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Tukaraq: SSC Clan Elders Hold Party For Defected Pland Troops. (PICS)

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Tukaraq,(Lasanod Online)- Isimada SSC ayaa maanta Xaflad ugu qabtay deegaanka Tukaraq Ciidankii SSC ee kasoo goostay Maamul Goboleedka Puntland-


Isimada ayaa ku dhiirigeliyay ciidamadan dadaalkii ay u galeen inay qayb ka noqdaan dadaalada iyo dagaalada dib loogu xoraynayo deegaamada SSC gacanteeda ka maqan,


Boqor Cabdilaahi Oo ugu horeyn halkaas ka hadlay ayaa si wayn ciidamadan ugu amaanay dareenka wadaniyada leh ee ay qaateen ugana dhiidhiyeen inay iska joogaan meel kale iyagoo ciidoodii lagu soo duulay,


Sidoo kale Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil ayaa halkaas ciidamada kala hadlay isagoo Garaadku sheegay in wax lagu farxo tahay in fogaanta intaa leeg aad usoo marteen dalkiina inaad daafacdaan iyadoo qaar meel u dhaw joogaana ayna weli dareenkaasi gelin.


Garaadku wuxuu wax lagu farxo ku tilmaamay in cudud intaa leeg oo ciidan oo SSC ay maanta u diyaar yihiin inay dalka maqan soo celiyaan isagoo kusoo dhaweeyay ciidankan kuwii hore ugu jiray Furinta horre ee SSC,


Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali iyo Garaad Cali Buraale ayaa iyaguna khudbad qaaliya halkaas uga jeediyay ciidankan iyagoo ugu hanbalyeey dareemada iyo raganimada uu ilaahay u dhaliyay oo ay ku garteen inay dalkooda iyo dadkooda kala qayb qaataan waxyaalaha dhacaya.


isimada ayaa kulankaas ka bacdi shirar albaabadu u xidhanyihiin la galay saraakiisha ciidankan horkacaysa,iyadoo sidoo kale ay shirarkaas loogu yeedhay oo ay ka qayb galeen saraakiil kale oo ciidan horey tukaraq u joogay ah.


Munaasibadan maanta waxay isimadu ku sheegeen in shir ay yeesheen ay ka soo saareen in isimada SSC ay safaro kala duwan ukala baxaan oo deegaamada SSC.


Waxayna isku qaybiyeen laba qaybood oo kala aadaysa deegaamada Hawdka iyo Nugaasha,


Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali,Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil,Garaad Cali Buraale,Boqor Cabdilaahi waa isimada u kicitimaysa Hawdka deegaamada SSC,iyadoo isimada inta kalena ay Deegaamada Nugaasha ay hawlaha ka wadayaan.


Ciidamadan ay isimadu maanta xaflada uqabteen ayaa ahaa cutubyo ciidan SSC ah oo kasoo goostay Maamulka Puntland iyadoo abaabulka lagu soo anbabixiyay ay qayb ka ahaayeen ganacsatada SSC ee magaalada Boosaaso.


Wariye: Abdiqani I. Goox


Xafiiska Wararka Lasanod Online, Laascaanood.

















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Now i know that certain ssc soldiers defected from the puntland camp, you can tell by the red-berets some of them are wearing however what shocks me is the that most of the garaads who signed an agreement with puntland just the other day are now welcoming people who are traitors to puntland?


Anyways I think this website has twisted the truth a bit by trying to portray the garaads as anti puntland and welcoming defected soldiers from puntland it just doesn't add up why would those garaads sign agreements with puntland just the other day.


SSC is confusing place thats for sure :confused:

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Did you see more than two garaades in the picture? Now you understand not everyone taking orders from Faroole. The SSC military build up is going very well and they do need anybody blesing or opnion

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Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali,Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil,Garaad Cali Buraale,Boqor Cabdilaahi waa isimada u kicitimaysa Hawdka deegaamada SSC,iyadoo isimada inta kalena ay Deegaamada Nugaasha ay hawlaha ka wadayaan.

The garad next garad jamac is very staunch puntlander and was at signing ceremony. Most of the garaads are at tukaraq in this picture except probably 1 or 2 who are at hawd and garad saleban is missing.


