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Kulmiye and Qaran emerged...bad news for Udub people.

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This is a great news I think. Kulmiye is playing a smart ball here. No amount of rigged elections can overshadow Kulmiye's landslide victory this time to come. I feel green and gold babyy. :D



Heshiiska Iskaashiga Xisbiga KULMIYE Iyo Urur Siyaasaddeedka QARAN

December 10th, 2008



- Ka dib markii xisbiga KULMIYE iyo Urur-siyaasadeedka Qaran arkeen duruufaha adag ee siyaasadeed, Nabadgelyo, Dhaqaale iyo Bulsho eek u gedaaman dalka JAMHUURIYADA SOMALILAND, guud ahaan dunida.


- Ka dib markii labada dhinac ku wada qanceen in hoggaanka Maanta dalka ka jiraa uu ummada u horseeday dib u dhac dhinac kasta leh, isla markaana aanu lahayn karti iyo daacadnimo uu dalka kagaga saaro xaaladan cakiran.


- Ka dib markii ay u muuqatay in si weyn loogu baahan yahay isbedel siyaasadeed oo la yimaada barnaamij dalka hore loogu marinayo iyo qiyam toosan oo dib u soo noolayn kara rajada Qarankan;


Waxay isla qaateen inay ka wada yeeshaan iskaashi, xoojinta hawlaha doorashada musharaxiinta Madaxtooyada ee xisbiga KULMIYE, kuna heshiiyeen qoddobadan;


Xisbiga KULMIYE Wuxuu balan qaadayaa;


1. In uu ka dhaqan-gelin doono JAMHUURIYADA SOMALILAND furashada ururada siyaasadeed, laga bilaabo tartanka doorashada dawladaha hoose ee ugu horeysa, iyada oo la waafajinayo xeerarka doorashooyinka qaranka, haddii uu KULMIYE ku guuleysto hoggaaminta dalka (2009).


2. In mabda’a furashada ururada siyaasadeed uu ka mid noqdo rukumada barnaamijka lagu gelayo doorashada Madaxtooyada ee xisbiga KULMIYE.


3. Si loo xoojiyo iskaashiga labada dhinac, xisbiga KULMIYE haddii uu doorashada ku guuleysto waxa uu dhisi doonaa dawlad cusub oo ay qeyb ka yihiin urur-siyaasadeedka Qaran.




Urur Siyaasadeedka Qaran Wuxuu Dhiniciisa Balan-qaadayaa;


1. In uu si mug leh oo niyad-sami ku jirto ugu biirin doono cududdiisa iyo codkiisa musharaxiinra xisbiga KULMIYE ee Doorashada Madaxtooyada, si looga midho-dhaliyo rajada isbedel doonka ee ummaddu u baahan tahay.


2. Urur siyaasadeedka Qaran markii uu si qoto dheer u qiimeeyey xaalada siyaasadeed ee dalka JAMHUURIYADA SOMALILAND, waxa uu ku qancay in maanta halka dalka lagu badbaadin karaa ay tahay xisbiga KULMIYE, sidaa darteed wuxuu ururka Qaran ugu baaqayaa taageerayaashiisa iyo ummad-weynta Somaliland in ay cududooda iyo codkoodaba isugu geeyaan sidii uu u guuleysan lahaa xisbiga KULMIYE.


Magacyada xubnaha KULMIYE u saxeexay:


1. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo)


2. Muuse Biixi Cabdi


3. Cabdiraxmaan Cabdiqaadir


4. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Talyanle


5. Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil Seylici


6. Keyse Xasan


Magacyada ururka Qaran u saxeexay:


1. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose


2. Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi


3. Jamaal Caydiid Ibraahim”



Liibaan Maaweel Shire,, Hargeysa

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This proves the Rayaale's allegation earlier that Qaran is part of Kulmiye ,,,,,,,,


I didn't want Qaran to do this actually ,,, it will weaken their position and give nothing to Kulmiye.

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Qaran whatever it intended to do for somaliland was subdued by somaliland' ruling party. It would be waste of time for them to continue to push to become a party since this current admnstration will not allow the constituion to be amended; the constituion only allows three parties.


