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^There is no such thing as Somalialnd only a secessionist region in Somalia. :D





I didn'nt know I was sitting an exam here, I am giving my opinion here ;)

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"Dawlada Ingiriiska Kama Suurtowdo in ay aqoonsato Beel ka mid ah beelaha Soomaalida"Lord Malloch ..


Wasiirka dhinaca afrika u qaabilsan dalka Boqortooyada Ingiriiska oo kalan la qaatay madaxweyne cabdulaahi Yussuf axmed oo haatan ku sugan Magaalada London,ayaa sheegay in aanay Siyaasada Britin ahayn in la kala qaybiyo Dhul weynaha Soomaaliya,wasiir Lord Malloch Brown ayaa sharax ka bixiyey..


Siyaasada dalkiisa ee ku aadan dalka Soomaaliya,wasiirka ayaa sheegay in ay taageersan yihiin dawlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya oo ah Dawlada ay Soomaalidu u Dhantahay caalamkuna taageersan yahay hiil iyo hoona la garan taagan yahay,wararka sheegaya aqoonsi raadinta Gobolka waqooyi galeed somalia waa been abuur raqiis ah oo aan waxba ka jirin ayuu yiri Lord Malloch Brown.


Kulanka dhex maray wasiirka iyo Madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaa ahaa mid lagu adkaynayey xiriirka u dhexeeya Dawlada Ingiriiska iyo dawlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya,wasiir lord Malloch ayaa sheegay in ay dawladiisu si buuxda u taageersan tahay dawlada federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya,"waxaan la garab taaganahay dawlada Federaalka ah taageero siyaasadeed iyo mid dhaqaale waxaanu ku dedaalaynaa sidii Maamulka dawlada Federaalka ah u wada gaari lahaa guud ahaan dalka soomaaliya.


Madaxweyne cabdulaahi yuusuf axmed ayaa wasiir Lord Malloch uga mahad celiyey kulanka ay wada qaabeen iyo is af garadka dhex maray Wuxuuna sheegay Madaxweyne Yuusuf in xiriirka ka dhexeeya Dawlada Soomaaliya iyo Boqortooyada Ingiriisku sii xoogaysanayo uuna ku Faraxsan yahay kulanka wasiirka dhinaca afrika u qaabilsan dawlada Ingiriiska.


Cabdulaahi Yare


Xargaga Online



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Jacbur, since you have stop there, for sure you have read the title and the first paragraph. The message must have disturbed you……I do not want to go beyond that. It is the carrot stage now. ;) Walaalow sagxaddii baad soo taabatee, think how you can get the most from the federal for our beloved city Hargeisa. The federal parliament is weak now and we are in position to dictate them our demands on specific areas of influences that northwest region should not share with the feds. I mean any power we demand other than secession, we are likely to get now. But, from year now, with the support the fed are getting from the world and the geopolitical change that is fore coming, I am afraid we will be treated as any other province. I mean instead we are wasting money, energy, time and blood, on something that will never materialize, why do not we get the most from the feds? We are in powerful negotiating position. Even, we can rationalize with the world community to relocate the Capital to Hargeisa although temporarily and let the other nations start operating their embassies there. The economic windfall will be unimaginable if you also count in the resources the uncountable NGOs that are prepared to rebuild Somalia will bring to the city. We need thinking heads not dreamers….

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Somaliland iyo Hargeisa jacayl miyaa waxaasi ?? ,,,, sorry to say but i don't buy those sweet words that lack the practical proof


Idinma rabno sxb ,,,, no more caashaq for Somalia meeshan ee ha nagu daalina ,, dantiina qabsada oo idinku heshiiya horta oo dadka xabbada ka daaya masaakiinta aad laynaysaan habeen iyo maalin ,,

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Hit the road jerk

and don't come back no more no more no more no more ,,


Hit the road jerk and don't come backkkkkkk



someone should sing that song for Nayruus and his co :D

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I told you this is the carrot you can say anything you want because I know you feel defeated. Blow it out. You will feel good. But, I am just saying to you let us take the wisdom and advice of these who have built prosperity and democracy and who have been nation-states far more than you and I can remember. And I will keep saying to you brother, brother enough is enough. Let us stop this nonsense.


You see you have the power now as you are saying just now no, no. But, that is what I call soft power and it is transient. Before it dries up lets make use of it, brother.



By the way, how much are you willing to pay so that my signature will disappear? Waxa ay kugu noqtay laf dhuun gashay, nah :D

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Well, my signature beats yours ,,,, full stop :D



What is with all those BROTHER BROTHER now ,,, did they tell you something ?


Adeer Somaliland waa geed ka go'an sidaasaanay ku soconaysaa fad ama ha fadin ,,,, you better beg those Asmara group and their supporters to get things settled in Muqdisho.

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Brother I am begging you.. come to the common sense..come and let us rebuild the Somali Republic. we will be nothing without sharing our fate, sorrow and prosperity with our brothers in the south...we can not afford another civil war…you know and even the king of Saudi Arabia knows the Somalis need each other….les us cut our loses and swallow our pride to do the right thing….brother….brother

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NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ,,,,,, I made my decision 17 years ago and there is no go back.


I've been begging you for 31 years and you never listened ,,,, Not it is time you have to pay the price and go back to your normal sense.

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Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother


We shouldn’t have begged them. We should have taken the leadership 17 years ago. We should have shown the world that the south had wasted 31 years of Somali Republic and when the civil war had started in the south, we should have repatriated the Somali state to our beloved city Hargeisa and should have demanded that it is our turn to keep it for at least 31 years instead of imparking on a dead-end exit.


Whether we like it or not we are part of Somalia. Why do not we organize our talent and get prepared to have our input in the Federal Constitution? As I have said before we have an excellent bargaining chip. Brother..quraan akhriso oo shaydaaka iska naar.. oo fursada ha lumin....

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