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Garaadada SSC oo Xaflad dhiri gelin ah u qabtay Ciidankii ka soo goostey Puntland



SSC( SSC ayaa waxay xaflad soo dhawayn iyo dhiiri gelin ah u qabteen Ciidamada dhawaan ka soo goostey xerada Carmo ee Ciidamada lagu tababaro...


Xafladan oo ka dhacday Tukaraq ayaa waxaa halkaasi ka soo qayb galay dhammaan Ciidamadii ku sugnaa aagaasi,Waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay G Jaamac G Cali, G Cali Burale ,G Jaamac G Ismail iyo Boqor Cabdilahi **** gooye,Garaadada aya waxay wax lagu farxo ku tilmaameen in cudud intaa leeg oo ciidan oo SSC ay maanta u diyaar yihiin inay dalka maqan soo celiyaan isagoo kusoo dhaweeyay ciidankan kuwii hore ugu jiray Furinta horre ee SSC,Saraakiisha iyo Isimada ayaa markii dambe galay shir albaabadu u xidhan yihiin. Dhinaca kale waxa halkaasi ka hadlay Saraakiishii hogaaminayey Ciidanka oo sheegayn in ay kaga dhabaynayaan sida ay uga soo baxeen Carmo,sidoo kale waxay sheegeen in ay ciidanku isugu jirey Ciidankii Dawalda Federaalka iyo Puntland oo ay dhammantod ka soo jeedaan deeganaka SSC isla markaana aysan u dulqaadan karin dhiigaga daadanaya ee shacabkooda iyo dhulkooda Somalidiidku haysto. Isimaan ayaa dhawaan u ambabaxaya dhinaca Hawdka waxaana lagu wada in ay gaadhan illaa magaalada Buuhoodle ee Xarunta SSC.

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Garaado are united now, alhamdulilah


All SSC Garaado and SSC leadership jointly welcomed the SSC army who left the useless Puntland army



It was very smart by the SSC leadership to attract the ssc soldiers. Hogaanka successfully convinced the young SSC men to leave Puntland, and come to liberate their land SSC



Many more SSC soldiers are on the way, this just the first group


Faroole tried to divide SSC Garaado, but he failed big time



Now all Garaado realized that Faroole is cheater, who is not honest, and Puntland is not serious when it comes to liberate SSC from somalidiid


Good news that all SSC Graado, SSC army all left Garowe and Bosaaso

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Cowke, you need to pipe down your nonsensicality, just for once here!


Irregardless of which Garaad supports Puntland or NOT, the fact that the SSC people are slowly coalescing behind their elders and uniting for their common cause, is indeed a worthy and honorable sight to behold. I wish my brethren ALL the success in their endeavors to rid themselves of the traitors in their midst who have brought so much opprobrium and disgrace to the proud peoples of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn.


Isha-Allah; victory is theirs, ALONE.

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

Irregardless of which Garaad supports Puntland or NOT, the fact that the SSC people are slowly coalescing behind their elders and uniting for their common cause, is indeed a worthy and honorable sight to behold. I wish my brethren ALL the success in their endeavors to rid themselves of the traitors in their midst who have brought so much opprobrium and disgrace to the proud people peoples of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn.


Isha-Allah; victory will be your ALONE.

Thank You, Mr. Somalia, for your support for SSC cause, and walaaltinimo


SSC people will be Victorious Insha Allah


Xaq & Justice will prevail insha allah

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

, you need to pipe down your nonsensicality, just for a once here!


Irregardless of which Garaad supports Puntland or NOT, the fact that the SSC people are slowly coalescing behind their elders and uniting for their common cause, is indeed a worthy and honorable sight to behold. I wish my brethren ALL the success in their endeavors to rid themselves of the traitors in their midst who have brought so much opprobrium and disgrace to the proud people peoples of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn.


Isha-Allah; victory is theirs, ALONE.

I am happy their liberating their land, I've never had an issue with that it's just why cant they liberate their land without destroying puntland unity?


Puntland was created for 8 regions, if they don't agree with the mamul in garowe that is fine and that is their right to disagree with it but "Leaving Puntland" because of farole is really a bad move as far as im concerned.


