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Originally posted by -MARX-:

Adam your tendency of concentrating at the subject matter and not the content is all too obvious for all to see.

If i was concentrating on the purpose of this topic i would be given 'reasons' instead of refuting nonsense statistics and delusional grandeur which is what he's basing his subject matter on.


The man asked what is the prime reason for the destruction of somalia?

Ah! thank you for acknowledging the fact i previously had not adressed the 'subject matter'


You attack Somaliland



and deny historical facts.

so i was focusing on the content after all :D


Again, let me put the question to you. what is the prime reason for the destruction of somalia??

One half destroyed Somali city doesn't equal the whole of Somalia, alot of progress has been made by the masses, so in my opinion the entire question is a fallacy, Somalia is going through a dark period, if you compare this period to the past and present conflicts on the continent/world, the Somali civil war pales in comparison.

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Originally posted by -MARX-:

fair enough Adam Zeylac!

to a firm:


Originally posted by -MARX-:

fair enough!

Good job!, you musn't look too friendly in front of the Hawks. :D


I agree with your of idea of Mogadishu not being Somalia.

That's one of the positive developments of the civil war, a rebuild Mogadishu in peacetime Somalia will have to contend with many flourishing and commercially competative Somali cities with 500k - million+ populations.


That was America's path to success and today China's.

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Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:

I think MARX is the King, he is our glorious leader and the only man to lead all Somalis. We all love him dearly.

Has the man gone nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!




Thanks Adam,

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I think these guys deny much of history. If you look back at history for the reasons why Somalia feel apart they could be attributed to the following:


1, a minority trying to dominate the majority

2, injustice

3, giving power to people who were not educated

4, a division of power that was unequal from the very start

5, an attempt to oppress an entire peoples

6, the denial of basic political,education and development rights


Some small minded people also argue that the SNM never toppled the government as history shows, the SNM created all the major southern rebel movements in an attempt to reach the enemy by a third party with the SNM non of these factions would have been created but this thought tipped the balance of power in their favor.


Somalia is not mugdisho, but at the end of the day name me one city in southern somalia which has the capacity and capability as that of Hargaisa,Borama,Burc o,Berbera,Erigavo or Las anod?


not one, because when the truth is seen, kismayo has a high number of crimes, instability and disorder and is only a little bit better then mugdisho, while Galkacyo is just as unsafe.


On the other hand Bosaso and Garawo compared to Hargaisa and Burco are little villages, while being little villages they still dont have the security,development or order that Hargaisa or Burco or Borama have.


So what becomes clear is that we are dealing with 3 major elements a nation like Somaliland that is entirely orderly, Puntland which is tittering from the edge of Southern Somalia and Southern Somalia which is in complete disorder.


So what is the Solution?


The only viable solution is for Somaliland to go its own way, for Somaliland to negotiate between all Somali parties, the creation of an eventual Somali legal and legilative body and than a formation of a national army. What the time scale for Somalia to get back to normal?


40-50 years minimum.


Whats the probability that it will never change, the probability is an actual reality, no army,no police,no order, a population that has accustomed to abnormality, self interested criminals, warlords, islamic radicals.


It every politicians worst nightmare.


You need OBAMA x 40 , of a character, who is also willing to support Somaliland to fix the problem.

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^Provide sources next time and be less cryptic(which minority?, who were uneducated?), and before i refute your post in full, please tell us your standards by which you measure a city's 'capacity' and 'capability'. Though i do not take pleasure in pointing out the flaws of 'Somaliland' or any other Somali region, you have left me no choice.

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