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I'm confused,,,, but diinta maxay ka qabtaa???????

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salaams to all


Walaahi i'm really confused cuze i have lived in minnesota 4 about 4 yrs i can say, i kept seeing people who behave like gaalossss..

this is why i'm confused?????? Why somalida especially women say boy freind baa cunug iga dhalay while her husband driving texi??? walaahi to be honest with you freind of mine saw pregnenet women who even doesnot understan english and then the women asked here help transilation you know and then in turns out this the wamen was saying cunuga b/freind ayaa iga dhalay,,,, redface.gif then this what next somali women was having her labor or fool and then she said no gaalos ma'i dhalinaayaan even women and then waxaa jirta gabar pakistani ah oo mid wife ama umuliso ah ayaa lookeenay and then she asked where is you husband she said b/freind and the women got embarrased 2 be honest with ma'aysan dhalin waykatagtay,,,,,so why is that and cunuga sidaa gudhasho maxaa lagu tilmaamikaraa?????????walaahi i'm really confused :mad: redface.gif

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Deeqa, these poor Somali women are lying to the authority simply to avoid trouble down the road. It is easier for them to say BOYFRIEND rather than HUSBAND because government aid will be cut off. I understand the situation.


I think it is haraam to gain wealth by means of lying to others.


The question is: Is our marriage considered official in this country, if the parties involved didn't do the paper work required by the US government?


Some Wadaado claim they are not lying when they mention the "boyfriend/girlfriend" excuse to the government because the Muslim marriage or any other marriage isn't recognized by this government unless you have an American marriage certificate. Many of the Somalis don't have that, specially the refugees.


I am wondering who is stopping them from getting the certificate from the city hall? Is it haraam to get it?

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Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb

Is sad walaahi :( what u mentioned is not only happening in mnpls is happening every where we went to. Like LST said there is no doubt that is haram what these sisters & brothers are doing. Laying to nonbelievers does not give u the right to owne extre money. Like our prophet toucht us---->


Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said :

o It is compulsory on every Muslim to seek lawful earnings. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said : He who makes efforts to maintain his family out of lawful earnings is like a fighter in the way of Allah and he who seeks lawful earnings after restraining himself will get the rank of a martyr

o If a man eats lawful food for forty days, Allah illumines his heart and lets flow wisdom from his heart through his tongue.

o Allah grants him renunciation in the world. Once Sayyidna Sa'ad said to Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) Pray to Allah that He may accept my invocation. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said : Eat lawful food and for that your invocation will be accepted.

o : If a man purchases a cloth with ten dirhams and if one dirham out of them is unlawful, his prayer will not be accepted till a portion of that cloth remains in his body. The fire of Hell is fit for the flesh which has been grown by unlawful food.

o if a man does not care where from he earns his wealth, Allah will not care by which path he will enter Hell. He said : There are ten shares of worship, nine of which are in lawful earnings.

o He who passes times upto evening in search of lawful earnings passes the night in a state of his sins being forgiven and rises at dawn when Allah remains pleased with him.

o If a man earns by sinful acts and gives it in charity or action of an kindness or spends it in the way of Allah. Allah will throw him into Hell after collecting everything.

o :The best of your religion is to keep away from unlawful things. He said : If a man meets Allah after refraining from unlawful things. Allah will give him reward of the entire Islam. In an earlier scripture, Allah said with regard to those who refrained from unlawful food : I feel ashamed to take their accounts.

o One dirham of interest (usury) is more serious to Allah than thirty fornication.

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A true story that happened in Canada.


This Soomaali jilbaab-wearing lady and her children used to benefit from welfare. And in Canada it is much easier to get a benefit from that office to single mothers. But this sister had a real working husband, working in the U.S., visiting once or twice every three months. And giving them a real masruuf. But a problem started when she started getting pregnant again and again. First, her case worker used to ask why and how she got it. And she would reply a boyfriend did it, who left her poorly afterward. The case worker bought her stories until the third child came.


Her fed up case worker called her into her office. Closed the door. And told her, "Let’s be friendly and honest enough, just a two good friends' conversation." The case worker continued, "You claim to be a Muslim, and according to that conservative dress of yours, you must be a practicing Muslim. So, my understanding of Islam, if I am not mistaken, is contrary what you are doing. What you are telling me, that all of those children were fathered by unknown 'boyfriends' is contrary to Islamic beliefs. I am a Jewish, and Judaism and Islam are very familiar, so why don’t you tell me that simply and honest enough that you have a husband. We might not cut your cheques right away if you are that honest. I am sorry, I never thought Muslims would practice something like this, especially practicing ones like you."


That sister, that akhwaan sister, was so bewildered. :( :eek: So astonished redface.gif to say a word. She left there ashamed of herself, and lost a great deal of self-dignity, even disgracing her Islamic faith, and especially corrected by a Yahuud to teach you your Islamic faith.


Deeqa, sister, marka, I know how confused you are. Some so-called practicing Muslims, and especially some wadaado, what they actually do and what they preach is absolutely contrasting.


And Diinta surely doesn’t encourage anyone to do something like that. Even that Yahuud woman understood that Islaam doesn't allow it.


May Allaah help our people: Aamiin!!

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MMA: How sad and pathetic.


I really think some Somalis need a wake up call! It's kind of odd how strict Somali wadaado can be about certain things ie. student loans n' such, but when it comes to cheating the welfare they seem indifferent about it. Don't you think its time for Somali sheikhs to get real about this and teach folks a thing or two on honesty?

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