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World responds to Katrina with compassion — mostly



Islamic extremists rejoiced in America's misfortune, giving the storm a military rank and declaring in Internet chatter that "Private" Katrina had joined the global jihad, or holy war. With "God's help," they declared, oil prices would hit $100 a barrel this year.

It's a disgrace onto us and our religion when we let it be dragged across the floor like that. Have we become so enthralled in a quest for nationalism that we have forsaken the moral and legal requirements of a true Jihad? Have we become so disillusioned that we purposely twist our religion and its doctrines to suit our whims? Why are these people who profess to share the Islamic religion with us tarnishing the good name of our religion? How is that they can call the massive destruction of life, innocent lives of the young, old, sick, handicap, etc, a Jihad? Do they equate the annual earthquakes in Turkey or Iran to a Jihad too? Why, how, why, how is all I can ask at this moment of anger and confusion ilaahay baan ku daartay!


What does Jihad have to do with this? Do they understand what Jihad means? Do they understand what it stands for? Do they..? Do they..? Do they..


Well I am going on a Jihad myself! Jihad wal-bidca and Jihad wal-munaafaqiin! I am prescribing the Jihad of the mouth and speaking out against the innovators and the hypocrits of our religion! These people limiting the conversions to our religion. These people sowing the disunity and turmoil within the Islamic people. These people morally descrediting the peace our religion stands for and is named for! I cannot describe my anger at the labeling of the destruction that overcame innocent people as Jihad. :mad:


Was it not a pagan woman, a prostitue of great calibre, that was granted paradise because of a last act? The act of giving a sip of water from a nearly-empty canteen to a thirsty dog in the middle of a desert? That one good act sealed for her a great fate. A good act directed at an animal, much less a human being in the most dire of situations! Yet, in this day and age the suffering of humans who neither need it nor deserve it is called a Jihad... :mad:

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

It's a disgrace onto us and our religion when we let it be dragged across the floor like that.

For you to associate Islam with these individuals on the basis of a report published in Western Media itself is a grave error. Your believe in your faith should be firm so that you can differentiate The real way of Islam and a concerted propaganda to mar the its pillars.

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Jumatatu you have managed to lose the whole gist of my thread. You accuse me of associating Islam with these, while I am, to the contrary, disassociating Islam and Muslims from these people. As for the this "Western report", implied with the heavy ignorant cynicism so famous of our people, I assure there were and are plenty of news reports, some western some not, reporting on that same topic though it was by some coincedence that I had chosen USAToday.


Your believe in your faith should be firm so that you can differentiate The real way of Islam and a concerted propaganda to mar the its pillars

My faith does not need to be affirmed, and it was because of the image of Islam that was being presented to those studying the religion, to those who haven't converted yet and are looking at it, that I had in mind when I decided to post it.


One question though; Who is the one employing a concerted propaganda to mar the pillars of our religion? The "Muslims" that were being reported upon, or the "western media" that was reporting?

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^^In reference to your last question, the latter.As for the gist of your earlier post, you were merely following the lead of the western media by accepting what they call Islam, hence questioning whether you share the same believe as them. Which is exactly what they(western media) want you to question. You are the same as the the those Muslim leaders who were apologising for the crimes committed by he suiciders as if it is/was a Islamic policy.

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^^In reference to your reponse and to this topic, you do not think that certain Muslims are handing the western media a silver platter to blacklist us :confused: Where do you think they would get their propaganda if it weren't for the people my thread is about?

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horn afrique, why do you have to associate what few people who claim to be muslims post on internet, there are 1.2billion muslims, are you responsible all of their actions? have you ever seen methodists coming out and apologizing for what timothy did in alabama? have you ever seen jews apologizing for what their extremists do?have you ever seen christians apologizing for any crimes that are committed on their name? the answer is no, so why on earth do some muslims act as if they are responsible for all the crimes committed by any muslim. :confused:

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Katrina a sign of divine wrath say fundamentalists


As religious and political leaders offered prayers for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, some Christian fundamentalists suggested the storm was the work of an angry God bent on punishing a sinful nation.


In news releases and internet chat rooms, some fundamentalists said the hurricane was sent to punish New Orleans, a city known for Mardi Gras and other raucous festivals.


Others said the disaster, which may have killed thousands in Louisiana and Mississippi, was revenge for the United States' support of the removal of Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip.


"Whenever this country encourages Israel to give up any part of their rightful God-given land we have suffered the consequences," wrote a discussion-board participant on the website of the Christian Broadcasting Network.


A Philadelphia group called Repent America said the hurricane was sent by God to prevent an annual gay pride festival that was due to take place this weekend.


"We must not forget that the citizens of New Orleans tolerated and welcomed the wickedness in their city for so long," said Repent America director Michael Marcavage. "May this act of God cause us all to think about what we tolerate in our city limits."


Evangelical leaders like Jerry Falwell and Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson urged their followers to pray for the victims and contribute to relief efforts, but made no public statements about the reason for the hurricane.


But Franklin Graham, who heads the evangelical charity Samaritan's Purse, said on the Fox News Channel the mayhem and looting in New Orleans could be traced to a lack of religious instruction.


"This happens in our country when we have taken God out of our schools and God out of our, out of society. We don't have a moral standard," he said.


Political leaders urged prayer as well.


"God is responsible for this and in his own time he will reveal why," said Illinois Democratic congressman Jesse Jackson Jr at a news conference.


American Christians have often seen the hand of God behind natural disasters, religious experts said.


Probably half of the US population believes that a divine power sends judgment through hurricanes, floods and natural disasters, said John Green, a senior fellow with the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, a Washington think tank.


"The basic idea that God is in charge and he expects people to behave and he isn't happy when they don't - that's a very common idea," Green said.


A small number of Christians believe that the United States needs to support Israel in order to bring about the return of Christ, said William Lawrence, dean of the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.


"Those who hold such a view would tend to see any cataclysmic act as a sign of punishment, but much more responsible theologians would argue that that's far too mechanical a notion of the way God operates," he said.



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