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^^Still that doesn't prove that the man is being held ransom by Eritrea or that he takes his position because of his inclusion on the cimamad-terror list. Adi un baa waxa iska camirtay, with your mate Baashi!

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^^Do you blv Eritrea has an influence on the good Sheekh? You think inay sadaqo tahay position ka ay somalia ka qaadanayyaan?


I have no insight info. This is the only explanation i could come up with when the good Sheekh adopts a position he couldn't even articulate. 'Ethiopia la rabaa in waji quruxleh lagu saaro',or something to that effect he said. What was that supposed to mean adeer.

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^^I don't think it is the only explanation you could come up with, it is probably the only explanation you want to come up with, due to your prejudices. :D Ertirean support isn't free, but I already told you Aweys hasn't changed his position one IOTA , with or without Eritrea. The man is simply against:


1.Surrendering to Somali warlords and accepting them as legitimate rulers of Somalia( this is something Shariff vowed he would never do only a few monthgs ago)


2. Abandoning calls for Shariah and turning an Islamic movement into another secular-tribal power hungry entity


3. Legitimizing thousands of foreign UN troops to prop up the Ethiopian stooges (a job Xabashis couldn't do), whilst his forces have to be condemned.



Granted the man isn't the greatest diplmat of politician in the world and he doesn't articulate an argument like Shariff can. But at least he has firm principles he adheres too, unlike Shariff who could argue for one thing one day, only to so eloquently argue against the same thing. Xita, I read an article in which he purpotedly said SOmalia SHarica lagu xukumaya( after he signed the Djibouti deal) :D

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:


I am still giving Sh Aweys the benefit of doubt for he is in a very tough position...remember he is in a dictator's hand. Till he comes out of that place i withhold judgement bro...

Sounds like something Duke would say.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

I don't see how the divisions within this group serves anybody. It just complicates things farther, but I guess this is expected in Somali politics-old coalitions give way to new ones, same players with just diffirent shirts. Peace is impossible when groups change their political view at whip just to farther their own interests. I rather deal Roobow and co and the Ethios. Atleast, they both have one thing in mind and can keep their officers in line.


And honestly, I have said this before what could the TFG and Sharif deliver anyway. Violence is unabated as the real powers (Al-Shabaab and Tigrays) ain't interested in negoitating.

True say, still I wonder what Sharif was thinking this whole time. He fully knew he couldn't implement any agreement that did not have the backing of those fighting on the ground and to an extent the rest of the ARS leadership. So what was there to benefit from going at it alone? Perhaps prolonging the misery of those whom are already suffer from the occupation and maybe give false hope to a minority of overt and covert TFG supporters that their 'government' was finally going to be legitimized in the eyes of Somalis. The quickest way out of this mess I still believe is for the US and Ethio's to directly engage with the resistance and its leadership. When that Ethio ambassador crashed the peace talks and Sheikh Sharif and the rest were upset, I think they should have seen it as an opportunity to engage a real power broker in the Ethio Government, one who has the ear of the hyper power in the United States. For the time being I don't see any resolution coming to this conflict without the explicit engagement of the United States and to some extent its agent power in the horn, the government of Ethiopia. Now anybody who has self-deluded beliefs of this being a 'somali conflict' than by all means carry on as you were and do not mind this side note.

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^^Engage with Ethiopia and US but not with other somalis because they are....


^^That's absurdity cubed!


Redka, you are full of crap adeer, and it's not pretty really when you show it like that!

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Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah meets with Somalis in Minnesota


by A. Jahweyn

Monday, July 28, 2008


Minneapolis, MN (HOL) - In an effort to propagate the Djibouti accord and seek advice, UN special representative to Somalia Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah paid visit to Minnesota where majority of the Somalis in the US resides. In part, the purpose of the visit was explained to be an outreach effort to the Somalis in the diaspora.


Organizers told Hiiraan Online that this conference was inclusive, bipartisan and open to the public.


Mr. Abdallah started his speech with a disclaimer arguing what he was going to say was just his “personal experience … opinion as Muslim and African”. Also, Ambassador Ahmedou stated that he was there to seek advice on how to best pursue peace in Somalia from the Somalis in the Diaspora.


Ahmedou’s remarks seemed to focus on alleviating the suffering of the Somalis by finding resources and political settlements between the opposing groups. Speaking of badly needed resources, Ambassador Ahmedou talked about how the people of Somalia could benefit from relocating the UN staff in Nairobi to Somalia. He argued that even though these individual are collecting salaries to help Somalis they don’t live in Somalia and don’t rent, buy or pay Somalis.


Representative Ahmedou ask the Somalis in Diaspora to united and work hard to attract the bigger countries like the United States to bring stabilities to their homeland. He said “Somalis has to take leading role in efforts to bring solution to their long lasting conflict … you must work with your elected officials about bring peace to Somalia” he added


Additionally, he said “Somalis in the diaspora must protect their country’s name, Somalia, work hard and organize to succeed life in their adopted country, and be positive partners in the peace process back home.”


As a lot of countries where not forthcoming to provide troops, representative Ahmedou said “why would countries send their troops to die for you? … simply many countries are not ready to risk sending troops to Somalia.”


