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What do you call this man?

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And what do you call this man?




Deeply down in that criminal showbiz were also some side kickers, and floor dancers, Sheikh Aweys, an army colonel in the Al-Itihad destroyed late Somali Army, and his top lieutenants in the current top leadership of the ICU, were part of it, were they willfully wanted, and sacrificially desired the dark destruction of Somali people, and their land from bottom to top!

A short time of period the Somali society was completely destroyed, perpetrated by that dark coalition lead, and brained by Mengistu.

At least most of us know who paid in blood for that evil plan of ruining, and killing off the Somalis.

The innocent Somali people were only victims of this Hitler, and Mussolini minded genocidal killings! Mass murderer Hitler


Sheikh Aweys become top leader of the Al-Itihad organization in Somalia


we’ve just read how the last plan had ended, now let us see how the other plan from Sheikh Aweys, and his lieutenants’ might take to us.

Mass murderer MussoliniThe Al-Itihad group believes that they are making Somalis to be good Muslims.

“This is stranger than fiction”



Radio Jijiga editorial after the announcement of shiek Aweye as supreme islamic leader of "somalia"

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Originally posted by Nayruus:

^^didn't you write the script for radio jigjiga?

I am not that important. BTW this picture and the editorial was written months ago as soon as the supreme leader (Grand Ayatollah -shiia version)was announced with so much fanfare.


It was a shock to somali ethiopians who supported ICU against warlords. It gave people that sinking feeling that some imposter has used the people's desire to have peace and order in their lives.


A usurper has hijacked somalis in the south.


The name Aweye in somali state is associated with many things, but none of them are good.

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SF says:


I am not that important. BTW this picture and the editorial was written months ago as soon as the supreme leader (Grand Ayatollah -shiia version)was announced with so much fanfare.

He also quotes this man in other threads:


Elias Redman, vice president of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC)

Therefore, isnt the president of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council not the supreme Islamic leader (Grand Mufti) in Ethiopia?


Now, from that I gather that Ethiopia can have a supreme council and Somalia cant. Is thats what your saying SF? There can be a supreme leader in Ethiopia but not one in Somalia or are you getting your wires crossed (again)?


Ps supreme Islamic leaders in countries are know as Grand Muftis. Its perfectly permissible or didn’t your ‘shiekhs’ tell you that?

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Elias Redman is vice president so he is not the Grand Mufti.

I guess you missed that.


Its permissible, thats why I clarified the shiia equivalent. Its your choice to have or not to have a Mufti or Gran Mufti syetem of organization.


The issue here in the thread and in Jijiga is who took over ICU. Ethiopians seem to know a lot of shiek Aweye and his murderous ways of innocent women and children. He (his group during mengistu days) are also accused of lives of WSLF fighters that disagreed with them.


You cannot or No need to introduce shiek Hassan Tahir to ethiopians. That explains the point better. Actually ethiopians have equal knowledge of Hassan Tahir as southern Somalis if not more.


You can't "sell" us Aweye under any guise. Period. We are not buying. If you buy his shenanigan, thats your choice, but you cannot force us to buy him under supreme leader or consultant.

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Elias Redman is vice president so he is not the Grand Mufti.

I know that, i was refering to the organisation you have in xabash land (Supreme Islamic Council) which you some how think is wrong to have in Somalia. I think i have cleared that up for you.


The rest of your post is just garbage! Flip flopping around my earlier questions shows your inability to:


a) Understand the same quotes you have been posting all over this forum from so called shiekhs who live in a non-muslim country who seem to think the ICU's jihad call was wrong


b) Offer anything in the way of support for your argument apart from the 'Aweys is a bad man' line.


You are but a confused xabashi!

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Originally posted by Northerner:

quote: Elias Redman is vice president so he is not the Grand Mufti.

I know that, i was refering to the organisation you have in xabash land (Supreme Islamic Council) which you some how think is wrong to have in Somalia. I think i have cleared that up for you.


The rest of your post is just garbage!

a) Understand the same quotes you have been posting all over this forum from so called shiekhs who live in a non-muslim country who seem to think the ICU's jihad call was wrong


b) Offer anything in the way of support for your argument apart from the 'Aweys is a bad man' line.


