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Aan Aqoonsano Somaliland Ilayn anaga sidaan ayaan noqonaye !!

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While i was internet surfing after afur

this article get my attention. any comment what is your opinion about Somalinimo and somaliweyn. for me if i say i don't want somaliweyn its not same my love of somali people is dead.


Aan Aqoonsano Somaliland Ilayn anaga sidaan ayaan noqonaye !!

Waagacusub Online, Faalada Saxnuuni


Marka cinwaankan ay arkaan dad badan ayaa u arki kara inaan ahay nin jecel in soomaaliya la kala goo- gooyo laakiin ma ahan sababtoo ah waan aragnaa xaalada meesha ay marayso, bal aynu eegno xaalkeena iyo kan Somaliland waa mid aad u kala fog.


Bal eeg somaliland waa meel ka jirta, ammaan , horumar, waxbarsho, maamul, kala dambeyn, doorasho caalami ah, isixtiraamid qabaa’ilada dhexdeeda, xitaa waxyaabaha I farxad galiyay waxaa kamid ah qaabka doorshada baarlamaanka ay u dhacday oo waxaa goob ka ahaa xubno caalami ah oo karjoogo ka ahaa doorashada iyo waxyaabo kale oo badan oo aanan soo koobi Karin.anagana dil, dhac, dagaal sokeeye, reer hebel na maamuli maayaan, is ku hub urursi iwm.




Mida kale dadka reer Somali land waxay na sugaayeen mudo badan oo ay is lahaayeen walaalahiin maamul bay samaysanayaan laakiin nasiib daro may san dhicin shan iyo toban sano kadib waxaan u laabanay is ku hub urursi iyo isku diyaarin dagaalo sokeeye oo ay hor kacayaan dadka na horboodayo oo isku sheega inay yihiin siyaasiyiin Balse aan aniga u arko dad aanwali gaarin xaqiiqda heerka qof siyaasi uu ku noqon karo sababtoo ah siyaasiga waa nin u naxa dadkiisa ee ma ahan midka u tafo xayta laynta shaqsiga dadkiisa.




Dhinaca kale dadka reer Somaliland waa dad jecel soomaali nimada laakiin ma ahan inaan u lug goyno walaalaheena sababtoo ah haday helaan aqoonsi caalamiya ayaga garab na siinaayo sida Jabuuti hada wanaageena ay u jecashahay waxayna u heelan yihiin inaan lugaheena isku taagno, waxaa is wey diin mudan ma walaaltanimaa inaan is lug goyno? Ma haboon tahay hadii midnimada dhib kaynayso? Midnimada ha dambaysee hada aan qabano inta aan awoodno soomaaliyeey.


Waxyaabaha iga yaabiyay waxaa weeye mar aan shaqo u tagay Hargaysa caasimada Somaliland in dadka halkaa ku nool ay noo soo dhaweeyeen si walaaltanimo leh oo igu abuurtay jacyl soomaalinmo. Marka ay nu kala qaadno soomaali nimada iyo maamul dawladeedka, aan kala saarno soomaaliyaan jeclahay hadana kama shaqaynaayo horu mar soomaalida waa mid aan isqaadanaynin.




Wax yaabaha cajiibka waxaa ka mid ah in dadka qaar ay iska dhaadhiciyaan in Somaliland aysan isu taagi karin kaligeed, taasi waa been ay is ka dhaadhiciyeen siyaasigeena caqliyan dhiman,sabab too ah dowlado ka yar yar dhul ahaan iyo tiro ahaan ayaa jira caalamka sida jabuuti oo kale marka fikir kaas waa in la iska iloobaa, waa sax inay muhuum tahay in soomaali weyn ay ahaato mid su’aasha meesh tagan waxaa weeye waa goormaa? Waa sida uu horay u yiri Madaxweyniihii hore ee Somaliland Allaha u naxariistee Mudana Cigaal oo qabay in soomaali weyn mar uun ay midoobayso laakiin waqtigaa dhiman, marka reer Somaliland waa dad aamin san soomaalinida laakiin hada xaalada aynu eegno, daruufta anagaa sabab u ah hadaanan wax isku qarinaynin, oo keenaysid inaanan hada midoobi karin.




