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Beware of Riyaale's warmongering

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This man has malevolent designs and seems to manifest Siyadist orientation of creating problems that would provoke inter-clan conflicts. He fired the defense chief to humiliate him and his clan. In the history, has it ever taken place the resignation of your general in the midst of an armed conflict? Mr. Waqaf, all he did, was to show restraint of his deep adventures and salvage his troops.


To further escalate the tension, he again issued his order of two men, from Sool and Sanaag, to be sentenced to death, possibly to humiliate and resent their people. The two men were unfairly and selectively sentenced to death just because their people are extremely averted to the question of secession. You can’t simply accept at face value that they were sentenced following the deliberation of a legal process, in fact the legal process of a kangaroo court. It is very obvious that the event was intentionally coincided with their humiliating defeat in Dhahar.

Today, according to the news from the region, Mr. Riyale sent one official close to his family who accompanied the cretinoid Ahmed Yasin, to resuscitate a highly controversial topic with the elders of LasQorey in Ceerigabo that would ask the people of Lasqorey to close the border, inciting the elders into bitter resentment. His request was rebuffed by the elders and the peace accord signed earlier between the two clans appears to be null and void. Therefore, Riyaale and his stooges are now beating up the drums of war to make sure the continuation and escalation of conflict in Sool and Sanaag regions float on the surface all the time.



For the people of Somaliland, they need to deal with this man and make sure that he does not distract the attention of his bleak political landscape only to blow up the little oasis of peace and stability they worked hard for.



Xaalada Dagaal oo dib uga soo cusboonaatey Gobolka Sanaag kadib markii....


Listen to the outcome of the meeting between the defense committee of Somaliland and Sanaag Elders

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For the people of Somaliland, they need to deal with this man and make sure that he does not distract the attention of his bleak political landscape only to blow up the little oasis of peace and stability they worked hard for.

You can't dictate somalilanders to tell them what to do ,,,, you better do your own job.



Your source is not strong ,,, you better choose a better one :D



and what makes you so angry about this issue ?? ,,, you didn't believe the meeting will take place ???

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Saaxibayaal, a full on war in the region is not good for anybody so lets hope it doesnt have to come to that

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Renegade, that is absolutely correct and I am forewarning of ominous portents that this Riyale may bring to the region. True "Somalilanders" admit his inimical intentions towards their peace and dignity. Even in the forum, proponents of secession have gone on a hunger strike until Riyale is removed from office. However, our friend Jacalybaro is in a state of self-denial about the defining feature of this dictator. As the old nautical expression puts, "No wind favors the ship that has no charted course." It is astonishing why Mr. Jacaylbaro favors to sail with this ship over the preservation of mutual benefit through the symbiosis of the peaceful clans in Sanaag and Sool.





Here is what Allputland reported.



Baran: Mudaaharaad lagu diiddan maamulka labaxay Somaliland oo ka dhacay Baran.

20. april 2007


Baran(AllPuntland)- Magaalada Baran ee gobolka Sanaag waxaa maanta ka dhacay mudaaharaad liddi ku ah maamulka la baxay Somaliland.


Muddaaharaadkan ayaa dhacay markii la tukaday salaaddii jimcaha, waxaana dadkii isu soo baxay ay muujinayeen sida aysan raalliga uga ahayn fara galinta maamulka la baxay Somalilnad uu ku hayo degmooyin ka tirsan Puntland oo ku yaalla gobolka Sanaag.


Sida uu noo sheegay qof goob jooge ah ,mudaaharaadkan oo si tartiibah u bilowday ayaa noqday mid dadkii kasoo qayb galay aad usoo bateen.


Dadwaynaha diiddanaa fara galinta Somaliland ayaa ku dhawaaqayay ereyo looga soo horjeedo maamulka la baxay Somaliland oo ay kamid ahaayeen "dooni mayno Somalilnad" iyo kuwo la mid ah.


Masuuliyiinta degmada ayaa dadwaynihii muddaaharaadayay kala soo qayb galay mudaaharaadka ay ku muujinayeen diidmada Somaliland.


Muddaaharaadyada looga soo horjeedo Somaliland waxay todobaadkii ugu danbeeyay si is daba joog ah uga dhacayeen gobollada Sool , Sanaag iyo Cayn, waxaana kii ugu danbeeyay uu shalay ka dhacay degmada Buuhoodle.


CCC Farayaamo


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An Impressive open letter!!



