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Mr. Somalia

Should the Puntland Authorities disarm the Puntland citizenry?

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Puntland: Shacab Hubeysan iyo Nidaam Dawladdeed Meel Ma Wada Joogi Karaan?


Tan iyo markii ay bur burtey dawladdii awoodda lahayd ee Soomaaliya muddo 20 sano ka hor, waxaa faraha ka baxay hubka la isku gumaado oo noocyadiisa kala duwan leh, hubkaas oo qayb lixaadleh ka qaatey burburka dalkii Soomaaliya, waxaana la rumeysan yahay in hubkaasi galaaftey nafta dad aan ka yarayn hal malyan, isla markaasna guryahoodi ka barakiciyey dad kor u dhaafaya laba malyan oo qof.


Ma ahan mid la soo koobi karo dhibaatooyinka uu leeyahay hubka galay gacanta shacabka, waxaana hubaal ah in hubka wax gumaada uu dunida u horseeday wax aan horay u dhicin taas oo ah in waddan xor ah muddo 50 sano maanta aanu lahayn dawlad dhexe oo shaqeysa taasna ay sabab u tahay hubka gacanta u galay dadka rayidka.


Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobey ayaa taariikhdu markey ahayd 23 Janaaayo 1992kii ku soo rogtey dalka Soomaliya cuno qabatayn dhanka hubka ah, laakiin go’aankaas ayaan noqon mid la ilaasho waxaana si bareer ah hubka wax gumaada ugu soo dal dalay Soomaaliya wadamada dersika la ah, iyo kuwa carabta ah ee danaha siyaasadeed ka leh Soomaaliya, waxaa iyana soo baxay ganacsato Maafiyo ah kuwaas oo hubka ka keena wadamo fog fog sida Ukrian iyo meelo kale.


Dawladda Puntland oo hadda madaxa lagashay 12 sano ayaa ka mid ah meelaha lagu tilmaamo in ay ka badbaadey colaadii ka aloosneyd qaybo badan oo ka mid ah geyiga Soomaaliya, hadaba in Puntland ay ka badbaado dagaaladii dheeraa ee Soomaaliya ka dhacay waxa ay iska leedahay sababo badan, ugu horeyn waxaa lagu tilmaami karaa galad Ilaahay siiyey dadkaas, sababaha kale ee la tilmaami karo waxaa kamid ah Odey dhaqameedyadii soo jireenka ahaa kuwaas oo aad ugu dedaalay in nabadgelyadu ay noqoto mid sugan, inkasta oo mararka qaarkood ay dhacayeen dagaalo siyaasad ku dhisan kuwaas salka ku haya arimo diineed ama mid beeleed.


Waxaa hubaal ah in shacabka Puntland uu yahay mid hubeysan, waxaana beelaha dega geyigaas ay haystaan hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan, hubka gacanta ugu jira shacabku waxa uu caqabad ku yahay in haykalkii dawladnimo dhismo, in nabad gelyadu ay noqoto mid la isku halayn karo iyo in laga badbaado dagaalo lagu hoobto.


Dawladihii soo maray Puntland ayaa lagu tilmaami karaa kuwo ku fashilmey nidaamka hubkadhigista, hay’adda UNDP ayaa sameysey dhamaadkii 2003dii barnaamij loogu magacdaray DDR (Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration) kaas oo ah hubka dhigista malayshiyaadka iyo dhaqan celeintooda, barnaamijkan ayaa ku soo aadey xili uu socdo shirkii Kenya, halkaas oo Madaxweynhii Puntland uu olole ugu jirey in uu hogaanka u qabto dalka Soomaaliya, barnaamijka ayaa waxaa si toos ah loo hoosgeeyay Wasaaradda Arimaha Gudaha.


Barnaamijka DDR ayaa shaqadiisa si toos ah u bilaabay markii la doortey Gen.Cadde Muuse Boqor sanadkii 2005, laakiin waxa lagu tilmaami karaa in uu ahaa barnaamij musuq maasuq ah kadib markii isla ciidanka Puntland lagu sheegay in hubkadhigis iyo dhaqan celin lagu samaynaayo, halkaasna lagu kala direy ciidamo badan oo ka qayb qaadan lahaa difaaca Puntland, halkii la doonaayey in looga faa’ideysto in barnaamijku noqdo mid hubka looga dhigaayo shacabka iyo beelaha hubeysan.


Dawladda uu madaxweynaha ka yahay Dr.Faroole ayaa sanadkii u horeeyay ee xukunkiisa la kowsatey falal amaanka khatar geliyay, falalkaas waxaan ka badbaadin xukuumadda naftirkeeda kadib markii lagu qaadey weeraro qaraxyo ah iyo dilal qorsheysan, shacabka ayaa wel wel xoogleh ka muujiyey dagaalka qarsoon ee Puntland lagu soo qaadey.


Dawladda Puntland ee cusub ayaa in badan oo kamid ah shacabka Puntland u arkaan dhanka maamulka in ay ka habaysan tahay isla markaana ka horeyso kuwii hore, waxaana looga fadhiyey in ka badan kuwii hore iyo isbedel la taaban karo, kaas oo weli rajo laga qabo in uu yimaado.


