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Naxar Nugaaleed

allsanaag: Gudiga Difaaca gobolka Sanaag oo ku sii jeeda gobolka Sool.

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"Gudiga Difaaca gobolka Sanaag ay u sii jeeda gobolka Sool waxaana hogaaminaya gudoomiyaha gudiga difaaca C/laahi Mahamud Suldaan C/salaan waxana kaloo la socda gudoomiyaha gobolka sanaag ee Puntland Mahamod Siciid Nuur [Dabeyl] iyo wafti kale oo badan oo isugu jira golaha Degaanka Degmada Badhan iyo weliba saraakisha Ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland.



Socdaalka waftigan ayaa ku soo aaday wada tashi dheer oo maalmihii ugu danbeeyey ay wada yeesheen Odayaasha iyo waxgaradka gobolka Sanaag iyaga oo in muda ah ka wada hadlayey mowqifka kaga aadan Beesha W... weerarka ay soo qaadeen Beelha D... Waqooyi ee ay deriska la nahay kuwaas oo ku soo duulay degaanada Puntland.



Waftigan balaaran ay la kulmi doona Isimada iyo Ciidamada fadhiya Duleedka magaalada Laascaanood waxaana la isla soo mqaadi doonaa 3 qodob oo ay ka mid yihiin.



Sidii labada Beelood ay wada jir u Difaaci lahaayeen Degaanadooda Puntland


Sidii labada Beelood ay mowqif midaysan uga yeelan lahaayeen Calooshooda u shaqeystayaasha la socda Beelaha Dirta Waqooyi.


Sidii looga saari lahaa magaalada Laascaanood Jabhada SNM [ Somalida Neceb Midnimada ]


Waftigan ay kormeer balaaran ku soo mari doona guud ahaan gobolada Puntland maalmaha soo socda wixii faahfaahin kala soco



Mataan Farah"

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

Sidii looga saari lahaa magaalada Laascaanood Jabhada SNM [
Somalida Neceb Midnimada


Ever asked why these alleged somalidiid came to this stance? Adigoo kale bay arkeen oo musuqmaasuq iyo qabiil dhaqan u ah hadhoowna raba inuu ku qaraabto magaca soomaalinimo.


Marka hore, let others/you set a good example of "somalinimo" then you/they have the moral ground to point the finger at others.

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Oday Xog, waxba wax bay ka weyn yihiin. Musuqmaausq iyo abuse of power America aad joogto oo ku faanta dimuqraadiyadda ayaan laga waayeen, iskaba daaa dad caaaalumo saalis ka soo jeeda. EEE siba si bay dhaantaa...xikmadda midnimada Soomaaliyeed way ka sareysaa Cadde Muuse iyo wax isdaba marintiisa...SNM ganga kuwa daba socda oo ayaga laftigood in ay wax qaraabtatan raaba haddii ay kula fiican yihiin kuwaane in wax walba oo dhaca ay haddaya jeerba Soomaalinimada la jiraan... in other words, haddii la xumeeyey ma midnimada bay meel kaga dhacayaaÉ

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Posted on Saturday, November 03, 2007 - 03:42 AM


Dibad Baxyo ay dad ku dhinteen oo ka dhan ah maliishiyada Soomaali diidka oo maalintii labaad ka dhacaya Buuhoodle iyo Laas caanood.


Wararka ka imaanaya Goballada Sool iyo Ceyn ayaa sheegaya in maalintii labaad ay magaalooyinka Laas Caanood iyo Buuhoodle ka soconayaan dibad baxyo ka dhan ah maliishiyada maamulka Soomaali diidka ee rabshadaha ka wada deegaano uu ka mid yahay Gobalka Sool,waxaana dibad badyadaasi oo rabshado wata ku dhintay tiro dad ah.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in ugu yaraantii 3 ruux ay ku dhinteen banaabaxyo ka soconaya magaalada Buuhoodle,oo ay dad careysani dhagxaan dhigeen wadooyinkeeda oo dhan ,islamarkaana ay taayarro ku gubeen.


Sidoo kale,banaanbaxyo ayaa wali ka soconaya magaalada laascaanod oo ay dadku xireen wadooyinka oo dhan,waxaana magaalada qariyay qaaca ka baxaya lugaha baabuurta ee wadooyinka lagu gubayo.


Dhinaca kalana meel 30 kilo mitir u jirta Laas Caanood oo ay isku hor fadhiyaan ciidamada Daraawiishta iyo maliishiyada Soomaalidiidka ayaa waxaa saaka ka dhacay iska hor imaad,kaas oo ay wararku sheegayaan in ugu yaraantii hal ruux oo Soomaalidiid ah lagu dilay.


Madaxweynaha maamulka Soomaliyeed ee Puntland General maxamuud Muuse Cadde ayaa warar xog ogaal ah oo aanu helnay ay sheegayaan in uu khubad u jeediyay ciidamada Puntland e fadhiya Jiida hore.


Xafiiska war qabadka shabakadda wararka ee magaalada Muqdisho. or

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Aniga waa isugu kay mid nin A/Y taageersan iyo midka SNM taageersan. Waa dameer iyo labadiisa dhegood with each one dismantling the unity and causing somalis great harm. Nothing gives a TFG supporter the right to call another somali "Somali-Diid".


