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Should Wadaads lead the way?

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So much tribalism, so much hatred, so much differences Somalia is burning and does not seem it will stand from the wreckage in the very foreseeable future (at least in my observations). Somalia problem without shadow of a doubt is to do with tribalism and no sane individual can deny that.


For a doctor to cure an illness he will have to find the causes first and only then he can do something about it. For me it seems Somalis know the causes but for reasons that I don’t know they trying to cure it with remedies that do not bring solutions. Lately I was thinking of what can bring us together once again and cease the hatred and tribalism that hindered us for decades and left our country in ruins. As we are a Muslim nation I thought Islam is the way and how about if we give a chance the Wadaads they might end the hatred, tribalism etc. At least they will be better than the opportunistic, power hungry so called leaders that front our chaotic political scenes.


What do you think nomads? If you don’t see the Wadaads dont stand a chance of bringing any solutions what do you think is the solution for our trouble?

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As we are a Muslim nation I thought Islam is the way and how about if we give a chance the Wadaads they might end the hatred, tribalism etc.

yes islam is the way but muslims are not all wadaads. they are only one section of the society or should i say one profession. wadaads were part of the problem, many of they either supported their tribe or militant out dated opinion of some islamic schools and went war with their own people. i think the solution is for all somalis to contribute running their country and no one section can restore a somali government. mind you i may support an specific individual wadaads that show experience and knowledge.

best wishes

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Thanks Yacquub this is


Originally posted by New-nation:

yes islam is the way but muslims are not all wadaads. they are only one section of the society or should i say one profession. [/QB]

I think the problem starts from here, when the wadadisim become a profession? if you look back to history you will find that this phenomena began when the European Imperialism come to our land and the reason was that they already seperated the religion from their daily life and confined in the Church So they want us to be like them :rolleyes: and we did redface.gif

before that period there was no so-called WADAAD & WARANLE in Muslim societies, of course there was a Mufti,Caalim, Sheikh whatever you call and such a high rank sheikh should exist anytime. but the rest of the people were muslims who do their obligations upon ALLAH and their societies too. There were never been such division of labour yes, we have to divide our skills in this world such as Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Electrician, driver, business people, politician etc. but all of us should obey ALLAH, because you may not need to be neither Doctor nor Plumber in your life as you can get their help whenever you need them if you pay some money ... but your mother/father will not going to help you in Aakhira, and that's why they were all ALLAH obedience.

In my opinion, as long as the wadaado and the rest of the society see themselves as a different from each other, there should be no solution to our problems. we have to return as we were before the colonialism and then we can choose anyone who has the leadership charecters.

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First of all nice to see the site is up and running again.


New nation, by Wadaads i mean people who have Islamic knowledge (Elm) not not as an entity or group. Also I agree some Wadaads took part the civil war in one way or onother but as a Muslim nation we are not i think scarce of good people who have the leadership our country needs. I am talking about some one who has the quality or near of what Prophet Yusuf (A.S) put himself up for the top post ( he said I am knowledgeable and trustworthy).


Muraad, i also agree Wadaads in general i think need to unite themselves and take the people on board not isolating themselves as a different body.


ok let me break down the question for you is Islam the solution of our problem? And if yes how can it be put in practice in our country with all these differences? i hope this clear for all.

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Originally posted by YACQUUB:

ok let me break down the question for you is Islam the solution of our problem? And if yes how can it be put in practice in our country with all these differences? i hope this clear for all.

Asalaamu Alaykum!


To answer the first part of your question:


As Muslims we believe that the solution to every problem can be found in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh). Islam is the religion of light, it guides us to enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong and to believe in Allah.


If the Somali people acted upon their religion, its teachings, forbade and stayed away from what it prohibits, they would without a doubt be among the successful both in this world and in the hearafter.


You asked a very important question: how can we put this cure into practice in our motherland.


I believe they best way is to encourage our people to put their faith into practice. A Muslim is not only a noun it is also a verb, to become a Muslim one has to put his faith into action, he must 'Do' what his faith commands, and 'Forbid' what it prohibits.


Our people love their religion, we are very proud of it, and most of us follow it the best way they can or know. There are many people in our country who love to follow ther religion but know very little of it, they can't read, they don't have people to guide them, so they practice they best way they can.


Here are is a list of what I think should be done in order for Islamic Parties to succeed in Somalia:


1. Form a Political Parties outside the Masjid.


2. Promote Education - less than 30% of Somalis can read and write. That is a very sad. These parties should promote knowledge, both Islamic and the Sciences are important.


3. Fund & Build public services such as; Hospitals, Schools, Masjids Wells, shelters, iwm. They need to win the hearts and minds of the people. They are the servents of their people - so they must serve them.


I think if these three things are done, If the people of knowledge, unite themseves, establish a political party that calls people to unity, justice, and development they will succeed. Maybe not in a short-time, but in the long run they will. If they sell their seeds of peace and prosperity to the four winds they will be successful.

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Originally posted by YACQUUB:



New nation, by Wadaads i mean people who have Islamic knowledge (Elm) not not as an entity or group.

as you may gather by now, indivitual cant solve our problem whatever solution he/she may have. group or team that have similar belief, can work together and provide political solution to our problem can succeed.


I am talking about some one who has the quality or near of what Prophet Yusuf (A.S) put himself up for the top post ( he said I am knowledgeable and trustworthy).

as i said my earlier post and now again any individual who has those quality is welcome wadaad or non-wadaad.


ok let me break down the question for you is Islam the solution of our problem? And if yes how can it be put in practice in our country with all these differences? i hope this clear for all.

islam can be our solution if we follow its teaching. we cant have both ways, on one hand break every rule in Allah's book and at the same time reap benefits of being a muslim. as the word islam means total submission to Allah, muslims must obay Allah, follow his prophet's teachings and use their god given brain to solve their problems.


in practice there must be group of people who understand islam's principals and foundamentals. these people must conduct their business accouding islam and not slogans. they need to find political solution to our problem. as long as we put tribelsm above islam, islam cant solve our problems.


best wishes

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Yacquub Sxb, this is very important article, but it has many different perspectives, for example; I think no one (in Somalia) would reject that the ISLAM is the solution of our problems. However, there are very minority group who oppose this approach but they cann't publically express their view, So they're working hard to prevent this to happen i.e Wadaado to lead the country, their best tool is to exploit the difference between Wadaado themselves on one hand and the difference between the Wadaado and the public opinion on the other hand.

So, don't you think that as long as these differnces exist this minority who are now gathering in Nairobi would lead us?

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