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LayZie G.

Ethiopia: Somalia's Last Hope

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I kid, I kid but not about collaborating with just Ethiopia but all of our neighbours.


If you have paid close attention to the renewed fighting in recent days and various insurgent stronghold in some parts of the country and read the latest news coming out of Somalia, you know that the government no longer can be relied upon to deliver the security and stability they promised the Somali people on their own.


I say this with the utmost respect for his honorable Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and his loyal and diligent servants, the body that makes up the Transitional Federal Government. In no way or shape or form will I ever withdraw my support for this government or any government that will be formed in the future.


However, we can not deny that this government's efforts to combating extremists saw very little improvement. In-fact, we can no longer fool ourselves into thinking that this government can execute its mandate forefully without losing more ground to the insurgents. The insurgency style of warfare is far too advanced and cunning for the newly trained officers that make up the somali security force and army. Therefore, reinforcement is in dire need.


The government needs to be far more vocal than it has been in the last few months or with the news of today when it comes to military aid. They need to engage their neighbour and convince them that their participation in this conflict is in their interest as well as Somalia's interest and the region as a whole.



For this reason, I believe that the Transitional Federal Government should do more than get consensus from the parliament or speak through the media, they need to be fiercely engaged in talks with the neighbouring countries.


This means that their private talks with Kenya officials needs to be elevated and Kenya needs to be on board in order for the urgent call for military aid to be be answered and troops to be deployed by the neighouring countries with the support of the united nations and the security council.


Furthermore, I believe that with the help of the Kenyan government and our eagerly waiting axmaaro brothers, we can get the governments of Burundi and Uganda to commit more troops as well as gather much needed support from Rwanda, Djibouti and Tanzania before the La princessa sinks.


The challenge will be Kenya but let us wait and see how the movers and shakers of the TFG side works to secure Kenya's participation.



As for the rest of us, the time has come for us to make some serious decisions regarding our people and our country.


We can no longer afford to waste time and energy into fuelling this on going war by choosing sides.(financing the insurgency war or giving moral support which helps support the opposition message across the globe to anyone with an ear shout is dangerous)


We need to decide whether our own need to self destruct out-weights the welfare of the 3 million displaced refugees, who could run out of food and water at any moment


Somaliyeey, what is important to you?


Will you lend a hand to the 3 million displaced families or continue to send $50 a month to adeero and abti so that they can instruct our young men into carrying suicide attacks against our own people?


Somaliyeey, what would it be?


I know what is important to me and it is not Sharif or Dahir Aweys (whose death cannot be confirmed or denied) and it isn't turki, nor is it the countless other officials who instruct the Shabaab group to carry attacks on somali civilians. As for me, my priority is with the real victims of this conflict, the real losers of the war, the ones who continue to lose their loved ones at a rapid rate. My support is with the victims who no longer call mogadishu and area home, the 8yr old orphaned girl who is raising her two younger siblings because Shabaab mortar killed her parents. This child and all the others like her should matter to you all not warlords masquerading as wadaados. Your misguided sense of loyalty should be directed at the innocent civilians who need every dollar you can give in order for them to be fed, clothed and sheltered. Can these people count on you?


As far as the renewed fighting is concerned, no amount of suicide attack will stop the world from allowing Somalia into falling in the hands of extremist, not today, not tomorrow and not ever.


We all know the ending of this narrative but at what cost?

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The only sensible thing you said Lazy is the help we could provide to the three million Somalis displaced by this conflict (you have my support there),the honest assessment of the TFG's current status, and the unbearable cost of this conflict (I agree we will pay hefty price regardless who one supports!).

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hahaha eithopia, somalia's last hope? My god. Have i stepped into another dimension or has certain people completely lost the plot.



Eithopia's is somalia's enemy and will remain so until they stop killing somalis. Anyone who says differently is not even a somali.

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

Furthermore, I believe that with the help of the Kenyan government and our eagerly waiting
axmaaro brothers
we can get the governments of Burundi and Uganda to commit more troops as well as gather much needed support from Rwanda, Djibouti and Tanzania before the La princessa sinks.

is this what it has come to ?


somalida waxay tidhaa hadii la dhimanayana dhareerka waa la iska duwaa.

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