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Hey you sports fans over here. I don’t think I have seen this topic in SOL,so the genuis me(shut up),came up with a fresh topic.


Its about the "TOP TEN WORST OFFICIATED FOOTBALL(soccer) GAMES EVER" and then at the end of the draw(i guess someone has to do it) we will come up with the "WORST REFEREE EVER" award.


You can enter as much as many games as you want,but let us limit them to the WORLD CUPS.[For the older faraxs,please no 1966 worldcup trivia BS :D ].


I am gonna start with the 1990 world cup Quarter final game between the English Muffins vs the INDOMINATABLE lions . It probably had to be the worst officiated game ever,basically giving the brits the win, they couldn’t go past the lions defense till they were given two penalties. Bloody racist mexican refferee who probably was given some money or what not. I still beleive cameroon would have gone to the finals had it not been for that **((*&& ref. That probably explains why no african team has gone past the Q/finals since then. Good for nothing burritto eating ref. Come to think of it,the brits never win fairly smile.gif


Lets hear from the fanatiks

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brown:

Its about the

Football (raga ad-adag):



Soccer (raga jilicsan)



The difference? Priceless.


Carry on, my broda, carry on...

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For the love of all things Xalaal,point taken. Soccer is a sissy man's Game smile.gif


Now,do you have any "TOP TEN WORST OFFICIATED FOOTBALL(soccer) GAMES EVER" list that you would like to submit Y?

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^^yes one is the best and most watched in the world and the other is only watched by americans, the difference is huge, one is a simple game played and watched by simple minded people and the other is known as the beautiful game where the passion is unmatched in any sport, i should start a new thread discrediting all american sports (NBA exempt) :D


Faarax, what a coincidence, just last night i was watching the highlights of that game. It was a great World Cup and even though i wanted the Lions to win that game i didnt mind England winning. As for the ref, i dont remember him having a bad game (but yes he is cr*p ref). Both penalties where stone wall pens and you should blame the african mentality - ninku yaanu kudaafin attitude.


The worst referee in the Premiership is Mike Riley, he didnt give Liverpool a penalty for a blatant handball by a Chelsea player, then they went on and won the game :mad: and he the ref in Sundays Man Utd vs Liverpool game :rolleyes:

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Sxb, Sup with you man? Sup with the frustrations? :D Forget the premier league, stick to the world cup. But seriously, I hate Riley and that black ref, they are officially bad refs but I dont know why they don't get relegated to the championships.



I'll come and post my 2 cents.

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The black ref - Uriah Rene used to referee some of our games up norf, hes a cool dude, ppl target him cos hes black. He was actually relegated to the Championship a few years back but made his way up again. How come he doesnt get the high profile games???

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This is more like it...



Rugby (raga ad-adag):




American football (sissies who play the same game as above but with helmets, pads, crotch-protectors and to make it proper sissy - tights)



PS: Soccer is called football by the rest of the world.

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