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The SOL Country - become a cabinet member

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Region 1


An arid land inhibited by a proud nomadic tribe who oppose any external forces and influences. A recent survey (with the consent of the nomadic tribe of course) concluded that there are huge reserves of oil and gas in this region. Clients are queuing up!


Region 2


A green land rich in soils for agricultural purposes and inhibited by proud farmers. These farmers have been persuaded in recent years to grow as much of the stimulant plant khaat as possible for financial purposes. This has made them wealthy and are now reluctant to grow other more beneficial crops. The khaat gangsters are also keen to protect their livelihoods.


Region 3


A narrow and under developed strip along the east coast of SOL Country with huge potential for tourism along its white sand beaches. Currently a fishing region with stocks running short due to theft by bigger ships from wealthier countries. The coast guards have become corrupt and have been bribed into turning a blind eye to the goings on offshore.


Region 4


A mountainous area rich in natural resources such as Zinc and Iron Ore with wide scale speculation of large deposits of gold and diamonds. This region is under developed with limited access via road. Past negotiations with the locals has yielded nothing, as they are suspicious of any road networks being built. They feel they will lose out, as they are powerless and uneducated.


Region 5


A flat and dusty region with an old colonial port ripe for re-development to take advantage of the huge maritime traffic sailing by to ports in neighbouring countries.


Region 6


A quiet and calm region where youngsters from other parts of SOL country come to be educated in Islam. However, the good names of the schools are being tainted by accusations of being radicalized. External pressure is building to close down the schools.


The development of SOL Country is highly dependent on all regions working together to prosper. But who will run them you ask. This is were it gets interesting. A vote will take place this week so nominate yourselves for your desired region. A council will be formed who will then elect it’s president. Secretive meetings are allowed (via pm) but smear campaigns are not. A day is a year in SOL country and much can be done. Posed scenarios are welcome for the leaders of the regions to tackle.


I nominate myself for Region 4.

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Did you read the last paragraph. Choose a region become elected (dirty tactics allowed) and then the chosen will do the choosing.


Region 2 would suit you as i think you can deal with the farmers and khaat gangsters.

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You must take part in the process man but there are rumours someone is becoming friendly with with of our neighbours who want to install him a pres. Is that you?

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I will gather some militia and become a warlord, take over all the land so everyone in SOL country could go to forums and have long heated conversations about me!! lol


First time I ever write in this section thank you Northerner bro for this nice topic that invites normal nomads such as myself to contribute to this section without *ahem*


Anyhow I nominate myself for region 3

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^^^I plan to get all your militia's singin I get HIGH HIGh highhhhhhhhh Merfish style...


I pick Region 2 for myself lets get to bizzness

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I am the president and i said it before anyone else here ,,,,,, i'll smash whoever wants to be a warlord ,,,,,,,,


now Femme, we'll consider your proposal ,,, thank you :D

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