An Open Letter to Silanyo

Mohamoud Ali Gaildon


Dear Sir:


Please accept my sincere apology for using your nickname in the title of this missive to you. Tradition dictates that I, a man many years your junior, address you in a manner that befits your grand stature among Somalis of all clans and your seniority in age to me. That you can relate to how I feel and, thus, commiserate with me in my discomfiture at having to use your nickname I am sure. I was born and bred in Aden, the town that presented you to the Somali nation; and I spent most of my schooling in Erigavo, Dayaha and Sheikh, a region that you hail from. It is, therefore, in the grand spirit of the manners fed to both of us since childhood that I apologize to you.


You have never heard of me; but you may have seen me, a tiny figure among many, in Dayaha boarding school, many years ago. You spoke to us as we sat cross-legged on the dirt under an umbrella-shaped tree at the center of the School’s garden. Such size and shade of an acacia tree I have never seen! Like so much of Sanag region, the tree was legendary. The Sayyid himself used to tether his horse to this majestic tree, we heard. (Unbeknownst to you, you may have actually stood on the very spot where more than half a century earlier the Sayyid may have delivered one of his epic poems.) Now, however, and for this one day, you were our Sayyid. With a smooth and deft blend of vigor and tenderness, you spoke. Motivational themes of advice and guidance spouted forth and held captive serious and eager kids many a mile from kith and kin.


Dayaha, I should emphasize, was a desolate valley surrounded by hills. If not for the brook and the books and each other, the students would have felt in a prison of sorts. Unlike today’s boys with guns, we fell in love with the books. And for some of us, that romantic affair continues to this day unabated. It could have never been otherwise, could it, with the likes of Hurre, Dalab, Dhegaweyne, Abdi Hussein Mattan, and Ismail Dualeh Qambi as educators. Such were the days when Somali boys from the countryside and the remotest villages could hope and dream. Such were the halcyon days of yore!


Dayaha, however, has fallen on hard times, as has Somalia as a whole. Gone are the days when a Somali child could laugh and play in peace or hold a book and have a dream. Gone are the days when we could think of ourselves as a nation and not as clans. Gone are the days when an Ethiopian boot on our sacred soil was a national shame. And so have the days when a leading Somali of the highest educational and professional standing could travel to an out-of-the-way boarding school and, like an enlightened parent, gather young, promising boys around himself and inspire them and challenge them and point the way to a bright future—a future that to most, it pains me to say, never arrived.


I have got carried away; for these are times not to daydream but rather to rise to the challenge and face the dreadful reality before us.


Sir, the former North East Region of Somalia (now, Togdheer, Sanag, and Sol), an area we both hail from, is in grave peril of being swept by currents well beyond the control of its people. Careworn locals stand at risk of being dragged one way or another and the peace and security they have enjoyed for over a decade and a half are about to slip away. What do you think your role should be? Is it a time to grandstand and follow the frenzied mob, or a time to be the voice of reason and save the people from the looming inferno?


You will agree with me that your dutiful pupil, albeit for one day, is entitled to ask questions, which I hope you will take as questions deferred from that shining moment of years ago. As my former teachers will tell you, never did I let a question slip away. With you, however, my inquisitive mind chose to relax and relish the moment. References to Ibn Khaldoun and Sheikh Zubeir, obscure to me at the time, I put away in the back of my head for retrieval at a later date. That later date has now arrived.


The drums of war sound ominously as dark clouds gather over Sanag. It is spring. The earth is soft and verdant. The scent of blossom wafts over the air, and the twitter of the birds mingle with the piercing chirps of various insects coming back to life in the rainy season. It is time for milk and honey, time to sing and dance, time to wed and mate, throughout good old Sanag, the mythical mother of the Somali nation. It is the sacred land of proud Sanag with its tradition in the east, vibrant energy in the center, pluck and grit in the west, coming together in harmony and a prefect blend. And the clock ticks away to mark the hour when the guns begin to roar.


And yet, and yet, it need not be, if we could only use our minds right. The origin of the conflict is not whether Sol and Eastern Sanag belong to Puntland or Somaliland but rather Somaliland’s irrational policy to separate all of the former North from the former South. Somaliland’s attempt to secure the “border,” inherently a vicious act of violence, is a threat to peace for many people of different clans and different regions; for to reach the “border,” Somaliland forces will have to stomp over a local populace determined to remain part of Somalia. On Somaliland, therefore, lies the burden of choice: Respect the will of the people of Sol and Eastern Sanag, who pose no threat to anyone, or start a war that can benefit no one. Should, God forbid, the choice be war, how many more lives of every age and from all clans, East and West, will go in flames?


