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12 August the End of TNG/Koxda Carta ...Analysis

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Abdiqasim accused the conference of being anti-Islamic, because Arabic was dropped as co-first language, and Islam as state religion.


well i would also agree with those points. I cannot see how any of the politions could accept the notion of droping Islam as the State religion.


That said i do still find that his motives are quite obvious and transparanet. I mean its diabolical. most ppl seem to say that he is the most credibal polition there, so why doesnt he stay and insure the success of the talks. What is the point in sulking off back to Mogadisho ((or the small quater you controll))? Is it much more befiting of a president to stay like his now sacked mininsters and press for what he desires.

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From what I have found out Abdiqasin was not complaining about the relifion it was about aRABIC BEING FIRST LANGUAGE.


He was using these points in order to halt or destroy the meeting, now his supporters seee it as a success that Islam is the official religion, but it was any way, its the myth of Abdiqasin to claim he is championing Islam when he is actually trying to ensure his political survival. His supporters make evry effort to win points that dont exist, Abdiqsin was not championing Islam but was using the Arabic language as Osman Ato was complaining that Italian is Somalia's second language.


Abdiqasin's credibility is well known he is a failed politician rather than run for presidnet he should seek to reinvent himslef, read the Old extracts from the draft constitution and you will find Islam is the official religion and only religion and that Arabic is second language.


You read it now and it is the same but with Arabic having a higher status than English, with Italian as an official second language.


Again what about the security issues and what about the failed 3 years shouldnt this be the real legacy of Abdiqasin Salad Hassan?

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Indeed it is without question SM, escpeically if they 2 issues where already incorporated into the draft constitution. Again i suppose the issue of Islam being the official Religion and Arabic the second language his actions would seem to be not more than a smoke screen to delfect the failings of his presidency.

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I think there were some good points he had(like arabic). But instead of discussing them at the Plenary he used them as an excuse to leave the talks. Either way(most likely) he would not be re-elected. He should think about what's good for Somalia and how he will be remembered....

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Abdiqasin still is president with no mandate he still is the TNG leader, However now he consults waht he used to call warlords before making executive decisions, a world of wonder.


C/QAASIM: "Magacaabista Wasiirka Koowaad ma doonayo inaan ku deg dego, waxaan sameyneynaa la tashiyo badan ilaa aniga iyo Muuse Suudi…."


Madaxweynaha Dowladda KMG C/qaasim Salaad Xasan ayaa ka hadlay mustaqbalka Dowladda KMG ah oo muddadiisa xilka ka harsan tahay maalin kaliya ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ay lagama maarmaan tahay in la xajiyo jiritaanka Dowladda Soomaaliyeed ee ku soo curatay 13-kii Agoosto 2000 Tuulada Carta ee Dalka Jabuuti.


C/qaasim oo si gaar ahaaned uga jawaabayay su'aal MIDNIMO weydiisay oo aheyd goormaad magacaabeysaa Wasiirka 1aad mar haddii laga saaray meesha Ra'iisal Wasaarenimadii Xasan Abshir waxa uu yiri "Ma doonayo inaan ku deg dego magacaabista Ra'iisal Wasaaraha, waayo waxaan sameyneynaa wada tashiyo fara badan, gaar ahaan waxaan la tashaneynaa Hoggaamiyeyaasha Kooxaha sida Muuse Suudi Yalaxow oo aan nooneyno inaan la tashano.


Iyadoo ay sidaas tahay haddana ma uusan fasirin C/qaasim sababta uu Muuse Suudi ugala tashanayo magacaabista Ra'iisal wasaaraha cusub, laakin dad badan ayaa aragti ka bixiyay hadalka C/qaasim, iyagoo u fasirtay siyaabo kala duwan.


C/qaasim waxa uu sheegay in Golaha Baarlamaanka uu qaaday tallaabo wanaagsan sida uu qabo Dastuurkii 60ka, Qoddobkiisa 53, farqadiisa 4 , Baarlamaanka wuu jiriyaa Baarlamaanka ilaa laga soo dhiso Baarlamaan kale oo bedeli kara.


Sidoo kale Ra'iisal wasaarihii ugu horreeyay Dowladda KMG ah Dr. Cali Khaliif Galeyr ayaa rajo xumo ka muujiyay xil ka qadista lagu sameeeyay Xasan Abshir iyo Deerow, isagoo sheegay in wax Muqdisho lagu dhisay aaney meelna gaareyn, Cali Khaliif shaqsi ahaantiisa waxaa Ra'iisal wasaare loo magacaabay 28-10-2000, isla 28-10-2001 ayaa Baarlamaanka kalsoonida kala noqday, markaasoo lagu bedelay Xasan Abshir.


Cali Khaliif Galeyr oo ahaa ra'iisul wasaarihii ugu horreeyey ee dowladda KMG ah ayaa BBC-da u sheegay in ay xanuun badan ku hayso ayna dhibayso khilaafka soo kala dhexgalay xubnaha dowladda KMG ah. "waa fool xumo in Madaxweynaha, Ra'iisul wasaaraha iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ay ku murmaan awoodda yaa leh, anigu dastuurka aan ka war qabo ma jirto meel ay kaga qoran tahay dowladda cusbooneynsiinteeda" ayuu yiri Cali Khaliif Galayr oo haatan ku sugan dalka Ingiriiska.

