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Haylaan Regional Appointment, Defense Policies, and Many more topics in 22nd Session

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SOMALIA: Heated Debate at the Openings of the 22nd Parliamentary Session of Puntland

October 31, 2009


Garowe, Somalia - The Minister of Internal Affairs and Local Governments, Gen. Abdullah Jama Ilka-jira has addressed the 22nd session of Parliament on key policy issues and actual progress made by his Office towards internal security and administrative agendas.


At the commencement of the Session, President Faroole delivered his speech on the stiff challenges of his government such as the recent fighting in Galka'yo between Puntland police force and militias loyal to the Galmudug over unauthorized construction of stalls at the main market.


Police commisioner of Galka'yo said that they were authorized by a decree from Galka'yo local government to clean up any illegal buildings that violated the city ordinances.


Several people were reported to have been killed in that skirmish and dozens wounded.


The Minister of Internal Affairs, Gen. Abdullah also condemned unnamed individuals he called as "agents of violence and anarchy" who are secretly hiding in Puntland's 8 regions. He reiterated that his Office will do anything to keep the borders of Puntland safe.


He also warned the break-away republic of Somaliland for the grave risks it poses to its peaceful towns should they not desist their attacks on the Sanaag Region.


The Minister of Internal Affairs further discussed of the upcoming appointment of member candidates for the Council of Haylaan region and its governor.


"We have selected a committee composed of elders and office secretariat who will vet the candidates for their experience and propity," said Gen. Abdullah. "We would like this Haylaan process to remain within a reasonable timeframe."


Dhahar Radio

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Haylaan: General Cabdilaahi Ahmed Jamac Ilkajiir oo sheegay iney si dhaqso ah u soo gudbinayaan Liiska Madaxda gobolka Haylaan ee caasimada Dhahar


Garoowe:-Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Dowladaha Hoose ee Dowlada Puntland General Ilka jiir ayaa sheegay inay wax yar oo keliya ay u dhimin tahay soo dhameystirka mudadii Madaxda sare ee dowlada uu ku soo magacaabi lahaa ee gobolka Haylaan kuwaasi oo ay ka fiirsaneyso dowlada Puntland isla markaasina maamulka gobolka iyo kan degmaduba ay noqon doonaan dad tayo sare leh oo iminka ay madaxda dowlada Puntland is arkeen.


Ilkajiir ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in si wayn uu xooga u saarayo cida gacanta ku hayn doonta difaaca Gobolka ee dhanka Mileteriga. Illaa iminka waxaa jagada taliyaha ciidamada Darawiishta gobolka Haylaan u sharaxan in kabadan tobonaayo Korneel iyo khuburo aqoon sare u leh tayenta ciidamada iyo amni sugida.


Gobolka Haylaan ayaa ah gobol aad u baaxad weyn, wuxuuna xuduuda la leeyahay gobolada Sanaag, Sool, Karkaar, iyo Nugaal. Gobolka ayaa haatan ka dhisan afar saldhig boolis iyo labo xero ee Milateri. Waxaan dhawaan laga dhisay degaan u dhaxeeyo Qardho iyo Dhahar xarun qalabeysan oo hoy u ah ciidamada dhuxul joojinta iyo ilaalinta degaanka ee gobolka Haylaan.


General ayaa war uu saxaafada siiyey ku yiri: "Waxaan ku guda jirnaa soo dhisidii Gobolka Haylaan maadaama aanu dowlada uga wakiil nahay ka Wasaarad ahaan, waxaana rajaynayaa inaanu dhowaan idiin soo gudbino ka xukuumad ahaan & qaab dhismeedkii Gobolkaas anagoo marka hore soo marsiinayna Golaha Xukuumada


Maxamed Axmed Ciise Boosaaso, Somalia

Dhahar Radio

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Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha, D/hoose & Hoorumarinta Reer Miyiga DPL oo khudbad xasaasi ah ka jeediyay Aqalka Baarlamaanka DPL maanta iyo Madaxwayne Faroole oo Kalfadhiga Furay


Garoowe:-Wasiirka Wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Dowladaha Hoose ee Dowlada Puntland General Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac (Ilkajir)oo ah Madaxa ugu sareeya ee difaaca maamulka dowlada Puntland ayaa ku hanjabay inay la dagaali doonaan cid kasta oo khalkhal gelineysa ammaanka guud ee sideeda gobol ee maamulka dowlada Puntland. Wasiirku ayaa si qoto dheer ugu dheeraadey difaaca dalka sidii sare loogu qaadi lahaa isla markaasina loo jaangoyn lahaa shaqsiyaadka sida gaarka ah u qalqalal gelinaay ammaanka Gobolada dowlada Puntland ee nabadgelyadu ka jirto iminka.


Wasiirka ayaa sheegay inay si wayn Xukuumadu diiradda ugu hayso sidii toosh iftiin badan loogu qaban lahaa kuwa doonaya inay wax u dhimaan ammaanka iyo sumcada dowlada iyo ummada reer Puntland oo ammaan wanaagsan haysta. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ayaa sidoo kale uu ugu baaqay kooxaha Somalialand inay si nabad ah u jogaan deegaanadooda oo aysan isku dayin inay wax kiciyaan hadii kale runta dhabta ah laysu sheegayo.


