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Puntland local elections: Good idea or not?

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Puntland Local Government & Rural Development Minister Ali Abdi Aware said that Puntland's local elections will happen between April 1, 2005-July 1, 2005. Good idea or bad idea? Take into account the following story:


( maalmahan ka socday magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta Gobolka Sool Diyaar garwo balaadhan oo laagu jiro soo dhawaynta Wafti balaadhan oo la filayo in ay maalinimada bariya soo gaadhaan Magaalada Laascaanood.


Waftigan ayaa wararku sheegayaan in ay ka mid noqon doonaan xubo ka tirsan Golaha Wasiirada iyo Xildhibaano,iyadoo ay horey u yimaadeen magaalda Laascaanood wafti horu dhaca oo uu hogaaminayey Wasiirka Hawlaha guud iyo Gaadiidka C/laahi Cali Xirsi (Tima-Cade)


Booqashada Waftigan ayaa la xidhiidha labo arimood sida ay noo sheegeen ilo muhiim ah oo ku sugan Magaalo madaxada Puntland ee Garoowe, sidii loo adkayn lahaa Difaaca hore Ciidanka Daraawiishta ee ku sugan jiida Adhi-Cadeeye ee ay isku hor fadhiyaan labada Ciidan, iyo sidii lays kula meel dhigi lahaa Doorashooyinka Deegaamada ee la filayo in ay ka dhacaan 10 April dhamaan gobolada Puntland.


Amuurahan laga dhawaajiyey in ay waftigani u socdaan ayaa dadweynaha SSC ay si yaabo kala duwan u arkeen, iyadoo qaybtooda hore u arkaan in aan xilligan la qaban Karin Doorasho ayna tahay arin aan macquul ahayn in xilligan la qabto Doorashooyinka deegaanka, iyagoo ku tilmaamay kuwo buuq iyo khilaaf dhalin kara, waxaa kale oo ay qabaan in aan bulshada loo jihayn waxaan ahayn Difaaca Dalka.


Waxaase jira afkaar kuwaas ka duwan oo ay qabaan dadka qaarkii oo odhanaysa waa in la qabtaa Doorashooyin maadaama la qabteyba tii madax-timinada ee Puntland ee ay ku tar tamayeen Max’ed Cabdi Xaashi iyo Cadde Musse,doorashadaas oo ku dhacday qaab wagaansan, waxaa kale oo ay sheegayaan dadka u heelan in la qabto Doorashooyinka deegaanka in marka la sameeyo maamul fiican oo la soo doortey ay imaanayso isku duubni iyo kala danbayn buuxda , taasina ay keenayso Maamul tayo leh oo awoodi kara in si fudud looga saaro Malayshida Riyaale deegaanka Puntland.


Warar hordhaca oo ka soo baxay Waftigaas ayaa sheegaya in ay wadaan qorshe ah in ay is badalo ku sameeyaan Maamulka Gobolka iyo kan Degmada ,balse aan Doorashooyin la qaban.

Laascaanood Puntland.

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Puntland should complete the democratic process; citizens should elect all officials in all levels of government.


Local elections is crucial component of the democratic process, and without local elections Puntland democracy will be incomplete, as well as the only way to solve SSC regions crisis and Somaliland-Puntland conflict is through democratic process, and respecting the will of the people in SCC regions.


I just want to remind those who oppose democracy, and self determination of the people inSSC regions, the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." It is the ultimate norm of high morality in all cultures and religions that we should treat people as we would like to be treated.


In Islam, Our prophet Mohammed (May peace and blessings be upon him) said "No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself."



Indeed local elections is a great initiative. And no one can resist the will of the people.

"Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people"

Abraham Lincoln (American 16th US president (1861-65), who brought about the emancipation of the slaves. 1809-1865)

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Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland oo berri Soo gaaraya laascaanood.


{Laascaanood} Maalinamada berri ayaa lagu wadaa in uu Laascaanood yimaado madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland iyo wafdi uu horkacayo.


Soo dhawaynta madaxweyne ku xigeenka iyo wafdigiisa ayaa maalmahaan ka socotay Gudaha magaalada Laascaanood iyadoo la filayey inuu mar hore yimado balse ay baqashooyin fara badan la soo gudboonanaysa.


madaxweyne ku xigeenka PL Xasan Daahir Afqurac ayaa Gudoomiye u ah Guddi loo xilsaaray arrimaha Sool iyadoo sidoo kalena ay warar sheegayan in Doorashooyinka dhinaca deeganka Ee Sool uu qilaaf soo galay Balse lagu wado in uu qabomo sida ay widhwidh Online u xaqiijiyeen Dad xog ogaal ah oo codsaday inaan Magacyadoda la shaacin.