You are but a confused xabashi!
There is no Islamic state in all of africa or middle east. The way you say islamic country is unIslamic. You are calling Islamic country, which were made by christians and Jewish from europe.

nice going.


The ones you are saying so called shiek are shieks we hold in high regard in their communities.


Lets conclude the garbage here:


The Jihad call by Aweye/IndaCadde is not legitimate. It was also called by unqualified persons to do so. It was used as political instrument just like mcdonald uses some wizardry for commercial.


The people of somalia will punish them for this transgression, failing that the immediate neighbors will punish them for the fakery.


feakery harms religion more than its percieved or declared enemies.


Thats the stand and understanding of most ethiopians across the country. You don't accept it on SOL you have choice, Aweye/IndaCadde and the terrorists from eritrea, OLF that they counted upon will not have choice.

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^^ Somalis are not counting on anyone, we know our own strenghts, we will win this on our own. Like we have beaten Ethiopia time after time in histoy.


Ask yourself habash who will bail you out this time.


Portugal bailed you out in teh 16TH century, the english bailed you out in 1900, the USSR bailed you out in 1977, who will bail you out this time?


We can win on our own strenghts, can the Xabash win on his own strenght? I don't think so.

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you are angry and you are not thinking straight at all.

let me make you laugh or cry, at the low level you have descended now.


The Harreri is as haabesha as you can find. Actually he is Tigray. ask any ethiopian. The opposition will tell you that the Harreri is closer to Tigray than anyone else in ethiopia.


1900 there was no somalia yet. The italians haven't made you yet.


1977 was made by northerners and its the northerners that are now living in good neighbor policy and practice with their neighbors ethiopians.


tell me which one made you laugh and which one made you cry.


Take it easy, nothing serious.

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^^ Xabash,you don't have to tell me about my own history. I am flatered how a xabash like you would like Somali warriors to be Tigre. I thank you for the compliment.


The comment that Somalia didn't exist before 1900 is just funny, Somalia is an ancient country. We are Cush remmeber? We are Punt, we are the land of the Gods, We are Zaylac and Awdal, We are a-j-uuraan. We have history longer and a culture thats richer then Ethiopia's, so it just shows everyone here with what kind of person we are dealing with when you say ' the italians haven't made you'. It shows us we are dealing with an ignoramus.


In the war of 1977, Somalia has beaten Ethiopia. The USSR has helped Ethiopia, I don't ahve to tell youhow many Cubans, East Germans, Russians and Yemeni's fought for the Ethiopians, because Ethiopia din't have what it takes to fight with Somalia. We are better and history shows that. We have always beaten Ethiopia. In the 1977 war the Somali republic was united in that war, just like all Somalis are united in this war. Volunteers are going to Somalia from all over the world as we speak. Somalis from all corners of the country are joing the struggle now.


Who will help you now xabash? France? USA? China?


Who will you cry to? Who will you beg?

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enjoy your delusion. when you wake up from it, we will be in the same camp cheering for reconstituted, peaceful, prosperous somalia.


untill then I don't see this line of argument or do you think I am so delusional like ICU to invent Axum or Negash and tie it to Addis Ababa government.

I don't. For all I care it coud have been any one of our anscestors that was in Axum or Punt or Meroe or Habeshait doesn't matter now dealing with Aweye/IndaCadde imposters.

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You are the dellusional one, that can't stick to his points, the one that is always going with the wind.


Stick to your script, don't be changing your lies every other minute. You know you are full of lies.


Everything you say is a lie and everyone on SOL knows that by now.


This is not a war for Aweys/Indhacade etc etc, this is a war for Somalia and the Somalis. This is a war forsaving the oppressed Ethiopians against Meles Zenawi's dictatorship.


This is a war in which Somalia is dfending itself against the aggression of Ethiopia and we will be victorious.


You are a mercenarry,you are paid to do this, I do this because I love my people and my country, so who do you think that will win? The just ones that are defendng their country or the immoral ones that are invading our country?


Soomaalia ha noolaato!

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