It is not for me to give advice to Somaliland’s leaders, as I am one who adamantly holds onto Somali unity. Yet, places like Eil Afwein, Erigavo, Dayaha, Burao, Sheikh, Berbera, Hargeisa, Borama, Amoud, and the many wonderful people I have known over the years since childhood beckon to me. Nostalgia overwhelms me. So, let me say it is my earnest hope that Somaliland will not throw caution to the wind. This is a venture fraught with tremendous risks, both militarily and politically. Will and valor, always in high supply to the sons and daughters of Somaliland, cannot the place of wisdom take. Raw emotion dulls the mind. Single-mindedness can so easily lead to simple-mindedness. Miscalculation is a recipe for disaster.


Why am I writing to you? I really do not know. Is it the frustration of a middle-aged man, unwilling to let youth slip away? Is it the babble of a lunatic? Or the musings of the roving, restless mind that has been my affliction since childhood? Perhaps, perhaps not.


At any rate, let me say to you THANK YOU for the moment you granted me and many others so long ago—a moment that for me continues to shine through the fog of time.


Respectfully Yours,

Mohamoud Ali Gaildon




Source: Wardheernews

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Feature Article from the perspective of the seperatists:


Wasiirkii hore ee Gaashaandhigga oo shir jaraa'id kaga jawaabey eedihii Rayaale u jeediyey

Abdirazak M. Dubbad


April 21, 2007



Hargeysa – Wasiirkii Gaashaandhigga Somaliland ee xilka laga qaaday Mudane Aadan Mire Waqaf ayaa markii u horreysey faahfaahin iyo sharraxaad ka bixiyey hawlgalkii ciidanka Qaranka ee degmada Dhahar. Kaas oo sababay in xilka laga qaado, isla markaana jawaab ka bixiyey eedaymihii Madaxweyne Riyaale dusha ka saaray Mudane Waqaf.


Wasiirkii hore ee Difaaca Mudane Aadan Mire Waqaf, waxa uu Madaxweyne Riyaale si kedis ah xilka uga qaaday Axaddii Toddobaadkii hore, maalin kadib markii ciidanka Somaliland iyo kuwa maamul goboleedka Puntland dagaal kululi ku dhexmaray degmada Dhahar oo saaran xuduudka dhinaca Bari ee Somaliland, isaga oo ku eedeeyey Wasiirka inuu bixiyey Awaamiir jaahwareer abuuray iyo in uu ciidanka Somaliland ka soo saaray deegaanka Dhahar ka dib dagaalka.


Mudane Waqaf oo Saaka shir jaraa'id ku qabtay Hotel Hadhwanaag ee Magaalada Hargeysa, waxa uu waxa ku tilmaamay wax qaadan waa ah iyo bahdil lagu karaama ridayey warsaxaafadeedyo ka soo baxay Madaxtooyada oo ku saabsanaa xil ka qaadistiisa, kuwaas oo xambaarsanaa eedaymo uu ku tilmaamay kuwo waxba kama jiraan ah. Waxana uu shirkaa jaraa'id ka akhriyey mudane Waqaf hadal qoraal ah oo u dhigan sidan:


"Waxaan aad iyo aad ula yaabay oo fajiciso igu noqotay laba warsaxaafadeed oo Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadd Somaliland soo saaray oo sheegaya xilka qaadis iyo eri oo ku sababaysan sidan:


Amarro khaldan oo dhabar jebin iyo jaho wareer ku ah Qaranimada Somaliland.

Isgaadhsiin la xidhay oo xidhiidhkii lumay

Ciidan la dhaqaajiyay amar la'aan

Waxaan umadda Somaliland u soo bandhigayaa xaqiiqada dhabta ah maadama karaamadaydii, sharaftaydii iyo muwaadinimadaydii meel lagaga dhacay, aniga oo hawl qaran ku maqan oo weliba jooga goob dagaal, masuuliyad culusna qaranka u hayay ayaa iyada oo aan xaaladda dhabta ah ee jirta la ogaan lana sugin warbixinteeda xaaladda abuurantay, in si sahlan oo karaama beel ah loo yidhaahdo waxa ku qoran labadaa warsaxaafadeed ee ka fog xaqiiqada dhabta ah ee ka abuurantay goobtaas oo si loogu buunbuuniyay warbaahinta.