Waxaa isana kahadlay isla goobtaas Madaxwaynaha dowlada PL C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole oo isna si wayn ugu nuux nuuxsaday ammaanka guud ee gobolada Dowlada Puntland iyo sidii loo xasilin lahaa xaaladaha ammaanka iyo horu'marka dhinaca degaanada PL.


Kalfadhigan oo socon doono mudo dhan bil 15 casho ayaa Madaxwaynuhu si toosa u furay iyadoo uu sheegay inay xukuumada labadeeda Gole ay si wayn u dardar gelinayaan maamul wanaaga,iyo sidoo wax badan dalka dhaqaalihiisa iyo horumarkiisa dhaxal gal looga dhigi lahaa.


Maxamed Axmed Ciise


Radio Dhahar

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Q@@ldaan, the name Maakhir is a historical name that the Arabs reffered to the coastal land that stretches from Berbera to Bosaso and thus the family that was dominant in that territory inherited the name. As of Puntland, that same family are significant policy makers in Garoowe (the capital of the family) and Makhir is Puntland. How many times do we have to explain that to the oppressed clan.


The subject of the thread is to discuss points made in Puntlands 22nd Parlimantary session. Has nothing to do with the oppressed family.

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:

How many times do we have to explain that to the oppressed clan.


Who got ran out from LA again?


Ilka is born in Erigavo and can't even come to his birth city?


Please stop with your nonesense. Stop talking when you're in the bottom. Just collect your lost and come prepared for the next battle..There is always another day to fight.

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^ Miskiin, The LA conflict was solely between 2 siblings who dominate the region. As of me and you, we only met near dhahar when your uncle was sacked by his master Riyaale for his untolerable defeat.


We are all muslims, the difference is you are mugged in your own throne, where as i rule my own destiny in Garoowe.


Remember me and Faroole are from the same family.

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Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.C/rixman Sheekh Maxamed ayaa goor dhaw oo maanta ah wuxuu hadal ka jediyey Xarunta baarlamaanka Puntland, ka dib markii uu furay kalfadhigii 21aad ee baarlamaanka Puntland oo ay soo xaadireen inta badan Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Puntland ee Soomaaliya.

Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa ka hadlay xaaladaha amaanka, Siyaasada iyo Dhaqaalaha, wuxuuna si gaar ah ugu dheeradaay ka hadalka amaanka iyo Siyaasada, isagoo sheegay in ay jiran dad badan oo ka soo horjeeda amaanka, kuna sugan deegaanada Puntland, isagoo cadeeyey in ay dadkaasi qaban doonaan oo ay sharciga horkeeni doonaan.


Dr. C/rixmaan wuxuu sheegay in ay Xukuumadiisu waxqabad badan ka fulisay deegaanada Puntland oo idil, marka laga rebo gobalada ka maqan gacanta Puntland, isagoo cadeeyey in ay soo celin dooanan deegaanada ka maqan gacanta Puntland.


Arrimaha Burcad Badeeda wuxuu sheegay Madaxweynuhu in ay ku jiraan sidii ay wax uga qaban lahaayeen, isagoo sheegay in ay dagaal adag lagaleen cid kastoo Burcad ahayd, lagana suuliyay deegaanada maamulka, inkastoo uu sheegay in ay wali meelo ka mid ah ka jiraan.


Siyaasada dawladdiisa ayuu sheegay in ay tahay mid ku dhisan nidaamka Caalamka ee Siyaasadaha lugu dhaqmo, isagoo sheegay in ay Siyaasad wanaagsan kala dhaxayso dawladdaha jaarka la ah Puntland iyo dawladda Faderaalka, wuxuuna tilmaamay heshiis uu lagalay dawladda KMG ah in ay fulintiisa ka dhowrayaan dhinaca dawladda Faderaalka.


Magaalooyinka waa weyn ee Puntland dhibab ka jira ayuu soo qaaday Madaxweyne Faroole, wuxuuna shaaciyey in ay waxqabad ka sameyn doonaan waxyaabaha jira oo dhan, isagoo sheegay in ay maamuladii degmooyinka iyo gobaladuba ay hada shaqeynayaan maamulkana la baahinayo.



Kalfadhiga 21aad ee Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa socon doona 45 cisho ee nagu soo fool leh, waxaana looga doodayaa Ajendayaal kala duwan, waxaana Madaxweynaha Puntland uu maanta si rasmi ah ufuray fadhigan

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:

^ Miskiin, The LA conflict was solely between 2 siblings who dominate the region. As of me and you, we only met near dhahar when your uncle was sacked by his master Riyaale for his untolerable defeat.


We are all muslims, the difference is you are mugged in your own throne, where as i rule my own destiny in Garoowe.


Remember me and Faroole are from the same family.

:D A sad display.



Ps. I own you son.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn:


Ps. I own you son.

Very ignorant mentality!!!
I think it goes both ways. That's why I laugh at the folks that still believe in this "Somali Unity" crab.

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