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Baraawe Conference: What's REALLY going on?

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Hopelessness of the defeated lot is growing astronomically day after day in the absence of realistic expectation of their conflict-ridden reckless warlord.


Desperation can set in and give a depiction of the course of their discourteous reaction.


The effects of such begrudged reactions, born out of despondency can be terminally incurable. We are all witnesses here! the shame of the Ma-Xishoodayaal is beyond measure!!!

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This meeting is nothing more than the final act of a group of doomed men. Why make peace between Morgan and Hiiraale, why now? Why reinvent the Juba alliance , why now?



The answers are simple the JVA are facing a grave threat in the form of the TFG.. The aim of this whole meeting is to find new meaning for why the JVA should exist in simple terms to rethink the whole project.


The stinch of it all, two small subclans clans from DhusaMareb pretending to be a regional power is quite amusing...


Let me add that I have every confidence that tis whole thing will fail as anything headed or lead by Abdiqasin wont get very far.

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the unabashed rumor machine of ma-xishoodayaal has reached a farcical height where realities and fantasies are like two peas in a pod...!!!!

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^^^ As ever Olol or LOL as I like to call him starts having dialogue with himself.


Brother keep calm nothing has happened yet, as for beautiful Barava insha Allah soon you shall be liberated from the fake wadaads and ex Presidents who want to keep you down.

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Duke do you sound..bitter? Sxb why let all this get in your heart? It is not like we have ANY control over what happens in Somalia, what the powerbrokers do, or what positions they take. Where do you come out with Morgan when nothing in what is going on in Baraawe concerns him? What is with the paranoia. Where do you get that the JVA is in armed oppostion to Abdulahi Yusuf when he has not done anything to support/oppose him yet?


Mise everything that concerns Abdulahi Yusuf is personal territory to you? Do you have a sub-conscious believe that the the government is "family" monoply..? If you do sxb then noo sheeg hadii kale, chill and xishood dawlada iyo qaranka Soomaaliyeed nagama xigtid. :D

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If you ask me, Cabdiqasim's sole aim is to deepen the rift between Reer Puntland and Reer Gedo/W. Galgaduud.

Ridiculous! Sxb siyaasad waa un siyaasad. Siyaasadaha Soomaaliyeedna waa mid dhadhan la yaqaan leh. Qabqablayaal ayagaa dadka lahayste ka dhigeen, maxay shacabka Soomaaliyeed isula adeegsan? It was at this juncture of Cabdiqaasim's government that Abdulahi Yusuf and USC factions met in Baydhabo, allied, and called theirselves the "SRRC" coalition of oppositon. Current news enfolding is that dormant group of Goolaha Samatabixinta is being re-awakened again at the urging of Cabdiqaasim Salaat Hassan.


We can conclude therefore that Cabdiqaasim is seeking full vengence and retribution against Cabdulaahi's opposition to his former government. We can be disappointed in his actions, but can we seriously blame him that was reared and bred in a society where the price of an eye is an eye, the price of an arm is an arm, and so on?

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No, we can't blame Cabdiqasim (and many others)because he's merely an individual striving in our society's corrupted morals.


So, my original hypothesis was wrong dheh?


Originally posted by Raqiid:

We can conclude therefore that Cabdiqaasim is seeking full vengence and retribution against Cabdulaahi's opposition to his former government.

So, characters like Col Hiiraale, Indhacade and ina Seeraar are simply Cabdiqasim's tools to reach his ultimate goal (his revenge), which is to default Col Yeey's gov't. Payback is a b*tch, they say!

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So, characters like Col Hiiraale, Indhacade and ina Seeraar are simply Cabdiqasim's tools to reach his ultimate goal (his revenge), which is to default Col Yeey's gov't.



Sxb was ina Caydiid Abdulahi Yusuf's tool when he was named second-command of the SRRC Coalition or did he have the same interest as Abdulahi and was a willing participant? In this similar case, ujeedadooda waxay tahay ha ahaatee, we can honestly assert that Col Hiiraale, Indhacade, and ina Seeraar are willing partners in crime with Cabdiqaasim. It doesn't seem as they were forced to go to Baraawe, each men traveled to that venue on his accord.


BTW you do not mean to tell me that Col Yeey is not the one to have defaulted his own government when he lost confidence with the Somali people by resorting back to a faction leader? [You would remember that, that was the time the Somaliweyn election high started to ware off].


The redundancy of the situation is so ridiculous, I'm honestly going to retreat from Somali politics soon.

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Some people are so terrified and perpetually remain frightened. They are driven by fear, all sorts of fear: fear of losing, of being defeated, of being recognized as weak, and so on.


we have our cheerleaders here employing trivial rumors because they have such fear consuming them even though they are now in positions from which they could change the focus of their destiny and decide not to live in fear.


Among the die-hard fanatics of Yeey might perhaps be some canny opportunists, but the cheerleaders here in our forum are core believers of the clannish cause. I think they are this way because they know no other ways to confront their fears and therefore are subservient to their familiar clannish existence and thus will have this perpetual fear and will continue to entertain their hallucinating rumor and propagandas.



JVA is just there to talk and consolidate their power base in the fertile regions of Somalia. It is just a one is even worried of Yeey and his shameless shenanigans! so chill people and let us see what the conclusion of this alliance.

