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Baraawe Conference: What's REALLY going on?

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After Baraawe, he's scheduled to meet in Balcad, then is expected to fulfill his promise and attend the Ceelwaaq peace talks. Power speaks for itself, I say!

A re-entrance into the city of Mogadishu itself seems to be part of the agenda.

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Abdiqasim is desperate and a looser,

Barre Hiraale is running scared

Morgan is useless and past his sell by date,

Indhacadde & Serar are tools,

And plus

the 'ministers' in Xamar are thugs and not worthy of mention,

Sharif Hassan is thier tool



^^^^That is one fine summary of the group trying to keep Mogadishu as it is.

How long can the occupation of Brava, all the way to Kimsayu continue?


Thats the biggest dilema for this group sooner or later they will be chased out of Brava, Marka and even Kimsayu then what??? Change is hard to resist and the Somali's want change.


As for Morgan, he has no power and is enjying himself in Mogadishu. Barre as ever the Juniour partner we thought he was smarter than Qaynyare and Musa but hey....

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Barre as ever the Juniour partner we thought he was smarter than Qaynyare and Musa but hey....

Like the fact that he should have realised where his blood lies or something? Common Duke saxiib grow up a lil.

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^^^ Nah the fact where his best interest lies. One should never support the losing side, but who knows if he is just playing.


Anyhow occupation anad few technicals wont win, over justice and reason. All ministers must support the government.. Most in Xamar have now left the tool and Co, for example, Furux, Finish and a couple of other "Strong men" have left, we hope all come back to the fold and work for the national interest and not keeping the people in bondage...


Juma stop supporting what the people termed the "vampires of Brava" you are a big man after all..

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May God save Somalia from another senseless destruction. Amen!


The second civil war is soon to come to a news-site next to you thanks to Yeey and his divisive policies.

let me remind you all that the last dictator was mightier (in theory) and had more troops than the current contender...and we all know about his fate and how it was so easy to destroy his make-belief invincibilty




700 oo ciidan ah kuna hubeysan 27 tikniko ah oo ka mid Ciidamada Maxamed Qanyare ayaa kasoo dhaqaaqay degmada Ceelbuur ayagoona kusoo jeedaan koofurta Soomaliya.






Ciidamo gaarayo 700 kuna hubeysan 27 tikniko ayaa u soo ruqsaday degmada Ceelbuur kuwaas oo ku soo jeeddo Konfurta Soomaaliya oo maalmahaan ka jirto is aruusi ciidan iyo diyaar garoow si labada dhinac ee is haayo looga taqluso midkood.


Ciidamadaan oo in muda ah ku sugnaa deeganada Ceelbuur ayaan lagaraneynin waxa xiligaan keenay in ay u soo ruqsadaan dhinaca Konfurta Soomaaliya walow leyska ogyahay wax ay u socdaan oo ah isbaheysiyada laga wado konfurta Soomaaliya si ay ugu mid noqdaan.


Ma ah markii ugu horeysay ay ka soo baxaan ciidamo deegaano ka mid ah gobolada dhex si loogu biiriyo kuwa ka howlgala koonfurta Soomaaliya


Mar aan wax ka weydiinay taliyaha ciidamada USCda Col .Faarax Cabdulle Gacal wax keenay in xiligaan ay ciidamo u soo daad gureyaan Konfurta Soomaaliya ayuu ku jawabay in uusan xiligaan ka bixineynin wax war bixin ah jeer la gaaro hadafka laga leyahay


Is abaabulada hadda jira ayaan ku ekeyn hogaamiyasha Muqdisho ayadoona madaxweynaha DFKMG uu keensaday magaalada Jowhar ciidamo ku beel ah si uu ugu qabsado magaalada Muqdisho uu u arko in ay jogaan kuwa dooneynin in ay la saan qadaan dowladiisa



Faarax Ceynte Jabriil Dayniile Muqdisho

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