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President Rayale Gets Las Anod Right

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Hargiesa (QARAN)-President Rayale's approach toward securing Somaliland's eastern borders has been uneven. There were times when Somaliland was following a steady but cautious policy. There were other times when Somaliland's armed forces were sent on some rash and inexplicable adventures that ended up in disaster, chief among which were the Las Anod and Dahar fiascos. After a long period of confusion when it was not clear what Somaliland's policy was, it seems that President Rayale has finally put together a formula for success in the east. Actually, this new policy is the old abandoned policy of caution and steady engagement which was resurrected and applied, this time, with considerable skill. Its main ingredients are military preparedness and the cultivation of links with the local population, a combination that was decisive in Somaliland's routing of ******teenya's (Puntland) militias in Las Anod.


The preparedness of Somaliland's armed forces showed not only in their performance in the battlefield, but also in their coherent and regular media updates. In this regard, both the Minister of defense Mr. Abdillahi Ali Ibrahim, and commander Ibrahim Aidid have impressed many Somalilanders with their professionalism and competence.


No doubt Somaliland has scored a major victory, and clearly has an edge, as pointed out by foreign observers, such as the Economist. But based on previous experience things could change quickly, therefore, Somaliland should not take anything for granted.


A cautious and steady policy of military preparedness and establishing links with the local communities is the way to go. Congratulations to President Rayale and Somaliland's armed forces for a job well done.



Source: Somaliland Times

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The biggest handicap S/land has had this period of uncertainty in the Horn has been Riyaale for me beyond doubt.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Heh. A typical Somali piece. Full of glee with no trophy to parade!

What trophy were you looking for sxb, the head of Alfredo Garcia?

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^^ For Somaliland, the objective as I understand it was to secure its own borders. They have not done that but rather created even more tension in the area. Yet, just because Somaliland fighters were not fully engaged in those skirmishes, the article regards the whole sad enterprise as a success. I'd wager that the Puntland news sources are also singing of new successes! But, really, apart from a couple of cousins throwing stones at each other, has anything changed there at all?


Nothing to feel triumphant about there..

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