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Mohamed Dheere lands in Xamar

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Sharif Ahmed knows how effective his old boss is and has called him for support to save the clan.

Actually, Mohamed Dheere was forced on Sh Sharif. The situation is now almost out of Sharif's hands. Thus, any help will be appreciated.

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Maxamed Dheere oo dib mar kale ula soo baxay Hubkiisii, dhaq dhaqaaqyana ka wada Waqooyiga Muqdisho.


Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (M/Dheere) oo shalay soo gaaray Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa dhaq dhaqaaqyo ka wada Waqooyi Muqdisho, iyadoo Maxamed Dheere dib loogu arkay Hubkiisii.


Maxamed Dheere ayaa waxaa durba degay Hoygiisii xilligii uu ahaa Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho, Hoygaasoo hada ka hor uu diiday inuu wareejiyo, waxaana uu ahaa guri loogu tala galay inay degaan Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir.


Siyaasigan ayaa xeritaankiisa ay sabab u aheyd labo arrimood oo uu diiday, iyadoo mid ay aheyd inuu Hubkiisa soo wareejiyo, mida kalena ay aheyd inuu wareejiyo Hoyga uu degan yahay, waxaana shalay dadka ay layaab kula noqotay markii ay arkeen Maxamed Dheere oo sii galaya Guriga iyo isagoo la soo baxay Tikniko fara badan.


Ku dhowaad 10 gaadiidka dagaalka iyo Maleeshiyadii daacada u aheyd ayaa la arkayay iyagoo si aad ah u ilaalinaya Maxamed Dheere, isagoo shalay kulamo goono gooni ah la qaatay Xildhibaano beeshiisa ka soo jeeda sida Salaad Cali Jeelle iyo Xaaji Muuse Suudi Yalaxow, kuwaasoo ku kulmay Hoyga Xaaji Muuse oo ku yaal Degmada Kaaraan.


Dad ku dhow dhow Maxamed Dheere ayaa ii sheegay in Maxamed Dheere ay u yeereen Odayaal iyo waxgarad ka tirsan Beeshiisa, si uu gacan uga geysto dagaalada ka dhex oogan beeshiisa oo sida la rumeysan yahay ay isku heystaan gacan ku heynta Saldhiga Yaaqshiid.


Ma cada sida uu saameyn ugu yeelan karo Maxamed Dheere xaaladaha ka taagan Waqooyi Muqdisho oo haatan ay muuqdaan kuwo dagaalka ku soo siqaya, waxaana uu Maxamed Dheere dhaq dhaqaaqyo ka wadaa deegaanadan, taasoo aanay ilaa iyo hada cadeyn.


Ilaa iyo hada wax war ah ma siinin saxaafada Maxamed Dheere oo ka mid ahaa Hogaamiye kooxeedyadii Soomaaliya, iyadoona dad badan ay su'aalo iska weydiinayaan soo laabashadiisa xilligan oo dagaalo ka holcayaan Magaalada Muqdisho.


Hooyga wararka Somaliyed m

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Mohamed Dheere is a former warlord who is not part of this government and has no role in it, so how is he gona fight for it, unless aysan clanish ahayn... Shariif-ka at least waa inuu wax umagacaabaa otherwise Sheekadu waxay noqonaysaa wuxuu kuugu dagaalamay warold-kaas waa isku qabiil baa tihiin, haduu M Dheere jago iskugu magacaabona waa shido horleh ayuu kunoqon lool, Sheikh hotel walle balaayaa haysata

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So far the pseudo-islamist warlords and their actions have pushed many people into the arms of those warlords they despised: pseudo-clanist warlords.


Another development would be:


- Pushing the Somali people into embracing foreign intervention. We can already see the signs on this forum.


The pseudo-Islamists have betrayed the Somali people after showing their true face:





What does this all tell?


The Somali people would rather live under pseudo-clanist warlords and accept foreign interference in our affaires than to live under oppressive, misguided, pseudo-religious warlords and their aim to transform Somalia into a free haven for Jihadi foreign fighters to plot their military campaign to ''conquer the world from Alaska to Japan''.

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so how is he gona fight for it, unless aysan clanish ahayn

You don't say! For real, yo ? Is it really true that sheekada inay clannish tahay ?


Emperor, any observer of Somalia with more than 5 brain cells can tell you that the entire existence of the TFG(and it's supporters) is predicated on, nourished by, and dedicated to Qabyaalad and qabiil interests. Every 'wazeer' that is named, every bribe that is paid, every trip that is taken, is done under the auspices of Al-Qabiil. Cabdullahi Amxaar was kicked to the curb because of Qabiil. Shariif was brought in because of Qabiil. And he turn brought in that obese hack, Ina Sharmaarke, because of Qabiil.


Marka, it's a bit naive of you to express astonishment that Shariif Al-Khabeeth would call his former employer and cousin, Maxamed Dheere, when the going got tough.

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"Don't blame Ethiopia, don't blame the TFG, sure as heck don't blame my Adeeros..umm, blame Satan and the wadaads with red cimaamds" .


Your avator says it all. Mogadishu is back to it's old ways thanks to red cimaamad wadaads.

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