Dawladda Puntland ee cusub waxaa looga fadhiyaa in ay dar dar geliyaan barnaamijka DDR, isla markaasna ka ilaaliyaan inaanu noqon mid musuq maasuq ku dhisan sidii hore oo kale, dawladda danteeda ayaa ku jirta in ay ka hadasho goor iyo ayaan nidaamka hubka dhigista, caqabadaha ugu waaweyn ee beelaha hubeysan ay ku doodaan waa inaan si caddaalad iyo sinaani ku jirto aan hubka looga qaadeyn beelaha ee beel kale hubkadhigista loogu samaynaayo, beelaha oo aanooyin kala qaba kuwaas oo ka cabsi qaba aarsi in lagu sameeyo iyo waxyaabo kale, waxaase hubaal ah haddii barnaamij ku dhisan cadaalad iyo sinaan, dawladdu ay la timaado isla markaana ay miiska soo saarto qorshe ay ku difaaceyso dalka iyo dadka in shacabku ay warejinayaan hubkooda, isla markaana ay soo baxayso dawladd awood u leh dalkeeda.


Qorshaha dimoqraadiyadda ee dawladda ee ku dhisan in loo gudbo nidaamka axsaabta badan, waxaa caqabadda kowaad noqonkara waa hubka faraha badan ee shacabka gacanta ugu jira, waana adagtahay in mar 4aad laga gado bulshada caalamka in 66 xildhibaan wax doortaan, sidoo kale waxa ay taasi horseedi kartaa bur bur ku yimaada rajadii iyo himilooyinkii shacabka, dawladda Puntland ay noqoto med gobolo u kala go’da.


Gunaanadka maqaalkan jawaabtu waa maya meel ma wada geli karaan shacab hubeysan iyo nidaam dawladeed, waxaa horey ugu guuleystey Maamulka Somaliland, oo iyagu ku qanciyey shacabkooda in ay dawlad yihiin dawladduna u baahan tahay hubka gacanta ugu jira, hubkaas qaarna waa laga gaday shacabka halka qaarkood ay ugu deeqeen, waana midda sababtey in amniga Somaliland uu yahay mid wanaagsan isla markaana ay ka hirgasho nidaamka axsaata badan.


Suurtagal maaha in shacabku is garto oo hubka is ka dhigo isla markaana garto in hubka dawladdi leedahay, Dawladda Puntland ayaana looga fadhiyaa in ay barnaamijkan ka dhigto mid miro dhal ah iyada oo kaalmeysanaysa hay’adaha caalamka ee taageera arimahan.


Cumar Siciid

Source: Horseed Media

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The question here is, should the general public allow itself to be disarmed?


Even though, the Horseed editorial piece tried to use a common, but nonetheless simple, argument that "it is difficult to govern an armed population", I believe that in fact the opposite is true:


Take away the guns from law abiding citizens and the only ones who will then have them will be the criminals who will have no problems finding guns, and then the law abiding folks in our state would be defenseless.


And I for one DO NOT currently trust that our government can protect our best interests and keep us safe. Maybe someday in the future they will be able to do so, but in our current state of affairs... I think it would be imprudent on our part to wholly rely on Faroole&Co for our basic security needs just yet.

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Yes, the public should be disarmed and then there will less chance of confused folks running around killing innocent civilians. Yes they should disarm them, arms have brought the Domali no freedom, no peace and no progress.

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Yeah right.


Will the 'confused folks running around' STOP killing innocent civilians if we get rid of all the guns? Or will they simply find other means to perpetrate their 'confusion'?


Such simplistic statements won't get us anywhere. Argue all you want about this that and the other, but the right to self-defense is a God given right.


And if and when the time comes that the Puntland authorities decide they have the balls to try and take our guns, we will see just how successful they will be.


For those of you who do not agree with me, I suppose you can always take Somaliland and the crouching servility of the hapless habro up north under Dictator Riyaale as a good example of what happens to Somalis once they are disarmed.

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No. The NRA are a bunch of rich red neck hillbillies who damn well realize the only way to protect their wealth and position in this country is to do so themselves by remaining armed to the teeth.



Dagaalkaad ka hadleysid maxaa weeye?

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Mr Somalia, no simple argument lad, armed clan militias and individuals armed with dangerous weapons have brought us no peace for the past 20 years. Thus it's illogical to suggest we should not give this a chance. I rather have a tough system than to have met armed with AK47 at every village, even an argument turns unto a blood bath. Nor can we ignore the type of things that take place when two sub clans fight in urban areas, for example Galkacyu. Thus the NRA argument don't wash lad. The right to bear arms is not in the Somali constitution, nor does Islam prescribe mobs with heavy weapons protecting clanish interest.


Come again Adeer.

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I believe that eventually disarmament will occur. But it won't be for a very long time! Puntlands biggest line of defense is the population of each of its cities.


I know that at Bosasso port, the pick up trucks that are commonly used as technicals are not allowed to be brought in by anyone but the government. Nor are large amounts of weapons. You won't see technicals driving around unless it is controlled by the government.


With that being said, of course there are people who are not part of the government, with these heavy weapons, but they keep them hidden.


I believe that eventually the government will be able to even get rid of the heavy weapons, but they'll never get rid of the small arms. All hotels, restaurants and other buildings have access to them. I don't think there are many places in Africa that aren't like that.


Puntland isn't seeing large amounts of tribal fighting and we have way bigger concerns that need to be addressed. Like the water shortage that will be effecting the world soon and particularly us. We are way too dependant on imports as well. We need to find an alternative to remittance that our Diaspora sends back to Puntland, which is sustaining us. I am not sure if the generations born outside of Somalia will have enough of a connection to their families to be willing to send back money, or at least to the extent that is being sent now.


Back to the topic though, the possession of certain weapons can be scaled down, but certain small arms won't ever be eliminated.

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^^^ they do in a city like bosaso ama Galckayo since robbery and theifs is more common and knowing the police can't provide full protection everybody has a gun in their houses and shops.

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