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Somalia is a nation of poets, pirates, back alley politicians and gunmen. But what Somalia needs now are a few good men. We can hide our heads in the ground like ostriches. We can even hide back in our shells in fear like turtles. But remember one thing, its not only Somalia that failed but it’s us that failed ourselves, our families and future. We are all losers as individuals and we lost as a nation among nations.


But I see a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of misery. I see a once in a lifetime opportunity for greatness to a few bold, idealistic, noble and long-sighted visionaries. I truly believe in the ultimate calling for every individual to be more. Have a higher calling to not care about self but others. But we can’t wait for a savior to come. We have to be, like Mahatma Gandhi said, “the change that we want to see in othersâ€.


Different loyalties should not rise above the common good. Somalia is divided along many tribal, ideological and political affiliations lines. I am calling for a more important distinction that we need to establish. Instead of tribe against tribe, we need to be divided along the patriot versus traitor line. This might be a little naïve and even too basic for a complicated problem. But the need to get down to basics is what we need to bring back Somalia. We need to discriminate and divide our citizens. We have those on the trigger that spread hate, fear and evil. But the ones that I hold more responsible for the downfall of our country are the ones that just keep quite and stay on the sidelines watching our country being looted and raped. Those people are the ones that not only help evil become stronger but also by doing nothing themselves are traitors.


Honest and noble good citizens are proactive. They aggressively fight to expose the lies and treachery of the traitors in our country that are selling our country’s interest for their own benefit. Those pirates are drowning our hopes and our children’s future. The first step to check if we are truly god-fearing, noble and honest patriots, is to denounce any one who intentionally committed homicide, genocide and any other crime in Somalia, even if that person is our father, brother, cousin etc.


Finally, there is no need to patronize and fear nothing but the Almighty. Tell the truth even in the face of evil. For an indictment list of traitors, we can start with all the members of the governing bodies in Somalia, Somaliland, Puntland and Djibouti.


MEY ALLHA bless Somalia and the Patriots. ;)somalia.jpgsomalia_flag.jpg


Yours sincerely,


[ February 05, 2006, 02:33: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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^^ Isn't this against the norms of SOL, not mentioning that it is utterly irrelevant and non-representative of the real info in Somalia.

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Isn't this against the norms of SOL, not mentioning that it is utterly irrelevant and non-representative of the real info in Somalia.

Very well said Xarago. ;)

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I cannot believe this thread is up and running over 24 hours with its sick tribal based map. Had this been posted by Lander,Ngonge,jamu(sawaxili),Northern and co. it would have already been deleted and them banned and sent to the gallows.

Plus they will be fast on me for complaining openly while they turned a blind eye to this thread which is completely opposite to the rules of SOL.

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