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Is Pakistan the 52nd State of America?

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I would like to pose a question that looks at the reality of the relationship of America with Pakistan, Is Pakistan the 52nd state of the United States of America? To answer this question it requires an understanding at the relationship Pakistan has with America. In particular I will focus on the current reality of President Musharraf and George W Bush, but these points can be applied in some way or another throughout the history of this relationship but this relationship has outstripped all previous relations between these states.


If we understand the relationship of the states that make up America we find that they are federal in nature where they have slight autonomy as separate states but unite under the general leadership given by the Bush Administration. So each state would be able to spend its revenues how it wishes, decide its own laws and decide its own governors whilst accepting the general ruling provide by the Republican system.


If we then look at what areas Pakistan has influence over and what areas America has influence over then we can decide whether Pakistan is the 52nd State or not.


Looking at the foreign policy of Pakistan we can see that it is being dictated to by America, George W Bush said “you are either with or against us†and Musharraf duly obliged when other nations such as Turkey said “Noâ€. This acceptance has meant that Pakistan now has a hostile neighbour on its West (in the form of the Northern Alliance that control Afghanistan, which are ably supported by India). The Kashmiri fighters have been ostracised as well as those in South Waziristan under the popular guise of “terrorismâ€, when before they were seen as legitimate Mujahideen.


Looking at the Economic Policy we can see again that it is being dictated to by America, As soon as Musharraf sided with America on its ‘War on Terror’ the IMF suddenly released loans that previously it said that Pakistan could not have due to poor reforms. This argument suddenly disappeared when America flexed its will. As well as receiving these loans in the tune of $6 Billion of which Shaukat Aziz is constantly stating how the economy is performing better belies the fact this is due to the greater reserves that this $6 Billion cash injection of naturally provides. However this hides the true reality, that much of this is rescheduled loans which will still require paying but in 20 years time. All the while accruing the self defeating interest rates, putting this into context we can see that for every $1 that Pakistan has borrowed it has paid back $12 yet still owes $16.


There are other aspects of the economy such as privatisation (which Pakistan is obliged to do as attached to the Loan agreements with the IMF) which, yes, has raised the Production in the country but has allowed foreign companies to purchase and produce and then take out the profits back to their own countries, meaning the wealth that is generated using the resources of Pakistan are filling the accounts of the Western nations. One final point on the Economics is the control of the Budget that again comes from the IMF (America) it requires that Pakistan raise more revenue and reduce public spending hence you see the exorbitant rise in General Sales Tax on commodities that the common man needs yet simply cannot afford.


Looking at the Educational policy we can see that America has decided what curriculum is to be implemented in Pakistan hence we have seen the prohibition of teaching Surah Taubah of the Quran and we see the Madrassas are being clamped down on.


Looking at the internal security situation we see that the FBI has imbedded itself in the nation with it opening at least forty offices in the country, the result of this presence is the continuing fighting in Waziristan. Endless reports of how Muslims are being killed and creating turmoil in the region.


These are the few areas that highlight the influence America has over Pakistan due to the nepotism and compliance of the rulers and Musharraf has been unstinting in this. America wants to fight terrorism and therefore Musharraf wants to fight terrorism, America wants peace over Kashmir and therefore Musharraf wants peace with India and America wants to maintain its dominance as a Nuclear power and therefore Musharraf reduces Pakistan’s


To answer the question then it is clear that Pakistan is not the 52nd State of America because it does not influence even the basic areas that an American state controls, meaning Pakistan is not even able to lay claim to this low status, it is nothing but a subservient entity that acts according to the wishes of America.


This shows the appalling situation that befalls us today, therefore the call is for the removal of Busharraf and the system of Busharraf to be replaced with the Khilafah and directly call on the Military to make this happen.


The Muslims in Britain inshallah will raise their voices for this call by taking part in a mass demonstration from London’s Hyde Park on the 9th of October at 11am to the Pakistan embassy. This call aims to strengthen the call for Khilafah and mobilise the military to respond and remove Busharraf.


Muslims must realise that the direction of their destiny needs to return to their hands and without rising to this call then we will remain a pitiful nominal state. Make your voices heard and take part in this demonstration and this call for Khilafah.

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An open letter from Hizb ut-Tahrir - Britain and the Pakistani Community in Britain to the High Commissioner for Pakistan


We write this letter on behalf of the Pakistani community in Britain to express our grave concerns regarding Pakistan’s steadfast support of America’s war against terrorism, which by all accounts is a vicious crusade against Islam and the Muslim Ummah.


Nonetheless, what troubles us most is not America’s crusade against Islam but the Musharraf regime’s inability to stand firm against this unjust war. If a small nuclear power like North Korea could reject American demands then what prevents Pakistan, a nuclear power with a large army, from taking up a similar position? Pakistan could have further diminished the American threat by using its close relationship with China to neutralise the perceived American-Indian advances. Instead, Musharraf gave America precious access to Pakistani air bases and waterways thereby alienating China. We would like to ask the High Commissioner how is it possible for the Musharraf regime to maintain it had no choice in siding with America’s war on Islam?


The Musharraf regime’s complicity in the crusade against Islam does not stop there. Until now Musharraf has maintained categorically that the only way to counter terror and remove backwardness from Pakistani society is to reform Islam. To describe how Islam should be moulded to conform to western standards, Musharraf has invented a new term called ‘enlightened moderation’. We would like to ask the High Commissioner how can Islam be blamed for the ills of Pakistani society, given that since 1947 Pakistan has only implemented secularism and western inspired solutions?


We believe that the only solution to the backwardness and decline faced by Pakistan lies in the system of Khilafah Rashidah, which was revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw). When the system of Khilafah Rashidah was implemented it raised the Bedouin Arabs to new heights and brought forth an enlightened civilisation and culture which the world had not witnessed the like of before. Even non-Muslims looked at the Khilafah system with a mixture of envy and awe. We would like to ask the High Commissioner why the present government is opposed to the re-establishment of the Khilafah Rashidah and why it is so eager to imprison those who call for its return?


We, the Pakistani community of Britain, demand a public response to these questions.

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