Hada caaalamka waxa uu qarka u saran yahay inuu aqoonsado Somaliland waana dulqaadka ay sameeyeen, sababtoo ah waxay caalamka tusiyeen wax qabad sax ah iyo doorasho aad ugu fiican xitaa wadamo badan oo afrikaan ah iyo carabba, iyo waliba dimoqraadiyad sax ah oo lagu kalsoonaan karo, marka inta uusan caalamka nooga hormarin aqoonsiga Somaliland aan kaga hormarno soomaaliyay,Xaqiiqda cid nooga dhawaanayso ma lahan ilayn waa dalkeenii bal waaxaaba dhacaysi inay garab na siiyaan oo ay tababaraan siyaasigeena qabyaalada qalbiga gashay oo qarankii qabiil u maleeya.


War anagaa carruurteena mustaqbal u diidnee aan u ogolaano walaaheena, war anagaa qaran diidnee aan u ogolaano walaaheena Somaliland, war anagaa sharaf diidnee aan u ogolaano walaalaheena, war anaga ma hayno caqli aan is ku taagnee aan u ogolaano walaalaheena Somaliland, war ma hayno caqli aan is ku maamulno aan aqoonsano walaalaheena oo ilaahay waafajiyay inay is maamulaan, war maanta aan wax u tarno walaalaheena Somaliland say wax nooga taraan mustaqbalka.




Ma ahan jacayl wadaniyada in aad ka shaqayso lug gooyada walaalahaa, ma ahan wadaniyada in aad ka shaqayso midnimo lagu baaba aayo ama hadaan si kale u dhigo midnimo lagu hoogaayo maxay noo taraysaa? Waa maya waxaa wax noo tareeyaa is aqoonsi ay ku noolaanayaan walaalaheena soomaali weyn oo ku salaysan is ogaansho ku dheehan dad jacayl iyo wadaniyad.




Marka waxaan is leeyahay maqaalkaan oo aan ku cabiraayo fikir kayga igama ahan inaan jeclahay in la kala goo- gooyo Jamhuuriyada sooomaaliya balse waxay iga tahay war sidee loo badbaadiyaa soomaalida qaar, marka hadii soomaaliya ay baaba ayso ma ahan in la hor istaago soomaali kale oo horu mar gaaraysa, ma ahan inaan niraahno wadiniyadu waa in is xayirnaa, ee waa inaan wax isku ogolaanaa oo aan ka tagnaa xaasid nimada, waxaan qabaa in siyaasigeena uu mar marsi ka dhigto Midnimada waa muqadas. War aaway muqadis nimada walaaltanimdeena, oo ah in laga shaqeeyo hour markeena, mida kale siyaasi gudan waayay xalin qabiilkiisa maa xalin kara soomaali weyn?waa maya, mida kale waxaan la yaabaa siyaasi jacel midnimada soomaali weyn hadana ku farxaayo dhiiga qabiil kale ama ka shaqeenaayo burburinta qabiil isaga la dega koonfurta soomaaliya, mar kaas ayaa af uuka leeyahay “ ma aqabalayno in Somaliland ay gooni is ku taagtoâ€Waa xaasid nimo uun saan arko aniga maxay tahay diid mada intaa la eg, oo ah inaanan ogolayn soomaalida inay aqoon sadaan walaalahooda Somaliland.




Ugu dambayn soomaalida waxay ku maahmaahdaa gaalka dil gartiisa sii, hada waan aragnaa in Somaliland uduun ka indhaha ku sii taagayo ma waxaan sugnaa intay aqoon sanayaan ama waxaa haboon inaan anaga ka hormarno? Jawaabta waxaa weeye aan bilowno AQOONSIGA SOMALILAND, sababtuna way cadahay waxa weeyey hada dowlada aan soo dhisanay waan aragnaa meesha ay marayso oo ah in maanta hub uu ka dagay dekeda macmalka ah ee Ceel macaan oo looga tala galay dagaal iyo dhiig cusub oo dowlada dhexdeeda ah, walaalaheena Somaliland-na waa inay ka shaqeeyaan inay u caqli celiyaan siyaasigeena caqligiisu yahay inuu laayo dadkiisa .


W?Q Suxufigga weyn ee


Xuseen Saxnuuni,


Cairo, egypy

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Bal eeg somaliland waa meel ka jirta, ammaan , horumar, waxbarsho, maamul, kala dambeyn, doorasho caalami ah, isixtiraamid qabaa’ilada dhexdeeda, xitaa waxyaabaha I farxad galiyay waxaa kamid ah qaabka doorshada baarlamaanka ay u dhacday oo waxaa goob ka ahaa xubno caalami ah oo karjoogo ka ahaa doorashada iyo waxyaabo kale oo badan oo aanan soo koobi Karin.anagana dil, dhac, dagaal sokeeye, reer hebel na maamuli maayaan, is ku hub urursi iwm.

