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I know many of you all ready knew there is no war against terrorism but only Slam is what they against.

We're a Christian nation ... and the enemy is a guy named Satan," general told group

WASHINGTON (AP) - Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the chairman of the military Joint Chiefs of Staff are publicly defending a newly appointed senior officer with a reported penchant for casting the war on terrorism in religious terms.

Lt.-Gen. William Boykin, whose promotion and appointment as the new deputy undersecretary of defence of intelligence was confirmed by the Senate in June, has said publicly that he sees the war on terrorism as a clash between Judeo-Christian values and Satan, the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.

Appearing in dress uniform before a religious group in Oregon in June, Boykin said Islamic extremists hate the United States "because we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christians. ... And the enemy is a guy named Satan."

In its report, the Times said Boykin was not available for comment and did not respond to written questions the newspaper submitted to him Wednesday. Audio and video tapes of Boykin's public appearances before religious groups over the past two years were obtained exclusively by NBC News, which reported on them Wednesday night on the Nightly News with Tom Brokaw.

Discussing a U.S. army battle against a Muslim warlord in Somalia in 1993, Boykin told one audience, "I knew my god was bigger than his. I knew that my god was a real god and his was an idol."

Asked about this today, Rumsfeld told reporters he had not seen the videos and did not know the "full context" of Boykin's remarks. But the secretary did say, "We do know that he is an officer that has an outstanding record in the United States armed forces."

U.S. President George W. Bush has often said the view of the administration is that the United States is in a war against terrorism, "not a war against a religion," Rumsfeld said, but rather a war against people who "have tried to hijack a religion."

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Interesting but at the same time NOT! The onLy 'Satan' to worry about and diminsh is themseLves.


We aLways knew they had a hidden agenda...too bad it was pretty evident to some peopLe(excLuding their a$$ kissers-scumbags).


They were/are just cowards who cant stand up and say it...but NO they have to pLay that beating around the BUSH deaL...pathetic i teLL ya.

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Here is another article about him written by Tony Normann.


The Army's three-star zealot


Friday, October 17, 2003


A year ago last June, a two-star Army general stood in the pulpit of First Baptist Church of Broken Arrow, Okla., and identified the source of all America's problems.


Pointing to a dark shadow on several photographs he shot of Mogadishu's skyline from a helicopter shortly after 18 Americans were killed in the "Black Hawk Down" debacle, Army Lt. Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin assured the congregation that, indeed, they were witnessing the faint outline of Satan hovering over Somalia.


Gen. Boykin isn't one to resort to metaphors when speaking of the battle between good and evil. "It is a demonic presence in that city that God revealed to me as the enemy," he said, indicting the devil for the murder of 18 American soldiers.


Hundreds of ragtag mercenaries of Somali warlord Mohamed Farah Aidid, still laboring under the impression that it was they who did the actual killing of the soldiers in the streets of Mogadishu, will be relieved to hear that Satan is the designated fall guy, as usual.


Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld recently awarded Gen. Boykin another star and put him in charge of the hunt for Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Boykin's official title is deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, but you can call him the Lord's right arm if you like.


A deeply devout man, Gen. Boykin has long considered himself a holy warrior whose primary mission is to protect our "Christian nation" from insurgent Islam and the forces of Satan's nondenominational minions.


"George Bush was not elected by a majority of voters in the United States," Gen. Boykin told an Oregon congregation in a moment of biblical clarity five months ago. "He was appointed by God."


Members of the U.S. Supreme Court, still laboring under the impression that it was they who appointed George Bush to the presidency, will be relieved to hear that God is the designated fall guy, as usual.


Boykin's insistence that the Axis of Evil is a manifestation of Satan's power aimed at destroying this "Christian nation" makes him a walking provocation for an Islamic world already spooked by Bush's glib calls to mount an international "crusade" against terrorism in the weeks following Sept. 11.


The White House finally got wise to Islamic sensitivities and banished "crusade" from the president's speeches, but Boykin continues to paint the war on terror as a battle between Christian civilization and Satan. He's a chilling echo of Sterling Hayden's Jack D. Ripper character in "Dr. Strangelove."


When not chasing terrorists, Boykin never misses an opportunity to proclaim America's special relationship to God in churches across the country.


Given the depth of Boykin's sense of spiritual and military siege by Satan and the Muslims, is he really the right choice for coordinating American intelligence interests in the Arab world? Judging by his frequent references to Allah as a mute "idol," how could his dealings with our Muslim allies be anything but condescending, if not openly contemptuous?


Trying to find Osama in the thick of pro-Taliban strongholds in Pakistan and Afghanistan is difficult enough without saddling already skimpy field intelligence with another layer of dogmatic distraction from the top.


When an infidel like Saddam Hussein can hide behind the Quran because his pursuers resort to anti-Muslim rhetoric to boost their standing with church ladies back home, American lives are needlessly endangered in Tikrit and Baghdad.


Writing in the Los Angeles Times yesterday, William M. Arkin, a military affairs analyst, made a compelling case that Boykin is an "intolerant extremist" whose millennial pronouncements are at odds with the administration he ostensibly claims to serve.


"Boykin has made it clear that he takes his orders not from his Army superiors, but from God, which is a worrisome line of command," Arkin wrote.


You could fool yourself into believing the war on terrorism wasn't a complete farce if the man assigned to capture bin Laden and Saddam Hussein didn't see Satan's face in every smudged photograph.


Satan hovering over The man is dellusional to say the least.



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US general: 'I'm not anti-Islam'


A leading US general has apologised for appearing to cast the war on terrorism as a spiritual battle between Christianity and Satan.

Evangelical Christian Lieutenant-General William G Boykin said in a statement that he never meant to offend Muslims.


"I am not anti-Islam or any other religion... I support the free exercise of all religions," he said.

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