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Jamal 11 indeed a valid point, he hates Amxara but what then? Does hating Amxara bring Somalia a unified government? Does hating Amxara bring our nation from the depths of the abyss? I think rhetoric is not enough anymore; you can’t steal the money and fail in every manner then claim that oh I am ok because I hate the Amxara.


Hitler stated that you can convince the people of a big lie but you can’t fool them with a small one . Abdiqasin can’t open the port of Mogadishu and he cannot disarm the warlord’s next borough to him, yet he will save Somalia from our old enemy Ethiopia.

It’s the case of the Somali adage “Father I will take care of the big kid, just hold of the little one for me”

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SmithnWestern I really don't think it was fair of you to jump down Jamaal's throat like that. The valid point he was talking about was Islam being state religion and Arabic as co-official language.


Smith it seems to me like you are trying to instigate another confrontation between you and I, but believe me bro, I am not going into another qabiil debate with you.


I have learned my lesson and I won't bring SomaliaOnline any more disgrace.


On a last note you are free to write down whatever you want and please understand that I am in no shape or form trying to curb your freedom of speech so don't take this post offensively.

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Horn Afrique,


Brother I apologise if my post was not to your liking. However I seek no confrontation with anyone I just intend to argue my position. I detest Abdiqasina nd the whole agenda which is not beneficial to our people. This is the reason I stated that the religion and the anti Ethiopian rhetoric was used to dilute his failures as a politician, To me he is an incarnation of the old regime that was toppled by the people, his bark is loud but at the end there is no bite. This is my opinion and I know you Horn and others will not share it, but see that’s the beauty of it I don’t find that in any way a threat to me.


Horn bro again I am not trying to start a clan feud here on SOL between us, we are only two individuals with opposing opinions but I doubt that we love our country any less.


Peace, Jamal_11 what do you think mate

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SW sxb, I believe your concerns are valid too. I think everyone here has a good reason to believe in what they believe. It is just that we all lack the strategy to make things work for us. Even when we all agree to doing good things, how to do it invites badness. Both you and hornafrique and I too are after one thing, and thats what is good for our people. So saaxiibayaal, lets be good-humoured about our situation and be more positive.


Thank you guys. Coz your responses show how well mannered you are, and thats why I love Somaliaonline Nomads. Cheer up ;)

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i just wanted to ask anymore informed nomad out there whether The present Incumbants that are the TNG had any chances of securing the Security of Mogadisho and somali when the arms embargo to somali where constantly being flouted by various countries/elements??


And wont the problem of secruing security and de mobilsing militia still exist prior the completion of this talks?




Somalia: UN Concerned Over "Persistent" Weapons Flow


UN Integrated Regional Information Networks


August 21, 2003

Posted to the web August 21, 2003




The UN Security Council has expressed concern over the "persistent flow of weapons and ammunitions" to Somalia.


The sentiment was expressed in a statement read out by Fayssal Mekdad of Syria - which currently holds the Council's presidency - after hearing a briefing from the sanctions committee on Somalia.


A four-member panel of experts, investigating violations of the arms embargo on Somalia, was appointed by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in September 2002 and advises the Council's sanctions committee.


The statement stressed that member states were responsible for "fully implementing" the arms embargo on Somalia.


"[The Council] reiterated its call upon all Somali and regional parties, as well as government officials and other actors contacted outside the region, to cooperate with the panel of experts in the discharge of its mandate," the statement added.


A mission from the sanctions committee, meanwhile, is to visit the region in October "to demonstrate the Council's determination to give full effect to the arms embargo".



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When we were supporting this nascent dowlad for the sake of Soomaalinimo, they were against, for what, perhaps fiercely being Anti-Xabash and mid dalkeeda jecel.


The questions, though.


Dowladii Cabdiqaasin Salaad Xasan sababta loogu soo horjeeday maxee ahayd?


Why wasn't it given a "chance," as they empty-beat to faintly lecture us now?


Why were some people seeking its demise?


Legit questions, no admission of obvious answers from the usual suspects, though.


Why didn't dowlad dadweynaha soo dhistay, without a warlord ku jiro, loo siin waaye again a "chance" to function?


Dowlad Xabashdiid ahayd waliba.


Hmm, legit questions, obvious answers. [Qaybaalad.]


It had same formula with this current dowlad ku sheeg, Xabash stooge.


It was internationally recognized by Qaramada Midooway [united Nations], Jaamacadda Carabta [Arab League], Dalalka Islaamka [Organization of Islamic Conference] and Midowga Afrika [or its predecessor, Organisation of African Unity].


It had the 4.5 power-sharing equation formula.


It had a president, a daljecel president who liked his country and respected diinta Islaamka.


It had a speaker.


It had a prime minister.


Ah, legit questions, obvious answers.


[The man didn't belong a certain clan. He did not kowtow to Xabash. He told to @#$& them, yet they were against him. Markaas ayee na leeyihiin we have the interest of "nation," a nation they call an idea that can supposedly disposed of anytime.]


Keep beating the empty drums. Shimbiryaaloow heesaa, si fiican iskugu heesaa... Waligiinaba.

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