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General Duke

UIC: Islamic movement or Tribal fervor ?

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Originally posted by Somali_Friend:



Calm down. You can spell it in any way to your hearts content. I will spell it the way I see fit. It has nothing to do with religiosity unless in ICU world is different rules.


Back to the thread.

The ICU declaration of Jihad on Negash is bogus and unIslamic. It was also declared by someone who is nothing, but an imposter in the person of Hassan Dihir/Tahir.

Do you have any comment on that?

It seemed that you are a person that appears to need some assistance when spelling the word ‘Sharia’. It has nothing to do with the so called ICU.


Besides you thought that words are spelled the same way they are pronounced, I just took the time to correct a misconception you had. You were confusing the English language with the Ethiopian one.


What makes the declaration un-Islamic? Are you not allowed to defend your land when invaded?

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Labor in US is spelled Labour in Britain/Canada

Color in US is spelled Colour in Britain/Canada


Which one do you want? You spell Sheria the way you see fit in english. What takes you three postings on the issue of spelling, yet you refuse to answer the basic question.


Is the Jihad declaration by ICU on Negash Legitimate? Some clerics have called it unIslamic and bogus/fake.

Some clerics have also called the man who made the Jihad declaration on Negash as an imposter.


Please do not misunderstand the above statements. Hassan Dihir can fight whomever he feels fighting like, but do not deny moslems to defend the religion from imposters abuse and misuse.

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Well the funny thing is both in America and British 'Sharia' is spelled with an 'a' not 'e'.


I asked you a simple question what makes the declaration un-Islamic?


I would need some prove and more inside to answer your questions. I don't know if the person is an imposter or not.

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Originally posted by mystic:


I asked you a simple question what makes the declaration un-Islamic?


I would need some prove and more inside to answer your questions. I don't know if the person is an imposter or not.

What makes the ICU declaration of Jihad on Negash unIslamic is it did not satisfy the conditions and never followed the process/procedure.


Since this declaration was not an emergency, it has to follow the complete process of validation and has to satisfy all the requirements of Jihad.


The declaration from ICU did neither and all the Ulemma, Immams, Clerics referred to agreed that its not Jihad. Not a single organization or government in the moslem world has agreed with ICU in the declaration.

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Originally posted by mystic:

Are your words the only evidence i am going to get?

I think you know already, or I have to assume you know certain things:

1. When is a declaration of Jihad legitimate

2. What is the process on has to go through to assure the validation.

3. What is the structure or procedure


N.B. One has to make sure the above is strictly followed and the conditions fullfilled. Don't forget that, moslems who are not in the area have to follow the call.


Since the imposters in Mugadishu did not do any of this, and also their call was baseless, moslems close by geographically or from far are not obligated to follow. On the contrary moslems are obligated to expose imposters, because nothing harms the religion more than imposters.

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OOoooh, you don't want the ICU to declare war on Ethiopia then i suggest you take your ET Soldiers out of Somali soil.



If you are a muslim and the enemy is attacking you or your land, you have every right to defend yourself!

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Originally posted by mystic:

OOoooh, you don't want the ICU to declare war on Ethiopia then i suggest you take your ET Soldiers out of Somali soil.

If you are a muslim and the enemy is attacking you or your land, you have every right to defend yourself!

How come you just conveniently dropped the word Jihad that we exchanged maybe about 5 or 6 posts? Did it fell through the cracks of conscience?


What is your view now of the ICU Jihad declaration?


let me ask you another question. Is Jihad and war interchangeable in your understanding or two separate issues?

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"Shiek Ahmed Aben said on his part there are 29,600 mosques in Somali state only and added that the jihadists have also declared war on these mosques and the laity who do their prayers in them.

According to Sheik Ahmed, the people of
Somali state
are being administered under a federal system where they have their representatives and have also organized regional government, and on top of that its Sharia Courts are performing better than that of Mogadishu."


You seem to be mentally handicapped this guy can hardly talk on the Events in Jigjiga the cold blood murder of Students protesting against what they see as an insult to their believe when the Woyane regime(even the Derg never used to interfere with personal belief) decided to introduce New syllabus of history that etails the vilification of Islam and the caricuture of the prophet.

So he has more tasks to accomplish before his words are taken seriously.

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They will stand for now. Overtime, I doubt, if the Somalis, will be able to tolerate them. A lot of people are worried about the intentions of the Islamists. But what is the alternative right now?


They are using nationalism, and that is always a powerful tool, to rally Somalis under the star and fight enemies. But it won't last.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Funny exchange.

Its amazing. Mystic was asking all kinds of questions about the Jihad declaration by ICU, but when I showed him what ethiopian moslems had to go through the investigation and validation according to what is prescribed in the faith, and reached the following conclusion:

1. The Jihad call by ICU is not Legitimate

2. Those ICU that called for Jihad are imposters

3. Moslems have the duty and responsibility to expose the imposters and protect the faith as was done many times in the past for all the 1500 years.


Mr/s Mystic then conveniently dropped the issue.


Its funny in deed.

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Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Funny exchange.

Its amazing. Mystic was asking all kinds of questions about the Jihad declaration by ICU, but when I showed him what ethiopian moslems had to go through the investigation and validation according to what is prescribed in the faith, and reached the following conclusion:

1. The Jihad call by ICU is not Legitimate

2. Those ICU that called for Jihad are imposters

3. Moslems have the duty and responsibility to expose the imposters and protect the faith as was done many times in the past for all the 1500 years.


Mr/s Mystic then conveniently dropped the issue.


Its funny in deed.
Well said

Thanks I never took your path but you stand firm and also convinced me too.... these are imsposters for sure.

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Originally posted by Kamalu Diin:

Well said

Thanks I never took your path but you stand firm and also convinced me too.... these are imsposters for sure.

Thank you.

When a moslem declares Jihad, the other moslem has to follow and help no other choice.

That means moslems in Somalia nearest, ethiopia, djibuti..etc have to drop whatever they are doing and go to Hassan Dihir and IndaCadde leadership.


But what the Mugadishu gang of imposters mised was that in Islam when you declare Jihad and call your fellow moslem to help, you have to do the following:

1. The Jihad call has to be legitimate

2. You have gone through the process of validation. For example you are not calling Jihad to materially gain yourself illegitimately by force from others. If the others are moslems then its outomatically unIslamic and against the faith.

3. There is a specific body that can make the call and there is a procedure to follow.


The Mugadishu gang was hiding something. They never followed the procedure. They never did the process and they just announced the call thats bogus.

Not a single Islamic organization or state accepted their Jihad call and worst for them some organizations called them on their misuse and abuse of Islam.

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