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Calling on all the Shabaab supporters... have your say..

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Maaddeey, Aboowe, Wallaal,


You do understand that AMISOM is a peace keeping mission protecting the TFG which was invited by Somali's to Moqadishu?


The Palestians havent invited the Jews to occuby them.


The Palestians blow themselves up in their occupied terrotities in their land.


These guys blow themselves up in KAMPALA, which is clearly not the occupied land of the Somalis?


If they want AMISOM to leave they should argument with the Somali's who invited them in the first place, or who support them. And if they dont want to argument, then let blow themself up. But not between poor Ugandan's tv daawaniyaa.


That is wrong my friend.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

quote:Originally posted by Chief_Aaqil:

Malcolm X,And I hope you will take the advise of these two brothers, Abtigiis Tusbaxa sita iyo Adeer Ngonge. Cause they do seem sincere.

Adiga xog badan ayaa kaa maqane, anigaa ku tilmaami. Fariintan copy garee oo PM ugu *** Xinnfanin. Malcom X'ga aad sheegi in ninkaasi samaystay ayaa loo badinayaa. Markaa isaga unbaa wax ka badli kara ee scrpit'gan ha isku xiiqina.
Does he have two faces, two characters, two opinions? How exhausting.

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

I know their sincerity IA, Adigana khayr Alle ha ku siiyo Aaqil.


Ngonge, If Cheri Blair uderstood why Palestinians blow themselves up, y not me? Adigu -runtii-ma fahamsanid miyaa waxa keenay the suicide bombing in Kampala? weligaa cunug yar oo edeb daran ood ka xishoneysid inaad disho, mid xoogaa ka madax fiiqan ma garaacay ee 'baga' ma tiri?.

I think the word Cheri Blair used (and I heard her with my own ears) was "they kill themselves out of qaxar". :D


But that is besides the point. To understand why it is done is to condone it, saaxib (in this context). Mese waxaaga waa qabyaalad oo waa iska (randomly) aarso?


If you think it is wrong to kill innocents (anywhere in the world) just say it is wrong and halka ku daa. Don't mix and match, saaxib. Waa shoqol munaafiq.

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^^'Every story has two sides' sow maad dhihi jirin?


I condemn the Killing of Ugandans, but it wouldn't happen if Amisom didn't kill innocent pp fee cuqri daarihim!, sax wala ah?.


Aaqil, waan ogahay intaad sheegeyo, Kampala wixii ka dhacay iyagaa kasbaday (sax & qaladba) ee ha ka xaabxaabiyeen.


Mr. Somalia, waad ku mahadsantahay waqtiga aad ii hurtay, xoogaa fudeydka & aflagaadada inaad iska deysaa kuu fiican, inta aad ka hadashay oo dhan dood kama qabo, welina afkyga kama soo bixin 'waxa Uganda ka dhacay waa just' waa meeshaas faham xumada, ninkan iska riix uun yeysan ku qaadin!.


Norf, I call you by ur name and say: 'walaaloow' and u call me 'script' what a manners!.


A & T, haddaan taleefan kuu soo diri lahaana waxaan ka biqi in next time een Jig-jiga imaado la i xiro. :D

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Maaddeey, Shaleyto sidii aad u hadleysay iyo maanta sida aad u hadleyso isma laha. Illaahay ayaa og wixii barito dhici doona, laakiin arintu meel xun ayey maraysaa.

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^^ Every story has two sides indeed but you only mention them to those who don't know, saaxib. We KNOW!


I maqal; if you disagree with the killing of innocents it should be ALL innocents. Today it is happening in Xamar but YESTERDAY it was in Kampala. When you say you don't agree with it but (in the same breath) also try to remind us of xamar, the message we get is that you actually agree with it (because of Xamar). Are you being a munaafiq or just confused?


Do you support Al Shabab for faith reasons or just anger? Could you have two opposite moral positions all at the same time?


Anigu waxaygi Xamar yaa lago dilay ama Kampala yaa lago qarxiyaay maaha, saaxib. Anigu waxaan eeganayaa fikradaan "XAQ" la yidhaahdo waxa ay tahay? Ma diin ba? Ma Moral ba? Ma aarso ba? Ma xamaasad ba? Mese waa iska hadal uun?



Previous arguments along similar lines

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^ You’re asking too much of Maaddeey. If he says the killings are un-Islamic; everything he’s been trying to sell to the masses falls apart. He can’t accuse the Mullahs of mass-murders of the innocent one day and support their punishment of others' indiscretions tomorrow, can he?

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Showqi, shalay sideen u hadlayey?.


Ngonge, intaas ka badan will be going in circles! most of solers are worried because of a repercussions that may or may not come, what happened in Kampala is not more than a repercussion.


Ayoub, dont just write fo the sake of argument, read before you reply!.

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Originally posted by Norfsky:

Kuwa ku la murmaayaan la yaabey anigu. Waar ninku waa scriptkii la sheegi jirey dee.



sciptgii ugu qalafsanaa Sol laga hel dheh ,,,,

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Maaddeey, sxb shaleyto waxaad lahayd war arinta ha la hubsado. Al-Shabaab ma ay qiranin dhacdadan. shaqona kuma laha qaraxyada ka dhacay Ugandha.


Laakiin maanta waxaad leedahay shacabka Ugandha qaraxa lala beegsaday weey galabasadeen oo iyaga ayaa lugohooda ku soo doontay ee Bagga, Bagga, Bagga.


Khaladka uu galay Askariga Amisom ma aha in dusha laga saaro shacabka reer Ugaandha. Hadii kale dadka Soomaalida ah ee Ugandha jooga ayaa maanta la ugaadhsan doona.

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Maaddeey, ha iga baxsan warya. It's been a while since I got serious about any topic in here. Most of the SOLERS wa adiguu meedhan dee. I don't pay attention to what they say once I realise it's pure xamaasad. Adiga se, you give the impression that you fight for a nobler cuase and I'd be cheating myself if I did not pick your brains in such a way that proves to me you are right or one that shows me you are nothing but xamaasad. War ma jannadaaad ii diidaysa dee? Wax sheeg.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Xoriyaadu aad haysato eed iska indhatirayso waa inaad Jeans xidhan kartid, gadhka maalinkaad rabtidana bixin kartid maalinkuu ku dhibana xiiri kartid, Kubad aad daawan kartid, etc etc. You take these minor rights forgranted. They are not in Alshabab's Somalia.


A & T, markii wax qashinkan oo kale ah ONLF laga sheego afkaad ubur ka keentaa!, inta badan waxaad kor ku soo sheegtay Xamar baan dhowaantan ku sameeyey, ee waxa bakhtigu meelaha ku hayaan iska daa, ee wax hubso.

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