In addition, they have joined Kulmiye, because Kulmiye, unlike Udub, is a party striving to bring change about the current difficult situation in somaliland. They have more common ground with Kulmiye than with Udub since Qaran itself is fueled by frustration steming from the lack of progress from the sitting party.It makes heck lot of sense to transfer their base support to boost Kulmiy'e chances. I think this was smart move by Qaran. And more than likely Kulmiye played huge role in recruiting them. Dito Kulmiye. :cool:

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wow 2 political parties only happens in sland.

will sland ever understand politics??... i doubt it...every news that comes out of there lately is wacked.

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How sure are you that Kulmiye will bring a change ??? ,,,, This is Africa and the last time you will hear the word change will be the day (if happens) Siilaanyo sits on that God damn seat.


As i said earlier ,,, they've just proven the Rayaal's point. People thought his allegations were nonsense but it is good when the other party proves your point.


Kulmiye should let Qaran strike and struggle with its status even if the current Udub doesn't allow them to be a party ...... there were many other ways they could do to support Kulmiye if they want but this was a very bad move ,, indeed.

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If they win, that will be a change itself. think of this: right now many are very spectical that somaliland will see smooth transition of power. Kulmiye by winning, will strengthen the democratic process in SL. Don't you agree on that?


Bad move you say? well for Udub that is(: but for Kumiye its' sweet victory.

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Qaran to be part of Kulmiye ,,, and you call it sweet victory ?? ,, come on. This is politics sxb, they could be kinda back up.


Smooth transition of power from one party to another is a great achievement but is that all ??? is that what people want ?? ... change doesn't mean change of faces, we had Siad Barre in Somalia, then we had A/Rahman Tuur (AUN) and we had Igal now we have Rayaale ,,,, change of faces can conintune until the end of this month.

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The single biggest accomplishment to this date, aside from the successful end to the internal scuffle in the 90s has been the power change to Rayaale as a result of the death of AUN Igal. And then Somaliland topped that off with reelection of Rayaale by margin of 80 votes(though many blv it was rigged). That event raised the confidence level in Somaliland. If Somaliland can follow that with another smooth general elections that lacks drama, then only the sky is the limit for SL. Caadi ayey u duulaysaa!


This will only happen if totally new party, say like Kulmiye, comes to party whereas Udub staying in power might not excite alot of people or even may lead some to believe that this elections were regid.


It doesn't happen much in Africa where a party gives up the leadership through the ballot.


Think about it that way sir.

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Summary of the 14 April 2003 Somaliland presidential election results Candidates - Nominating parties Votes %:



Dahir Riyale Kahin - (Udub).. 205,595 42.08

Ahmed M. Mahamoud Silanyo - (Kulmiye).. 205,515 42.07

Faysal Cali Warabe - (Ucid)..77,433 15.85.



Only half- million voted in last election. Already, Hargeisa alone registered more than that number. This election will be massive.

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Dadka Bukaan Jiifka ah ee Cusbitaalka Hargeysa Oo Komishanka ka Codsaday in Loo Sameeyo Hab gaar ah oo lagu Diiwaangeliyo.


Hargeysa Dadka Bukaanjiifka ah ee ku jira Cusbitaalka Guud ee magaalada Hargeysa ayaa Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranka ka Codsaday in loo sameeyo hab gaar ah oo u fududaynaya Diiwaangelinta Codbixiyayaasha Doorashooyinka Qaranka, Maadaama aanay Awoodi Karin inay Tagaan goobaha la iska diiwaangelinayo Caafimaadkooda oo kala dhantaalan awgeed.


Bukaankani waxay sidaa sheegeen mar Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee UCID Eng. Faysal Cali Waraabe oo uu weheliyo xog-haya Warfaafinta ee Xisbiga UCID Md. Cabdinaasir Yuusuf Cismaan (Qodax) uu booqasho ugu tagay maalintii Ciidii ee shalay.


Gudoomiyaha oo booqashadiisan ku soomaray qaybaha kala duwan ee waadhadhka ay dadku jiifaan, waxa uu ka ballan qaaday in Xisbi ahaan intii karaankiisa ah wax ka qaban doono , komishankana gaadhsiin doono arrintaas.