Ma jecli in aan waxaan jirin sheego kana waramo sir ciidan oo aan u gudbiyo warbaahinta, balse qaabka bah dilka ah ee loogu talo galay in lagu dhaawaco sharaftayda oo laga leexiyo meeshii lahayd wixii halkaa ka dhacay oo aan indhaha laga qarsan karin, ahaydna in la sugo warbixinteedii.

Haddaba iswaydiintu waxay tahay maxaa dhacay? Sideese wax u dhaceen? Ujeedaduse maxay ahayd?

Waxaan rabaa in aan ummadda u iftiimiyo qaabka loo dhigay oo ah ciidanka halkaa tegey oo aan la socday in uu yahay kii sugayay xuduudaha Jamhuuriyaddda Somaliland in aanu ahayn, balse uu xilkiisu ahaa hawlgal xadidan oo ku jahaysnaa hawl kooban.


Marka aynu ka hadlayno difaaca xuduudaha iyo sugitaankoda waxa ay ila tahay in ay ka balaadhan tahay sidan loo dhigay oo ay leedahay istaraajiyad qeexan oo leh qorshaheeda, sugideeda iyo meel marinteeda oo aan ahayn wax afka laga yidhaahdo ee u baahan waxyaalo farabadan si loo gaadho yoolkaas oo isla markaas ay jirto siyaasad cad oo ku wajahan fidinta maamulka gobolada bariga Sanaag iyo Sool.


Haddii aan dib ugu noqdo iswaydiintii wixii dhacay, waxa noo yimid Dhahar wefti ballaadhan oo wasiirro ah oo ay la socdaan haya'do oo markay magaalada Dhahar soo galeen lagu dejiyay hudheel, haddana muddo ka bacdi qaar ka mid ah wefdigii loo soo raray guri uu leeyahay Wasiirka Ciyaaraha.


Iyada oo sidaa lagu suganyahay, ayaa goor ay tahay Saddexdii iyo dheeraad ee galabnimo ayaa waxa nagu bilaabmay dagaal ah saddex jiho oo nalaga soo weeraray. Ciidankeena oo si fiican u diyaar garoobay ayaa weerakaas difaacay, jebiyayna sadexdii goobood ee cadowgu naga soo weeraray, khasaara ballaadhana u gaystay cadowga.

Dagaalkaasi waxa u soconayay muddo 3:30 badh saacadood ah oo aan kala go lahayn. Intii dagaalku socday waxa noo suurta gashay in wasiirradii iyo martidii kale ee la socotay aanu meel isugu keeno magaalada ka mida makhribka hortiina u daadgurayno wasiiradaas iyo wixii la socdayba gaadiid iyo dadba bartii taliska ciidanka dagaalka ku jira. Intaa ka bacdi, markii aanu si hor dhac ah u qiimaynay xaalada abuurantay, khasaaraha na soo gaadhay oo ah 1 dhimasho iyo 3 dhaawac ah oo mid halis yahay. Ciidankii deegaanka ee difaaca xagga hore kaga jiray kana tirsanaa ciidanka Qaranka ayaa intay tuutihii iska bixiyeen qaarkood la soo safteen cadowgii intii kalena ku dhex milmeen magaaladii oo isu bedeshay goob dagaal oo khatarteeda lahayd.


Waxaan goor habeennimo ah wasiirradii ku sugnaa barta taliska kulan kula yeeshay aniga oo u sheegay xaaladda abuurantay oo ay dheerayd isgaadhsiintii oo dhan ee xiligaas oo la jaray tii raadiyaha caadiga ahaydna uu ismaqalkeedii xumaaday roob awgeed. Isla markaas, dood ka bacdi, waxaanu isla qaadanay wasiirradii aag bedelasho anaga oo sababaynay waxa kelifay oo ah sidan hoos u qoran:


Cimilada xilligaas halkaas oo ahayd roob dhinac kasta iska soo qabsaday dhulkuna ahaa meel aan gaadiidku ka hawgeli karin xilliga roobka.

Taakulaynta ciidanka oo aad uga fogaatay.

Hawl muhiim u ah ciidamada oo ahayd in ay goobta ku sugnaadaan si ay u fududayso hawlgalkooda oo sidii la rabay u dhici wayday.

Cadowga oo isu habar wacday kuna muusannaabay qaab beelaysan oo abaabulkiisa leh oo ay kelliftay xaaladdii jabka iyo halaagga ee uu kala kulmay dagaalka.

Ciidankii degaanka iyo kuwii magaalada qaar ka mida oo la soo halwgalay cadowga.

