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Mr. Somalia removed from the “list of Vagrants against the liberation of Somaligalbed

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After several bilateral discussions, Mr. Somalia has finally agreed to back the liberation struggle of the people of Somaligalbeed. Mr.Somalia said he had nothing against his brothers in the West but was put off by what he called few individuals who think they own it. “Hadaan taageeri lahaa xataa, A&T, Zack iyo Jafe ayaaba isku ooday albaabka oo meel loo maraa ma jirto” to use his own words.


It is good news this brother who had been infamous for his attacks against liberation fighters had finally seen the light. I have since sent his application to the head of the supporters of somaligalbeed, Mr. AllaMagan, to remove him from the list of “vagrants against Somaligalbeed”; which Allamagan thankfully accepted.


The coming home of Mr.Somalia, a talented man who no doubt could contribute to the promotion of the cause of the freedom of Somaligalbeed, is a triumph. It is good news. With him on our side, this leaves few insignificant figures and atheists to still splash dung and hang on to the smear campaign. We don’t expect Ramsade, a man who could not believe in his creator, to believe in our mundane cause. The rest are not really that significant. I mean who doesn’t know General Duke is a one-lake fish. Cowke is, well we all know, veritably Cowke. Talk only. And Meiji is suffering from moor.yaan malady.


Even the enigma of SOL, Xaaji Xundjuf, is on board.

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against the liberation of Somaligalbed

horta firstly dadka waxaad o cadaysaa ma qabillka OG baad xoraynaysaa mise somaligalbeed.

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there is big difference between tribal millitia and somali movement that cross section of the region. and their success depends on it too

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For the life me, when it comes to the seccessionist of North western of Somalia, I fail to understand what the likes of Qudhac would achieve with Somaliland that they couldn’t achieve with Somalia.


But again no surprises; Somalis are far more loyal to their tribes than to their country or even to their faith.

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The Zack   

^ :D:D


Qudhac, Jawaabta lagaa siiyo su'aashaas miyey kugu xidhan tahay taageeradaada? Haddii laguugu jawaabo ONLF waxey xoreneysaa qabiil soomaliyeed ma taagerisid miyaa? Oo adigu ma qabiillo gooni ah baa taageertaa?


Well then again SNM was fighting for ALL somalis in the Northwest including SOOL and Sanaag ehehe and that is why Mr. Qudhac loves it. Adeer qabiil iyo qabiil la'aan-ba ONLF is a Somali organization fighting against a xabashi regime, you shouldn't be asking those kind of questions unless you just love to play the clan card.

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The Zack   



Last time I talked to that infamous DhulQarneyn from California he was going to go to ONLF cab drivers and was going to tell them the cantarabaqash he posts here in person. I guess that changed him smile.gif I am glad he is finally on board.

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its nothing to do with wether i support them or not i simply ask for clafication does onlf represent all the somalis living in somali Galbeed or not its simple question to ask, why do you have to get defensive.

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So what if ONLF represents Qabiil?


N seriously, how could anyone from Somaliland and Puntland, entities who were found by Qabiil and based on Qabyalaad question ONLF tribal tendency?

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Qudhac:

its nothing to do with wether i support them or not i simply ask for clafication does onlf represent all the somalis living in somali Galbeed or not its simple question to ask,

Ok, simple answer: No, ONLF is fighting for the six zones that its clan resides.

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The Zack   

Che, LOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Exactly! I mean someone from Djabouti or someone who supports Al-shabaab can question about qabiils but Somaliland? Oh PUHLEASE!

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There is ururka dib uxoreynta somali galbeed led by some ex al itixaad wadaads and you have the old fashion Onlf guys.


Why don't they unite if freedom is their one and only common objective?


There is no doubt somaligalbeed needs to be freed but who is worthy of our support??.

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The Zack   

^One can support either of those two organizations if one is sincere about supporting the struggle for freedom.


There are no big differences between these two organizations, so it won't be difficult to unite once the country is free.


Anybody that doesn't want to support the ONLF because of its "name" can/should support the UWSLF that is fighting in the region/

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there you go again, the topic is not shabaab or dbouti or somaliland, i ask you simple question withough comparing ten different entities. i will ask you again.



do the organisation known as ONLF represent and speak for the enhabitants of the region known as Somali Galbeed as whole in what they doing.



no one is talking about the rights and wrongs of ONLF and wether or not to support them.

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