobolka Cali Maxamuud Axmed iyo Saraakiil sarsare oo Ciidanka ah uuna hogaaminyo Taliyaha aaga barri Maxamed Cabdi Yuusuf (Dhancade) taas oo ka dhacday Yagoori.


Hadaba xafladaas ayaa ugu horayn waxaa furay Odayaasha Beesha Jaamac Siyaad oo ka hadlayay Hubkaasi iyagoo si wayn ugu mahad celiyay sida fudud ee hubkaasi looga saaray xeradaasi oo aan waxba lagu qabin intii uu yaalay ayna halkaasi ku wareejiyeen hubkii Taliye Mahad Canbaashe.


Waxaana halkaasi uga hadlay Beesha Caaqil Huure Caalin,Caaqil Yuusuf Roobeeye,Caaqil Maxamuud Oogle iyagoo dhamaantood hubkii ku wareejiyay Mahad Canbaashe xusayna in lagu qaamayn doono rag cusub oo hubkaasi ku mushahar qaata iyagoo kamid noqon doona ciidan ka Qaranka Somaliland iyagoo beel ahaana.


Sidoo kale waxaa halkaasi ka hadalay Taliyaha aaga Maxamed Cabdi Yuusuf oo si wayn ugaga mahad celiyay odayaashu hawsha ay qabteen isagoo dhankiisana u balan qaaday in loo samayn doono dhamaanba codsiyada ay soo gudbiyeen Odaaysha Beeshu.


Ugu danbayntii ayaa waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Cali Maxamuud Axmed isagoo u balan qaaday dhamaanba in si wayn wax looga qaban doono waxyaabaha uu ubaahan yahay hubku ee dayactir ah si dagdag ah xusayna in ay Beeshu ku qaramays naan doonto Hubkaasi.











Afnugaal News Desk

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