They can hate the leader but don't hate the system. The leader can be changed anytime so why do they want to leave? why cant they help save puntland? Cade didnt leave because of abdullahi, he wanted to save puntland. i wish the darawish people were bit more like that but their not. Hal odey daradisa ayey puntland uga baxayan ma caadi bay kula tahay taas? niyahow waxaas caadi ma ahan, puntland way ka weyn tahay hal nin.

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

, you need to pipe down your nonsensicality, just for a once here!


Irregardless of which Garaad supports Puntland or NOT, the fact that the SSC people are slowly coalescing behind their elders and uniting for their common cause, is indeed a worthy and honorable sight to behold. I wish my brethren ALL the success in their endeavors to rid themselves of the traitors in their midst who have brought so much opprobrium and disgrace to the proud people peoples of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn.


Isha-Allah; victory is theirs, ALONE.

Who thought these sound statements will come from the otherwise vagrant Mr. Somalia!!


I fully agree with him. Cowke cut it adeer. Stop the horseshit about Pirate-land. The liberation of Darwiish-land has started.

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Insha Allah SSC waa guuleesanayaan


Guushu aad bee u dhowdahay, marhadii midaynta SSC lagu guuleystay, halgankii dibu-xoraynta uu si fiican u bilowday meel fiican marayo



Guul SSC, Guul Somaliweyn

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Originally posted by Cowke:


Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

, you need to pipe down your nonsensicality, just for a once here!


Irregardless of which Garaad supports Puntland or NOT, the fact that the SSC people are slowly coalescing behind their elders and uniting for their common cause, is indeed a worthy and honorable sight to behold. I wish my brethren ALL the success in their endeavors to rid themselves of the traitors in their midst who have brought so much opprobrium and disgrace to the proud people peoples of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn.


Isha-Allah; victory is theirs, ALONE.

I am happy their liberating their land, I've never had an issue with that it's just why cant they liberate their land without destroying puntland unity?


Puntland was created for 8 regions, if they don't agree with the mamul in garowe that is fine and that is their right to disagree with it but "Leaving Puntland" because of farole is really a bad move as far as im concerned.


They can hate the leader but don't hate the system. The leader can be changed anytime so why do they want to leave? why cant they help save puntland? Cade didnt leave because of abdullahi, he wanted to save puntland. i wish the darawish people were bit more like that but their not. Hal odey daradisa ayey puntland uga baxayan ma caadi bay kula tahay taas? niyahow waxaas caadi ma ahan, puntland way ka weyn tahay hal nin.
To Cowke:


It's remarks such as these, that make me doubt the contents of your cranium, sxb. Puntland or the so-called Admin of Puntland have collectively failed in safeguarding the security and welfare of the people of SSC, and as such, I believe, they have earned the right to provide for themselves what the so-called UNITY OF PUNTLAND has failed to do for them, thus far.


Cowke, many folks on SOL have brought into question the genuineness of your Puntland credentials; many have declared you persona non grata and claim you're nothing but a petty, divisive individual who's only aspiration is to court mediocre animus towards that great State of ours.


Saaxiib, as a proud Somali first foremost and Puntlander second, I'd like to say on record that WE do not have any qualms whatsoever of the possible fruition of a Daraawiishland in SSC, which will remain loyal to Mother Somalia... In fact-- the people of Puntland, welcome it with hope, courage, and confidence. For we know that, at the end of the day, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the people of SSC taking their political destiny into their own hands and joining hands with their Puntland brethren to form the foundation of a strong united Somali Federal Republic, that is finally at peace with itself and the rest of the world.


We wish them ALL the best!

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Mr.Somalia If i am puntland or not it wont be decided on somaliaonline and that is cheap way of trying to get out of tough questions and sorry it won't work!!!Secondly its my opinion I dont want to see darawish-state its unrealistic. But as far freeing themselves yes that is something that I do want to see.


So what if this admin has failed, according to your warp logic, so if obama fails americans will leave america? what sort of crack are you smoking sxb? farole failing the state is not even be questioned here it is you who keep debating about how farole has failed lol. What is being questioned is the unity of puntland and the unity of people is through the people not through farole or the president.


What the ssc people need to do is start lobbying for change or even an armed resistance against farole to get him to change his policies, but this idea of "i will leave puntland because farole has failed me" is unacceptable sort of behaviour.


Puntland is bigger then farole, you, or me. It is the people that make the state and when the ssc people say "I will leave the state" is no different to the games the snm play with Somalia.

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