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Dark day for Somali Free Media: The end to Free Media is nearing

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Yesterday the religious pretenders lashed out against the Free Media in Mogadishu and Somalia in general and demanded from them that they call Alshabab by a fancy name they have chosen themselves.


Today, many of the private owned free media in Mogadishu heeded that call and have sealed their future. Today you accept the demands of the religious pretenders and tommorow if they win you will accept every nonsense these religious pretenders want to sell to the Somali masses in a bid to mass indoctrinate the people. Free media will be transformed into a state-run mass-indoctrination/ propaganda machine.


One who is not aware of the value of the freedom he/she enjoyes, is not worth to live in freedom.


This dark day in which those active in the Free Media sector have shown their ignorance and utter oblivious of their own interest and dearest principles, namely: free press, and free speach, will not be forgotten.

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Qaar ka mid ah Idaacadaha Muqdisho oo u hogaansamay amarkii Xarakada Alshabaab ee ahaa magaca ay ugu yeeraan.



Qaar ka mid ah Idaacadaha ka howl gala Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa saaka si wada jir ah ugu hogaansamay amarkii shalay Xarakada Alshabaab ku amartay Idaacadaha, kaas oo ahaa magaca ay ugu yeeraan, waxaana ay ka dalbadeen inay ugu yeeraan Xarakada Shabaab Al-Mujaahidiin.


Idaacadaha Muqdisho ayaa si isku mid ah u meel mariyay dalabkaas, iyagoona ku dhawaaqaya magaca ay dalbadeen, ee ah Xarakada Shabaab Al-Mujaahidiin, waxaana tani ay ka dambeysay markii shalay uu si kulul u weeraray Afhayeenka Alshabaab, qaar ka mid ah Idaacadaha oo uu ku sheegay inay iibsan tahay.



Dadka Muqdisho ku dhaqan ayaa saaka durba bilaabay hadal heynta arrintan iyo sida Idaacaduhu durba u meel mariyeen amarkii Alshabaab, waxaana saaka is bedel dhanka warar tabinta laga dareemayay Idaacadaha ugu afka dheer ee ka howl gala Magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasoo si degenaan iyo feejignaan ku jirta ugu dhawaaqay magaca rasmiga ah ee Xarakada Alshabaab.


Idaacadaha FM-yada ee sida gaarka ah loo leeyahay ee ka howl gala Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maalmihii u dambeeyay ugu yeerayay Kooxda Alshabaab, magacyo kala duwan, sida Xoogaga Islaamiyiinta ee ka soo horjeeda Dowladda KMG iyo magacyo kale, taasoo ay u cuntami weyday mansab ahaan Kooxda Alshabaab oo ah kooxda ugu tunka weyn ee ka dagaalama Soomaaliya.


Afhayeenka cusub ee Xarakada Alshabaab Sheekh Cali Dheere ayaa Warbaahinta ku eedeeyay inay iibsan tahay oo ay u adeegdo danaha waxa ay ugu yeeraan cadawga ilaahey, isagoona ka dalbaday hadii aanay ugu yeeri Karin magaca ay rabaan ay iska dhafaan inay war ka soo doontaan ama ay ka sheegaan.


Warbaahinta Muqdisho ayaa hada wajaheysa taxadir ku aadan marxaladaha is bed bedelka badan ee ka taagan dalka, iyadoona Idaacaduhu ay noqdeen dhibanaha koowaad ee soo wajahda xaaladaha is jiid jiidka badan iyo loolanka u dhaxeeya Kooxaha iska soo horjeeda Siyaasada Soomaaliya.

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How utterly tedious! Must you dramatise everything, saaxib?


Anyway, does the M Society not have its own media?

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Meiji, what is new there,dont tell me you were not among those whom sang ' Gulwado siyaad abihii garashada etc etc'? Ah,the days of freedom eey!


Ngonge aka Mr the clan is everything,stop bullying Meiji.

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Clan has lost value, for if CLAN WAS EVERYTHING we would not have extremist young men from all clans struggling to establish a brutal dictatorship in which they want to transform the whole of Somali society.


If Mogadishu falls, prepare yourself because Mogadishu is the only city holding these religious extremists from knocking on the doors of Hargaisa/Burco and Bosaso/Garowe.




The oppressive dictatorship of Barre came to a humiliating end, and I hope the religious extremists draw lessons for they will not succeed in establishing an oppressive dictatorship.

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Dear Meiji;


Bismillahirahmanrahi m;


I would like to inform you that the cyber muhajideen shura council, most notably the wadaad boyz brigade, led by the illustrious abu Kashafa and ibn Somali Pirate wa Somaliaonlini, have been monitoring your conduct on this forum very closely. After a long and Meticulous investigation,a number of issues have become clear to us regarding your affair.


Firstly, it has become clear and apparent as the daylight that you are in cahoots with the global crusaders, the freemasons, the skinny skeleton and farax society, the secret Muqdisho society, and the Somali clan media, which is of course controlled by the mango juice.


As result of the first issue, then, secondly, it has become apparent to us that you have been engaged in a number of missions and plots to defame the honour of the mujahideen and tarnish their reputation. Thirdly, it has become apparent that your reporting is grossly biased, as you have been extremely timid in your criticism and scrutiny of the conduct of Sheikh Al Xaraqo Hotel .


After considering all of these treacherous acts, the wadaad boyz brigade inc has decided that you shall be given a final warning. We swear to you, O Meiji, that if ye do not heed this warning your computer will become halal for us. The Wadaad boyz brigade reserve the right to call upon the the cyber wadaad hackers reserve brigade to hack into your computer and destroy the enemies of Allah.


If you are foolish enough to not desist from your behaviour after such harsh punishments, we reserve the right to call upon the commando Kashafa to hunt you down pshyically. He shall find you, tie you up for days, force you to grow a beard, wear trousers above your ankles, dress in a khamees, sing Arab Nasheeds, change your name to Abu Meiji, and then video the humilation on Somaliaonline forums.


May your fingers get glued to your keyboard so that you never type again and may the virsus penetrate and destory your laptop, Ameen.


Cyber Mujahideen Shura Council

Wadaad Boyz Crew investigation department.


Fatwa witnessed and signed by Sheikh Hassan " abu buz my trousers below the ankles" Beardo.

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^^ :D:D:D



Mogadishu will never fall, saaxib. Not as long as five cousins keep fighting each other over it. ;)


The clan is alive and will always stay alive. It's people like you that try to trick us by giving it names such as: M Society, Al Shabab or Ahlu el Sunna.



Hargaisa/Burco and Bosaso/Garowe can easily (each on their own) deal with anything that comes from the South. I would explain it to you by saying it's the fruits of unity, but I am sure you'll mistake it for Somaliweyn or something...

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Religious pretenders whether in real life or cyber world will go nowhere as long as people like me exist on this earth.


Dictatorship will not be tolerated in Somalia.

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But it's people like YOU that fall for all this nonsense. In fact, I would go as far as saying it's people like you who cause all this trouble.

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thanks for the laugh.


as for the topic - they only asked to be called their full name - nothing dictatorial about that. if NW and NE can call themselves after silly names that have no resemblances to anything somali. these lads can call themselves after arabic names as they like.


names should be the least of our worries. rather the deeds of these groups and its effects on the somali penunsila.

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