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There you have it, the outcome of the shirka is: To further alienate reer puntland and gedo!!!


Shir ay degmada Baraawe ku yeesheen wufuud ka kala socotay dhinacyada dhaqanka, siyaasadda & waxgaradka labada beelood ee ka tirsan isbaheysiga dooxadda Jubba, socdayna 11-kii ilaa 13-kii bishan. Kadib markii ay si qoto dheer u daraaseen, ugana doodeen xaaladda uu dalka ku sugan yahay, gaar ahaan xaaladaha nololeed & nabadgelyo ee deegaanada beelaha ku mideysan isbaheysiga dooxaddda waxaa isku aragti laga noqday, la iskuna waafaqday qodobadan.



Adeer second from Right.


1) In labada beelood meel kasta oo ay joogaan ay yeeshaan iskaashi dhinacyada siyaasadda, difaaca, nabadgelyada & dhaqaalaha ah, isla markaana la yeesho wadatashi joogta ah.


2) In la xoojiyo lana sugo nabadgelyada deegaanada Jubbooyinka iyada oo la sii wadayo howlaha dib u heshiisiinta oo uu maamulka Dooxada Jubba wax weyn uu ka qabtay, si ugu dambeyn ay isugu yimaadaan beelaha gobolada Jubbooyinka shirweyne ay ku dhistaan dowlad goboleed.




3) Wufuuda shirka ka qeybgashay waxey welwel ka muujiyeen khilaafka & kala sii fogaanshaha ka dhex jira xubnaha labad gole ee dowladda federaalka taasoo ka dhalatay iyadoo loo hogsaansami waayey, lana dhowri waayey axdiga Qaranka KMG ah ee lagu soo dhisay dowladda, sidaas daraadeed waxey ku baaqayaan in axdiga la dhowro loona hogaansamo iyadoo loogu dhaqmayo sida uu yahay.


4) In dhinacyada iyo qeybaha iska soo horjeeda wax waliba ay u huraan badbaadinta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed & soo celinta nidaamkii & kala dambeyntii.


5) In la xushmeeyo qaraarkii ay Q/Midoobay ku mamcuucday in aan hub la soo gelin karin Soomaaliya.



6) In marna-ba aysan ciidamada safka hore sina uga qeybqaadan howlaha nabad ku soo dabaalida Soomaaliya.


7) In dhinacyada uu khilaafka u dhexeeyo ee dowladda federaalka ay maskaxdooda u furaan una dhega nuglaadaan baaqyada xal doonka ah.




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My, My! Does this get juicier by the moment; is that the Ugaas of Cabudwaq, Ugaas Ciise Ugaas Cabdulle Ugaas Siraaj, second from left?




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We have been here before. We have had a meeting in Balcad before the election and we have had severeal meetings of all faction leaders including Abdiqasin and Islamic courts in Mogadishu ever since March.


So whats the difefrence now? Everytime the government takes a forward step the opposition have a meeting...


The fact is that nothing will happen these groups dont want to lose power over their own domains and thus create a united forces and administration. This will always be their downfall for while the TFG is uniting its forces and appointing local powerful players to key positions such as Cde Gabow and the new Governor of Hiiraan, these individuals are having meetings in Barava and hotel Saxafi.


An important issue here is demographics, the JVA clans are a minority in the regions that they occupy, from Barava, Marka and lower Shabbele all the way to Juba, frankly without the consent of all the clans it will be a dream to create a federal entity. It seems they dont undertsand how hard it bring to fruition Somaliland and Puntland, it took months and difficult grass root meetings to create the states in the North. Do they believe a meeting between occupiers and two subclans from Galgaduud will bring these large areas aunder their control for good?


Abdiqasin's revenge is the fanatasy of a lonely man who had his time, yet desperately clutching on to every straw..

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Abdiqasim is desperate and a looser,

Barre Hiraale is running scared

Morgan is useless and past his sell by date,

Indhacadde & Serar are tools,

And plus

the 'ministers' in Xamar are thugs and not worthy of mention,

Sharif Hassan is thier tool

the other in MP's in Mogadishu are s*tupids and lost and will soon be overpowered by the National armed forces

On the other hand

President Yusuf is a well distinguished and seasoned leader, and anyone who supports him (including MOxamed dheere) are all Halyeeys and national icons,

and of course President Yusuf and only him knows what is good for this Nation and anyone who questions his actions is a everything bad under the sun,

There must be some facts we are misiing apart from the one he is blood related...Duke..


Ooops..! I forgot 99.9% of he Somalis support the President and his plans which is the best for national interest and rebuilding. All you have to look at is the how he has amased National forces from all regions of Somalia in Jowhar, and soon planning to open a training camp in Mogadishu.


Someone...hit me......! :D:D

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Originally posted by Raqiid:

is that the Ugaas of Cabudwaq, Ugaas Ciise Ugaas Cabdulle Ugaas Siraaj, second from left?

The whole meeting has been portrayed as a tribal conference from the onset. I believe GedoNet was the first to report of the Ugaas' presence. Good to get an image. Barre is a very busy man. After Baraawe, he's scheduled to meet in Balcad, then is expected to fulfill his promise and attend the Ceelwaaq peace talks. Power speaks for itself, I say!

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