How dare this moryan speak for the entire Somali nation. Soomaaliya oo dhan Xamar lee ma ahan. As long as there is Puntland, Somaliland is going nowhere.

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How dare this moryan speak for the entire Somali nation. Soomaaliya oo dhan Xamar lee ma ahan. As long as there is Puntland, Somaliland is going nowhere.

Magaca Suxufi god haloo qodo oo hala duugo!


Today anybody with a computer and little knowledge of Webdesigning can reach millions around the world. Thus anybody can claim to be sheikh, suxufi, and any other title. This sufuxi and others have now a good weapon to decieve the public.


I'm not denying the fact that people in Waqooyi somalia have achieved peacefull societies. But i'm not also gonna deny the fact that many other parts of somalia accomplished the same, peacefull regions.


For the recognition part, i can only support when all peoples including those in sool and sanaag fully support such quest and also the rest of somalia should have a say in this important issue.

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Originally posted by haruun:

Magaca Suxufi god haloo qodo oo hala duugo!


Today anybody with a computer and little knowledge of Webdesigning can reach millions around the world. Thus anybody can claim to be sheikh, suxufi, and any other title. This sufuxi and others have now a good weapon to decieve the public.


I'm not denying the fact that people in Waqooyi somalia have achieved peacefull societies. But i'm not also gonna deny the fact that many other parts of somalia accomplished the same, peacefull regions.


For the recognition part, i can only support when all peoples including those in sool and sanaag fully support such quest and also the rest of somalia should have a say in this important issue.

Well said !!!

There are many regions in Somalia that achieved peace and some progress, Such as Hiiraan, Jowher, Somaliland, and Puntland. All of these regions deserve respect and admiration.


In Somaliland’s Case, true Somaliland achieved peace and some progress like many other regions of Somalia, and thats good for Somaliland. However, in no matter what extent of peace or development that Somaliland achieved, Somaliland cannot hide or justify their aggression against Sool Sanaag and Cayn people.



Hergeysa clan faction (exSNM) cannot advocate for self-determination for so-called Somaliland (Hergeysa-Barbara-Burco Triangle), while they don’t want to respect the will of Sool Sanaag and Cayn people


What a Hypocrisy!!!

If Somaliland doesn’t want to waste another 15 years, they need to end the hypocrisy and duplicity !

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Originally posted by Sky:

How dare this
speak for the entire Somali nation. Soomaaliya oo dhan Xamar lee ma ahan. As long as there is Puntland, Somaliland is going nowhere. [/QB]

:D ^

ain't this the pot calling the kettle black

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Dear SOl I was expecting more rational reactions, but most of you speaks from emotional par of your brain not rational intellectual part.

How dare this moryan speak for the entire Somali nation. Soomaaliya oo dhan Xamar lee ma ahan. As long as there is Puntland, Somaliland is going nowhere.

Dear sky every Somali has wright to speaks for Somalia if you don't accept that "Moryan" can talk about entire Somalia than you aren't unionist so you have to accept that every region decide their destiny. you said As long as there is Puntland, Somaliland is going nowhere. and I said Hashaan gaado waynow libaax uga gabanwaayay inaan gorayo cawl uga tagaa waa waxaan la helatn (Timacade)

For the recognition part, i can only support when all peoples including those in sool and sanaag fully support such quest and also the rest of somalia should have a say in this important issue.

Somaliland is going to accomplish this project with or without Laasanod,Lasqoray,taleex,dhahar and Buuhoodle. In my opinion the people in this area should chose their destiny but they don't have right to stop Somaliland.

Hergeysa clan faction (exSNM) cannot advocate for self-determination for so-called Somaliland (Hergeysa-Barbara-Burco Triangle), while they don’t want to respect the will of Sool Sanaag and Cayn people


What a Hypocrisy!!!

If Somaliland doesn’t want to waste another 15 years, they need to end the hypocrisy and duplicity !

Dear Soomaal who is wasting 15 years Somaliland or the rest of Somalia. In one line you admit success of Somaliland and second line you are talking about time wasting are you thinking or you are in emotional hijacking.