Culayska amniga wasiirrada, gaadiidka iyo dadka la socday oo nooga baahday ilaalin iyo badbaadin dheeraad ah.

Taakulaynta cadawga iyo gurmadkooda oo ka imanaysay goob jirta 32Km. oo keliya.

Wasiirkii degaanka ka socday iyo odayaashiisii oo xaaladu markay abuurantay waxba ka qabanwaayey oo weliba jaha wareerna geliyay xaaladii oo hanan kari waayay dadkoodii

Waxaas oo duruufa ah iyo qaar kaleba markay ka dhalatay xaaladda taagnayd waxaanu go'aansanay in aag bedelasho la sameeyo si loo badbaadiyo guulihii la gaadhay iyo naf iyo qalabba wixii goobta ku sugnaa.


Waxa aan u soo jeedinayaa ammaan iyo bogaadin ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland ee ku sugnaa goobta dagaalku ka dhacay sida geesinimada iyo waddaniyadda leh ee ay u difaaceen dalkooda una jebiyeen cadawgii sida kediska ahayd u soo weeraray. Waxaan si gaar ah u xusayaa Mujaahid Korneel Maxamed Cabdi (Shiine) oo si hawlkarnimo ah oo amaanteeda iyo abaal marinteeda leh uga hawlgalay midho dhalka guushaas iyo hogaaminteeda.


Waxaan ummadda reer Somaliland xasuusinayaa in u halwgalkani ahaa kii ugu horreeyay ee noociisa ah ee ciidanka Somaliland xuduudiisa isku dul taago. Aniga oo Wasiirkii Gaashaandhiga ahaa oo la jooga ciidankiisa dagaalna qabsaday, waxa igu waajib ahaa in aan sameeyo wixii xeel dagaal ah iyo la jaan qaadka xaaladda abuurantay ee duruufaha kor ku xusani keeneen iyada oo la tebeyay ciddii ciidan ahaan ay tooska u khusyanaysay, gaar ahaan iyo guud ahaanba.


Markaanu tallaabooyinkaasi qaadaynay waxaanu isu arkaynay dad sameeyay badbaado ciidan, qalab, gaadiid Iyo guud ahaan Qaranimadii Somaliland. Waxase ayaan darro ah in iyada oo aanu warbixin ka soo dirray xaaladdii iyo duruufihii abuurmay in haddana muddo saacado yar ka dib ah aanu ka maqallo Idaacada BBC-da war saxaafadeedkii koowaad isla galabnimadii oo xanbaarsanaa eedo aan meesha qabanin oo u muuqanayay arrin lagu deg degay.


Mar labaad anaga oo aad uga xun eedahaas aanan geyin, ehella u ahayn, igana suurta gelin ayaa waxaan u bandhigayaa in ay ka garsooraan cid kasta oo aqoon u leh xaaladdaha Milateriga oo duruufahan oo kale ay keenaan iyo ummadaydu inay ka garsoorto dhacdadaas ku koobnayd hawshaas cidda guusha soo hoysey iyo cidda dhabar jabka ku ah Qaranimada Somaliland.


Waxaan ummadayda Somaliland u soo jeedinayaa in ay ilaashadaan nabadgelyadood, midnimadooda iyo wada jirkooda qarannimo oo ku fara adaygaan qaabka dowladnimo ee aynu dhisanay.


Waxaan ciidanka Qaranka u rajaynayaa guul, isku duubni, kala danbayn oo lagu gaadho mid tayo, tababar taakulayn iyo u diyaargarow difaac qaranimada oo ah xirfada hogaamineed ee ciidan looga baahnaa".


Intaas kadib waxa way weriyayaashu weydiiyeen mudane Waqaf su;aalo door ah oo la xidhiidha mawduucan.


Copyright © 2006

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However, our friend Jacalybaro is in a state of self-denial about the defining feature of this dictator. As the old nautical expression puts, "No wind favors the ship that has no charted course." It is astonishing why Mr. Jacaylbaro favors to sail with this ship over the preservation of mutual benefit through the symbiosis of the peaceful clans in Sanaag and Sool.

Waar niyow dee meeshaad igala qaaday garan maayo kow dheh ,,,,,,,, how many times i said WAR IS NOT GOOD FOR ANYONE ,,,, and we're not talking about war here sxb ,,,,, If somaliland wants war walaahi things would not be the way it is now ,,,, 16 years and yet no aggression from somaliland's side at all ,,,


I know Sanaag bari clans are living in a peaceful situation (almost) and i don't want for them any war or demise ,,,,,,,,,


all what we want is to close our border with qolada shishe :D ,,,,,,,,,, and we will do it through negotiations like this going on in Erigavo now ,,,,,, and that will be done sooner or later ,, for sure.