Speaking about his plans or next steps, Ambassador Ahmed stated “I plan to ask US, EU, and Arab countries a financial help by the end of this year”. He also mentioned to have planed to ask again the UN to relocate its staff to Somalia.


From the reactions of the participants and audience of the event, it seems as though the Djabouti agreement provided some hope and awaiting to see how the international community keeps its part of the bargain.


souce: frank discussion about peace in somalia

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^I hope you don’t genuinely believe what you imply there.

Wa runta, akhi, acudu-bilahi-mina-shaydani-rajim, we shouldn't be talking abouIt the Ulema and leaders like this, Istaqfurullah!

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^^Sarcasms aside, you did imply Sharif is off to legitimize Ethiopia’s presence in the south. You reduced the entire peace effort to nothing more than a cheap political move…

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No, I never implied Sheikh Shariff is off to legitimize Xabashi presence in the South. And indeed the Djibouti farce can be reduced to being a carefully engineered stunt, but not cheap, rather costly! Though I do think those that took part probably had good intentions and meant well.

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Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire:


1.Surrendering to Somali warlords and accepting them as legitimate rulers of Somalia( this is something Shariff vowed he would never do only a few monthgs ago)


2. Abandoning calls for Shariah and turning an Islamic movement into another secular-tribal power hungry entity


3. Legitimizing thousands of foreign UN troops to prop up the Ethiopian stooges (a job Xabashis couldn't do), whilst his forces have to be condemned.


nuff said :cool:

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Sh. Shariif: Waa in kalsooni la muujiyo

31 Jul 31, 2008 - 11:20:59 AM




Guddoomiyaha Isbahaysiga Asmara Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed aaya ****olka ka qaaday in dhankooda ka adkeynayaan heshiiskii lagu gaaray Jabuuti, ayna ka codsanayaan in xukuumadu ay dhankeeda adkeyso.


Kooxaha heshiiska diidan ayuu Shariif ugu baaqay inay soo raacaan heshiiska, isagoo xusay inay tahay in lagu kalsoonaado, isla markaana aan la saadaalin wax aan dhicin, isagoo sheegay inuu aad ugu rajoweyn yahay fulinta qodobadii heshiiska.


"Heshiisku haddii uu yahay mid ay khaladaad ka buuxaan, waxaan qabaa inay ku jiraan qodobbo badan oo faa'iidoyin leh; dadka aan heshiiska ka qaybgelina waxaan ku wargelinaynaa inay ku kalsoonaadaan kuwii heshiiska galay" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo wareysi dheer siiyay Idaacad FM ah oo lagu magacaabo Simba kuna taala Muqdisho.


Sheekhu, wuxuu hadalkiisan ku sheegay in waxa ay ka shaqeynayaan ay tahay nabad, balse aysan ka shaqeynayn dhib iyo dagaalo, wuxuuna gaashaanka ku dhuftay inay heshiiska u galeen si ay xilal u helaan.


"Walaalaha kale waxaan u sheegayaa inaysan mala awaalin wax aysan ogeyn, ayna sugaan ciddii jago doon ah iyada ayaa soo baxaysa" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo ka jawaabayay su'aal ahayd in dhinaca ku sugan Asmara ay ku shegeen sababta ay heshiiska u qaateen inay tahay jago doonis.


Mar la weydiiyay in heshiiskii ay la galeen DF uu saameyn ku yeelan karo ciidamada lagu soo tababaray dalka Ethiopia ee gaaray Muqdisho ayuu kaga jawaabay: "Haa... saameyn ayay ku yeelan kartaa heshiiska, balse waxaan ku baaqaynaa in laga digtoonaado wax walba oo heshiiskaas jabin kara".


Gudoomiyaha Isbahaysigan mucaaradka ah Sheekh Shariif Sh. Axmed oo wax laga weydiiyay sida ay u arkaan shirkii ka dhacay xarunta UN-ka ee looga hadlayay Arrimaha Somalia ayaa sheegay inuu shirkaas ahaa mid wanaagsan, ayna u riyaaqeen.


"Qaramada Midoobay waxay muujisay sida ay raaliga uga tahay nabad ka dhacda Somalia, iyagoo la ogyahay inay garwadeen ka tahay heshiiskii lagu gaaray Jabuuti, waxaana u riyaaqsanahay sida ay beesha caalamku ugu soo jeesatay Somalia" ayuu yiri gudoomiyaha Isbahaysiga Asmara..


Sh. Shariif, ayaa dhanka kale sheegay inay iyaga ka go'an tahay hirgelinta qodobbadii lagu gaaray Jabuuti, ayna dhankooda hirgelin doonaan marka uu dhaco saxiixa dalka Saudi Arabia lagu qaban doono.


"Xiliga la saxiixayo heshiiska Jabuuti, waxaan ka sugaynaa UN-ka, waana saxiixaynaa inagoo ku kalsoon in heshiiskii Jabuuti uu yahay furaha nabada Somalia" ayuu mar kale yiri Sheekh Shariif.


Isbahaysiga Asmara oo ah mucaaradka ugu weyn ee ka horjeeda JF ayaa kala jabay, kadib markii dhinac ka mid ah uu heshiis nabadeed la saxiixday xukuumada Somalia.


Garowe Online, Muqdisho

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