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Originally posted by qumane:



Hergeysa clan faction (exSNM) cannot advocate for self-determination for so-called Somaliland (Hergeysa-Barbara-Burco Triangle), while they don’t want to respect the will of Sool Sanaag and Cayn people


What a Hypocrisy!!!

If Somaliland doesn’t want to waste another 15 years, they need to end the hypocrisy and duplicity !


Dear Soomaal who is wasting 15 years Somaliland or the rest of Somalia. In one line you admit success of Somaliland and second line you are talking about time wasting are you thinking or you are in emotional hijacking
Dear qumane

Definitely, you did not understand my point, true I acknowledge the success of many regions in Somalia in terms of peace and progress such as Puntland, Somaliland, Awdal,Hiiraan and Jowher.


However, so-called Somaliland for the last 15 years failed in their campaign to establish clan-state recognized by international community, accordingly will Somaliland waste another 15 years or will they become conscious the realities on the ground and forget the clan utopia state?


The world is fully aware the fact that major regions/clans of north Somalia (former British Somaliland) oppose the secessionist tribal faction based in Hergeysa. Also the fact that Hergeysa Tribal faction is a belligerent faction that’s threat to its neighbors particularly Sool Sanaag and Cayn regions.

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How dare this moryan speak for the entire Somali nation. Soomaaliya oo dhan Xamar lee ma ahan. As long as there is Puntland, Somaliland is going nowhere.

So are you saying that puntland sole purpose of existance is for XAASIDNIMO purposes :D i believe someone has let the cat out of the.. bag :eek:



imitate all you like my friend but that wont get you far ;)

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However, so-called Somaliland for the last 15 years failed in their campaign to establish clan-state recognized by international community, accordingly will Somaliland waste another 15 years or will they become conscious the realities on the ground and forget the clan utopia state?


The world is fully aware the fact that major regions/clans of north Somalia (former British Somaliland) oppose the secessionist tribal faction based in Hergeysa. Also the fact that Hergeysa Tribal faction is a belligerent faction that’s threat to its neighbors particularly Sool Sanaag and Cayn regions.

Dear Somaal

If you said What somaliland did last 15 years is wast of time. than we cann't agree what is good and what is bad because good/bad is relative according philosophi Nothing is good or bad only thinking mind made it(wax qof ceebtiiyaa mid kale caadadiis ah). My thinking mind said if you cann't deal with your brother right way than leave him and chose your own dasteny insteed of conflict and later if you see right way to deal with him you can change your mind. and for you "Kala go'kala lulashaa ka roon".

For the case of Laasanod,Buuhodle,Taleex,Lasqoray IWM Waxba yay iga daba lulani ima celinkaraane ama ha i raceen ama ha iga hadhaan.

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Soomaaliya oo dhan Xamar lee ma ahan.

:D War reer somaliland waxeey yaqiin hargieso iyo muqdisho bas, truth be told they are the most ignorant about Somalia.


There are many regions in Somalia that achieved peace and some progress, Such as Hiiraan, Jowher, Somaliland, and Puntland. All of these regions deserve respect and admiration.

Jowhar I just loved the way he put that city in and hiiraan. If I recall they are having been fightings and killings going on in all those places you mentioned within in the last two months, NO?

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Originally posted by qumane:

Laasanod,Buuhodle,Taleex,Lasqoray IWM Waxba yay iga daba lulani ima celinkaraane ama ha i raceen ama ha iga hadhaan.

Intaas weeye waxa aan raadineyno. Waxaad dooratay in lagaa hadho, Ok taas waa kugu raacsanahey, adiguse managa hareysaa????


Well said SOO MAAL

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its been sometimes since i started visiting this section of nomads which i call it no-minds. politics section. dont get me wrong admist. iam not refering to the administration but to the members. here some of em seems learned indivduals but when you read their arguments and postings youll think they are Geel-jires right from baadia.its so unfortunate to find that even the few young ppl that had the opportunity to escape from that land, where survival for the fitest is the find themselves learning and practicing the same Aacrimonious ideas that made them asylees in other peoples lands.we all know and you all know well how things are back home. Arguing via the web like naago laislaqabo will not change anything back home. My advice to you guys is, stop all this self serving biasness you posting us here and come with ideas to solve this problems if not why not save your time and get your homework done instead. Wallhi the time you guys are wasting writing and pasting this irelevant and contradicting arguments could be used in better ways. All in all if you guys have such personal attachment to this divisive somali politics why not go to those Fadhi kudirir places and get your fill.



Somalis needs revolution the question is when and who will bring it?

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