Mar aan Caawa tagay xarunta Dowladda Hoose ee Laascaanood ayaa la diyaarinayey Soo dhoweynta Madaxweyne ku xigeenka iyo wafdigiisa iyadoo la xirxirayey Cod Baahiyasha loogu talagalay in uu Dadweynaha iyo Maamulka gobalkuba kula hadlo Madaxweyne ku xigeenka.


Nuux Muuse Birjeeb Widhwidh Online Laascaanood.

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Xiliga la qabanayo Dorashada Deeganka PL oo la shaaciyey.


{Garowe} Wasiirka Dawladaha Hoose iyo Horumarinta reer Miyiga ee Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland Cali Cabdi Awaare ayaa maanta caasimadda DGPL ee Magaalada Garoowe kaga dhawaaqay wakhtiga la qabanayo doorashooyinka golayaasha deegaanka PL.


Cali Cabdi Awaare oo maanta u warramayey Saxaafadda ayaa sheegay in 10-ka bishan April ee sannadkan 2005, ay bilaabanayaan doorashooyinka golayaasha deegaanka Puntland, iyaga oo socon doona ilaa iyo 10-ka bisha July ee isla sannadkan.


Doorashooyinkan golayaasha deegaanka ayaa waxaa lagu wadaa in ay ka dhacaan ilaa iyo 30 degmo oo ku yaalla Puntland, kuwaas oo loo kala qaybinayo A,B, iyo C.


A, oo ay ku jiraan magaalo madaxyada gobollada Puntland, ayaa waxaa waxaa laga dooran doonaa min 25 xubnood, B, oo ah degmooyinka kale ee ku soo xiga ayaa iyana waxaa laga dooranayaa 21 xubnood, halka degmooyinka heerka C, iyana laga dooran doona min 17 xubnood.


Wasiirka Dawladaha Hoose iyo Horumarinta reer Miyiga DGPL ayaa intaasi ku daray in saddexda heer ee degmooyinka loo kala hor marin doono, iyadoo algu wado in magaalo madaxyada gobollada Puntland ay doorashadu ka dhacdo inta lagu jiro bisha April.


Cali Cabdi Awaare waxaa uu sheegay in ay maamul ahaan ku rajo weyn yihiin hir gelidda doorashooyinkan oo kuu ku tilmaamay "tallaabo lagu baahinayo maamulka Puntland".


Wasiirku waxaa uu sheegay in uu dadweynaha Puntland gacan ka geysan doonaan fududaynta doorashada iyadoo uu mawaadin kastana si iskiis ah isu xilqaami doono.


News Desk widhwidh Online Garowe

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its a good idea that puntland is going to hold local elections, most important being that puntland completes the democratic process from top to bottom. but there are arguments for and against local elections.


arguments for local elections:


- completion of puntlands democratic process

- shacabka always choose the one that is commited to the ppl, so that means a more commited local government

- local government with huge support of the ppl to work with, making its job easier

- shacabka iyo xukuumadda are drawn closer together

- shacabka are more involved with local governance, becuz the local elections gives them the feeling that they are the government

- one of a series of major blows to somalilands recognition for SSCs identity as puntlanders

- development organisations more comfortable seeing puntlands local governments as (reliable) partners with a proper mandate of its ppl



arguments against local elections:


- it can cause deep and intense division between shacabka

- incompetent but popular men can take hold of a responsible position

- the elections is expensive, time consuming, risky and maybe therefore not worth the trouble

- since puntland still has a ban on parties since the c/yussef days (wtf :mad: ) local governments can clash with the central government in garoowe on issues



its a good idea, becuz everything worthwhile brings risks. and just see it this way, why oppose local elections if the arguments against it also applies for presidential elections. faan iga ma ahan, but puntlanders are too politically mature and qabiil weary to allow serious problems. a face of puntlands political maturity is no doubt my man maxamed cabdi xaashi, ex-puntland president.


class A will start wich are the four biggest towns, boosaaso, gaalkacyo, laascaanood and garoowe. class B are for example buuhoodle, qardho, badhan and class C are for example jariiban, taleex, baargaal etcetera.


like i said about the development organisations, haddi ay yihiin soomaali like the pdrc, gecpd or foreign like undp, sacb. theyll have more trust in implementing projects in puntland without worrying about clashing with disturbing characters of the government like in the past. i personally think the un is playing some kind of role behind the scene, cuz its kinda unusual for the PL gov to rush this. normally garoowe is slow as hell.



kollayba i voted that its a good idea.

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this is the vice president xasan daahir afqurac delegation with ministers like xaabsade and awaare:




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