Qofka taageersan, oo ku faraxsan, oo ku difaaco qalinkiisa Ciidamada Xabashida ee gumaadka ka wado waddankii iyo Muqdisho, xaq uma leh inuu qof kale ku tilmaamo "Soomaalidiid". Isagaaba soomaalinimadii dhiiggiisa ka baxday waa hore oo aan ka damqanaynin qofka kalee soomaaliyeed dhibkiisa. In fact, many who are quick to call others "somalidiid" justify the displacement, the massacre, and the total annihilation of somalis who are not of their clan. Hanaloo dhaafo magaca soomaalinimada please.






A good example of Somalinimo is:


A- Firm beliefs in Islam(Words/actions matching islamic beliefs).


B- Freedom from Clanish Sentiments.

C- Wanting Justice for all Somalis.

D- Neutrality towards clan conflicts and to not participate in clan wars both verbally and physically.

E- Belief in Somalia being one country indivisible and no clan has the right to stablish a clan enclave which can undermine the greater good and Unity.



These are what I can think of right now. I respect somali individuals who epitomize this list.

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:



A good example of Somalinimo is:


A- Firm beliefs in Islam(Words/actions matching islamic beliefs).


B- Freedom from Clanish Sentiments.

C- Wanting Justice for all Somalis.

D- Neutrality towards clan conflicts and to not participate in clan wars both verbally and physically.

E- Belief in Somalia being one country indivisible and no clan has the right to stablish a clan enclave which can undermine the greater good and Unity.



These are what I can think of right now. I respect somali individuals who epitomize this list. [/QB]

You are asking too much!!!!

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^He has failed in both B and C. This is the man who had supported the occupation of the south and warlord IndhAde and all other warlords from the central region who had occupied the Deep South for all these years.

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^^Che, You are right saxib, that is too much to ask under the circumstances, but that is what I like to see in others show in their character, or wish to see. Xataa haddaan aniga ku sifoobin xaaladahaas, at least, it would make me feel good seeing there is a soomaali niyad fiican inuu jiro.


Ever since the the tsunami scale tribulations hit us, I am looking for something, anything, however small or insignificant it may be, to give me some hope that there is a future out there for the next somali generation. Anaga waa noo dhammaatay.




I must have met then three out of five in the list :D At least there is hope for me. I can work on the other two though I do not think you do me justice :D And I am better than you are despite falling short in B and C.

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^^I don't know what tell you Saaxib, but Alla Amuuraha Ha Sahlo. The best we could do for time being is not kill each other. That's only thing one could hope from a Somali if there is actually a Somali out there.

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^ There are good somalis saxib out there, Adiga iyo Xiin dadka roonaa ku jirtaan :D:D I am worried for you two boys lol.



Btw Caamir.


You can not back-up your claims and I let that slide. I am in no mood for argument tonight.

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:





I must have met then three out of five in the list
At least there is hope for me. I can work on the other two though I do not think you do me justice
And I am better than you are despite falling short in B and C.

As far as my observation of you is concerned, yes you met all other three.


I want justice for all Somalis. I want to see a representive government, an end to the anarchy, to preserve our national unity, and to ensure that no region, town, or village becomes a captive to a warlord from another region. What is happening in Somalia is human rights violations and the law of the jungle. Something has to be done to reverse the state of nature where everyone is motivated by a fear, and what they fear is each other.


The verbal onslaught on the TFG began not now but before it even secured a foothold in Mogadisho. Simply, the characteristics of Somalis as a segmentary society hinders them to think beyond the clan interest. But there is a hope for our country if we lean to the optimistic side of reconstituting our state with sincere intentions.

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^ Well saxib, the verbal onslaught on the TFG came from warlords alone and not from Muqdisho clans(or clans living there). Muqdisho residents celebrated the TFG formation and the election of A/Y by his peers. People didn't care who won, what clan the winner belonged to, they wanted to replace Anarchy with law and order and to fight alongside the TFG leader. When the warlords left the meeting during the election process in Nairobi, they were threatened and told not to come back to Muqdisho without seeing the process through. People were serious and they wanted an ally they could rally behind. Clan was pretty much forgotten as Muqdisho was home to many somalis at the time and recovered though not fully from years of relentless violence. What upset people and killed all hope was A/Y's insistence on Ethiopian troop deployment. That ill-thought move gave an opportunity to the Warlords who were looking for an excuse to leave the TFG. The rest of the events are well documented. A move to Jowhar, A/Y treated like a dirt, Warlords back to their money making schemes in Muqdisho. Ethiopia abandoned the TFG.


When the warlords jumped on the anti-terror banwagon and money came in suitcases, the religious communities became the target and life got too difficult, then revolution supported by All Muqdisho residents started. Warlords were expelled. All of a sudden Ethiopia and the US came in to save the only group they could deal with, the Warlords. Marka saaxib, wax qabiil ku saabsan oo TFGDa lagula diriray ma jiraan. It was the failure of A/Y to capitalize on his popularity among the average person in muqdisho. They thought he was their ally but instead turned into what people feared him to be, ruthless clanist who didn't care about the consequences of a Xabashi invasion and how that would impact the TFG.


All said and done, the TFG lost best chance to make some good history.

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^^^^^ Saaxib, what is "Misna"?


And the mighty TFG Ethiopian army is getting a royal a$$ whooping in Muqdisho. They have no time, or inclination, to liberate Laas Caanood from itself.

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