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The Embassy of Republic of Somalia to India re-opens : meet your Ambassaddor: PICS

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Gediid, I dont check the private affairs of everyone, and have no idea abt her marital status, :D but I know some of her family, they do have money.


But why are you so negative? Yeey,and old the warlords will be gone one day, but atleast these Amb are badly needed by somali citizen living abroad, Specially in India,where I have seen that most of the Somali government documents are forged in the streets, that is shame for my beloved country, and this post is one step for greater Somalia.



Emperor, Thanks for the clarifications Boowe.

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Originally posted by Dahia al Kahina:



I can’t believe you picked on single mothers as if they are a disgrace to humanity, as for the taxi drivers there are many whom hold Masters and PhD but had found it hard to find jobs these include many former students from Russian, China etc. Most Somali families now and then had been of single parent household. If your protest and beef was about this woman’s appointment then you should have addressed it as so rather then being prejudice and ignorant. I don’t know this woman or anything about her background but in reality one doest have to be a PhD holder or a successful CEO to be an ambassador. Being an ambassador is usually defined as diplomacy which is that, it is the oral aspect of international relation. There is an essential difference between what is written and what is spoken, not only because spoken words are essentially more ephemeral, but because the spoken language has infinitely more nuances, being both richer and more subtle than written texts. As for this woman, she already seems to have the knack for the job...Congrats to her and her connections [The envious me speaks here]


Big up for SINGLE MOTHERS! If she is one that is.. :cool:

Yea, u sheeg, singal maadarska xaa laga rabaa dheh. Unugaa yaab aragnee. Yaaba heli karo a singal maadar these days.

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so how much she paid to get this post!! yo, we all know how this is done.... aint nobody fooling nobody here!


4 real...Ayan, q's where she from! i am sure she aint from baidabow!! lool... u feel me!


clan shit all the way! u tell me wazzup.

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^^ "Clan shit all the way" sums up this thread and quite a few people posting in it.


Since when was political apointments based on merit in the TFG ? Fowr-bointi-fife is how the theives divide their bounty.


Speaker of the House = Clan X

Prime Minister = Clan Y

President = Clan Z


and so on, waa dad lafaha qurun'ka qabiil ka gashay and are terminally ill with it. So it should come to no suprise that ambasadorship positions are filled according to "Tolaaaaaaay, Tolaaaaaay, ina adeero hook your cousin up"

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guys guys guys let the Lady be. Right now there is not one single man in Somalia who can stand as a clean politician from the Dowlad to the Dowlad wannabes. Our only option are the ladies right now. Don't be jealous She is way better looking than the President and the Sheikh I say :D

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