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At least Mr gaildoon has clearly stated the the disputed tracts not being whole of Sool and Sanaag but just aportion of it (Eatern Sanaag) . This is what many would not know cause some call this area (SSC).I would advice them to add that Key word "EASTERN" to those cooked Abreviations.

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I am not a fan of Riyaale, but one thing he certainly is not is a dictator. he is a democratically elected President and he has done some good work for Somaliland but has made some wrong decisions as well. In general i dont think he has been that good in his job but he has shown commitment and integrity in his role and for that i respect him.



all what we want is to close our border with qolada shishe ,,,,,,,,,, and we will do it through negotiations like this going on in Erigavo now ,,,,,, and that will be done sooner or later ,, for sure.

Well put.....

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Nabadshe, According to the adminstrative arrangement of the United Nation, here is what it writes.



"Background and context of eastern Sanaag

The land of the eastern Sanaag community of Somalia extends between the cities of Bossasso - the capital of the Bari region and Erigavo, the capital of the Sanaag region - in an east-west direction. Under the last government, the administrative jurisdiction over this area was divided between the districts of Laskoreh, Badhan and DHahar and the districts of Erigavo and Bossasso. Despite this administrative division, the people of Badhan, Laskoreh and DHahar and some of those to the east of Erigavo and the West of Bossasso belong to the same sub-lineage entity. (********) This lineage-conscious sense of belonging has become ever so important in all parts of Somalia since the beginning of the political strife in Somalia and the ensuing dissolution of civil society, marked by the collapse of government in January 1991. The reason can be explained."


Gaildon is aware of this, and his letters's crucial message transcends Mr.Silanyo. That land mass is over 70% of Sanaag. I, however, believe that the people of "eastern Sanaag" reaches as far as Ceelafwayn and the application of this term is not legitimate and factual in general, except in particular situations of genuine dialogue, according to the above illustration.


Renegade, Riyale has morphed into a clan dictator. His election has no legitimacy and is therefore not in par with the election results of legitimate states. What you have in Hargeisa is a clan state led by elites of the former regime.


Jacaylbaro, I see you are wallowing in delusional state. If you think your clan can close the border, we will see, but my advice to you is to be consistent and rational of your clannish interests. Otherwise, you have no argument that would convince your audience.

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Originally posted by Nabadshe:

At least Mr gaildoon has clearly stated the the disputed tracts not being whole of Sool and Sanaag but just aportion of it (Eatern Sanaag) . This is what many would not know cause some call this area (SSC).I would advice them to add that Key word "EASTERN" to those cooked Abreviations.

Ok, how would you deal with the former southern Togdheer (Buhodle) region which annexed from former Togdheer region, I ask? ;)

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Dear Mansa, to the Somalis, they view every thing at its generic value without looking into the context and the implication of any geogriphical term. According to the above illustration, it is how "eastern Sanag" fits the term, not like settlements close to the border just like how the seperatists want to present their divisive case to the world.


It is like the people of Buhodle is to Togdheer that the people of Bur'o is to Sanaag. They settle exclusively one district out of the 5 major districts of Sanaag.

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Originally posted by Maakhir:

Dear Mansa, to the Somalis, they view every thing at its generic value without looking into the context and the implication of any geogriphical term. According to the above illustration, it is how "eastern Sanag" fits the term, not like settlements close to the border just like how the seperatists want to present their divisive case to the world.


It is like the people of Buhodle is to Togdheer that the people of Bur'o is to Sanaag. They settle exclusively one district out of the 5 major districts of Sanaag.

Dear Maakhir I absolutely see your point and I say to those who are incapable of conceiving that the art of politics is all putting things into context and from there making concessions and compromise, they definitely doom to fail ..and worst of yet they come to their senses and wander around when it is too late, costly and time consuming for mending the self-prescriped wound.


Time is a fair teacher who doesn't descriminate I say

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Jacaylbaro, I see you are wallowing in delusional state. If you think your clan can close the border, we will see, but my advice to you is to be consistent and rational of your clannish interests. Otherwise, you have no argument that would convince your audience.

This is Qaran issue not Qabiil issue sxb ,,, you mixing up things ....... the border is for the qaran and we will close it sooner or later ,,,, not necessarily to put military there ,, even that qabiil can close that border for us :D

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