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Ina Shaaweeye becomes part of Banadir admin great welcome by the people: PICS

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C/fitaax Ibraahim cumar sebriye ( Shaaweeye) oo ah Wiil uu dhalay shaaweeye ayaa maanta loo caleemo saaray jagadii uu abbihii ka dhintay ee Gobolka Banaadir


Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Muqdisho 15/05/07


Jagada guddoomiye ku xigeenka Gobolka Banaadir iyo Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho ee dhinacyada Ammaanka iyo Siyaadda ayaa maanta loo caleemo-saaray Maanta C/fitaax Ibraahim Cumar Sabriye (Shaaweeye) oo uu aabbahiis ka geeriyooday.


Xafladda caleemo saarka ayaa waxaa maanta lagu qabtay Degmada Dayniile ee Gobolka Banaadir, waxaana xafladdaas goobjoog ka ahaa Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa Muqdisho Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb Maxamed Dheere.


Sidoo kale xafladdaan oo ka dhacday xaruntii Orietension-ka Degmadaas ayaa waxaa ku soo dhaweeyay mas'uuliyiinta gobolka dadweyne fara badan oo ka tirsan kuwa gobolka iyo sidoo kale kuwo kale oo ka yimid degmooyinka gobolka Banaadir, iyadoo soo dhaweyntana ay ka qaybgaleen Fardo la xardhay.


Mas'uuliyiinta ka hadlay halkaas ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Maxamed Dheere, Caasho Shaacuur, C/fitaax Ibraahim Shaaweeye, Guddoomiyaha degmada Dayniile iyo xubno kale, waxaana Maxamed Dheere uu sheegay in jagadaan C/fitaax loo caleemo saaray maanta ay tahay tii uu ka dhintay Aabbihii, waxaana Maxamed Dheere uu dadka ka codsaday inay taageeraan C/fitaax.


C/fitaax Ibraahim Cumar Sabriye (Shaaweeye) oo ah nin dhallinyaro ah oo qiyaastii 25-jir ah oo isaguna ka hadlay xafladda ayaa sheegay inuu go'aan ku gaaray inuu shacabka Soomaaliyeed weli u sii shaqeeyo oo uu isku dayo inuu buuxiyo kaalinta aabbihii uu banneeyay ee maamulka Gobolka Banaadir.


Xubnihii kale ee halkaas ka hadlay ayaa waxay sheegeen inay si weyn u garab istaagayaan Maamulka Maxamed Dheere iyo weliba C/fitaax Shaaweeye, waxayna sheegeen inay ka codsanayaan maamulka inay ka shaqeeyaan nabadda Muqdisho iyaguna ay garab taagan yihiin maalin walba.


Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC)

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

Dhaxaltooyo Miyaa?



What are his qualifications?

Bal ka sheekee!

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All hail to the new mayor of Muqdisho, ladies and gents say hello to mr. Mohamed dheere formerly a thug, warlord. He will be serving you now as your respectable mayor. *applause*.

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^^^Indeed you have forgiven the NSS commander Riyaale and made him your President and others are in your cabinet these men who served under the regime that butchered and massacred your people according to your myths. Yet you want others not to do the same? Pardon but the hypocracy smells bad.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

[...] these men who served under the regime that butchered and massacred your people according to your myths. Yet you want others not to do the same? Pardon but the hypocracy smells bad.

Pardon me for the absurdity of that sentence .. p.s. I think that smell is coming from the corpses on the ground

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^^^Pardon your contribution as ever saxib, but that remark was simple. Though as usual you make a meal of it.


If an SNM supporter in Hargaysa can forgive Riyaale why cannot the people of Mogadishu forgive Mohamed Dheere?

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^Pardon your contribution as ever saxib, but that remark was simple. Though as usual you make a meal of it.

pardoned ;)


Originally posted by The Duke:

If an SNM supporter in Hargaysa can forgive Riyaale why cannot the people of Mogadishu forgive Mohamed Dheere?

Before of after the memory of their victims is gone with the dust? I'm sure this is what the people of somalia wanted for governance .. who wouldn't.


Seriously, do you not see that there is a no better incentiviced job in somalia than tyranny and mass murder, or, that such actions only water the thirst of the next generation of would be's?

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^^^Let the people decide duke in time of peace, they did indeed forgiven the likes of Gen. Morgan, col. Cumar Jess and were both in Xamar when the UIC was in control of Xamar.


But now, how can poeple forgive when they have been shelled, killed, raped, looted, etc.. and forced to flee.


Riyale should be held acountable for what he did, I don't believe that he should be forgiven until crimes which he had done are brought to him in court of law.



Bottom line is Mohamed dheere is installed by the TFG which gets help from the Xabashis, Riyale on the other hand is installed by the poeple themselves on their own choice, good or bad, that is their choice, so now will you let the poeple of Muqdisho decide.


Let me take a gues, the first thing they would decide is full withdrawal of the Ethiopians murderers.

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Seriously, do you not see that there is a no better incentiviced job in somalia than tyranny and mass murder, or, that such actions only water the thirst of the next generation of would be's?

Stop trying to be to clever dear lad. Somalia is not a unique place in the world. Every nation has and goes through these dark periods in their history and many have come out stronger, better with more hopeful societies.

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