Gudoomiyaha UCID ayaa Komishanka Doorashooyinka u soo jeediyay in dadka jilicsan ee aan awoodin inay is diiwaangelinta loo sameeyo qorshe gaar ah oo u fududaynaya inay qaataan labada kaadh ee dhalashada iyo ka cod-bixinta.


Gudoomiyuhu waxa uu tilmaamay in dadka aan awoodin qaadashada labadaas kaadh haddii aan la diiwaangelin ay hoos u dhigi karto cadadka rasmiga ah ee dadka ku nool Somaliland, taasina ay dhantaali karto himiladeena Qaranimo iyo hayaanka dimuqraadiyadeed ee aynu ku jirno.


Ugu danbayntii gudoomiyuhu waxa uu bukaanka oo uu qol qol ugu galay ka waraystay xaalladooda Caafimaad isagoo illaahay uga baryay inuu xanuunka ka dul qaado, caafimaad sareecan ahna siiyo.


Bukaanka ayaa dhinacooda Gudoomiyaha uga mahad naqay salaanta uu ugu yimi iyagoo tilmaamay inuu mar kasta ka war hayo xaalkooda, wixii uu karona u qabto. Iyagoo uga xaal waramay sida ay yihiin iyo in shaqaalaha Cusbitaalku intii karaankooda ah ugu adeegaan waxna aanay ka hagran.


Bukaanka ayaa sidoo kale ka cabanayay inaanay awoodin qaadashada labada kaadh, isla markaana itaalkoodu u saamaxayn galida safafka dhaadheer. Waxaanay komishanka, xukuumada iyo Xisbiyada Qaranka u soojeediyeen in fiiro gaar ah loo yeesho maadaama ay kamid yihiin bulshada.


Gudoomiyaha UCID waxa kale oo uu booqasho ku soo maray xarunta xanaanada Agoomaha ee magaalada Hargeysa isagoo gaadhsiiyay deeq Qalab isugu jira agabka ay caruurtu ku ciyaarto, iyo Cabitaano iyo Karaatoon nacnac ah, kuwaas oo uu sheegay inuu ugu talo galay in ubadkaa yaryar kaga farxiyo munaasibada Ciida awgee.


Masuuliyiinka Xarunta Agoomaha Hargeysa ayaa dhinacooda uga mahadnaqay I gudoomiyahay deeqdan uu ugu deeqay oo ay tilmaameen inay qayb ka qaadanayso farxada Carruurta ee maalinta ciida.


Masuuliyiinta ayaa tilmaamay in gudoomiyuhu ka ajarsaday Ubadkan yaryar oo aan lahayn cid gaar ah oo wax siisa ummada Somaliland mooyee.

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I think It's a great move for Somaliland and Somalillanders in general. I want the strength of Somaliland in one place for once. Call me crazy but multiple party system isn't benefiting our young nation at this current situation. We have our political talent scattered all over the place.


We need Sillanyo, Rayaale, Mahomed Haash, Gaboose and all other politicians to work together toward prosperity and ultimate sovereignty for our people. We can always constitute and mobilize multiple party system in the future.

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Originally posted by RedSea:

The single biggest accomplishment to this date, aside from the successful end to the internal scuffle in the 90s has been the power change to Rayaale as a result of the death of AUN Igal. And then Somaliland topped that off with reelection of Rayaale by margin of 80 votes(though many blv it was rigged). That event raised the confidence level in Somaliland. If Somaliland can follow that with another smooth general elections that lacks drama, then only the sky is the limit for SL. Caadi ayey u duulaysaa!


This will only happen if totally new party, say like Kulmiye, comes to party whereas Udub staying in power might not excite alot of people or even may lead some to believe that this elections were regid.


It doesn't happen much in Africa where a party gives up the leadership through the ballot.


Think about it that way sir.

So that is all you want ,,, just to change the person in charge and it is a great accomplishment.


Change has a bigger and massive meaning than seeing someone leaving the seat for another. What will change if Rayaale goes and Siilaanyo comes ??


If there is a change then there should be a change in everywhere ,,, economy, politics, socially, etc.

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