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Breaking news and a new development in the capital of Somalia on the late stand off

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Negotiations and peace-talks with dowlad-diids won't lead anywhere. I salute the ugandans who threw out the residens occupiers from the former egyptian embassy, more of that is needed so that the uncivilized lot understands that it can't hold weddings in governmental buildings. As for the few remining lunatics that are now joint jihadist-qabilists (a new world phenomenon) - they should be fully eliminated.

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Raadmiir, duqa, I've heard El-Presidente say time and time again that this goverment is Dib Uheshiisiin. That's why it never bothered to fight the ICU in the begginning. It was more than able to confront those moooryaan. To the government, human life is sacred. Compare them with those savages from the ICU turned clan who burn dead bodies.


You know what's funny, they think that if you talk and civilize with them that you're weak. The only thing they understand is raw force. Once you slaughter a few hundred of them they wake up from their deep slumber. Case in point: the battles in Bay and Bakool, even though the most hardcore clannists fled and never fought. Clannists like Dahir Aweys, Indhacadde, Cayrow and their petty sub-clan militias.

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Heshiiskii xabad joojinta muqdishu oo burburay gabi ahaantii

Posted to the MOL March 24, 2007, 5:13 pm



Wararka aan ka helayno magaalada Muqdishu ayaa waxay sheegayaan in maanta kulan ay ku yeesheen magaalada Muqdishu odayaal u hadla kooxaha wax ka qarxiya Muqdishu iyo qaar ka mida saraakiisha Itoobiyaanka ah ee Muqdishu ku sugan. Wararka ayaa sheegaya kulankaas dhex maraya odayaasha sheegta inay ku hadlaan magaca beesha.......... balse ka mida odayaasha beesha.... ee........ iyo saraakiisha itoobiya inuu ku dhamaaday natiijo la’aan oo xabad joojintii ay haatan gabi ahaan burburtay. Saraakiisha Itoobiya ayaa u sheegay odyaashaas inay ka go’an tahay in ciidamada dawlada iyo kuwa Itoobiya inay xasiliyaan magaalada taas oo micnaheeduna ay tahay inay ka hortagaan dadka wax qarxinaya, magaalada oo dhan ka sameeyaan baaritaan balaaran oo lagu sugayo amniga.


Burburkii kulankaas ka dib ayaa la soo sheegayaa in la arkayay ciidamada Dawlada KMG ah oo galay heegankii ugu sareeyay iyadoo la filayo in ciidamadaas fuliyaan hawlgaladooda ay ku sugayaan amniga caasimada Somaliya waqtiyada inagu soo socda.


Sidii aan xalay warkii xalay ku soo warinay dadka u kuurgala arimaha Somaliya ayaa horey u saadaaliyay inaysan suuragal ahayn in xabad joojintaan sii raagto aysanasuurogal ahayn inay isku magaalo ku sugnaadaan laba ciidan oo dirir ka dhaxayso haddaan la helin xal nabadeed oo la isugu keenayo dhinacyada siyaasada. Taas oo aan hadda muuqan marba hadday maleeshiyooyinka waxqarxiya siyaasiyiinta ka dambeeyaa ay codsanayaan in dawladu iyo ciidankeeduba isaga baxaan magaalada.


Dadka shacabka ee Muqdishu ayaa walaac ka muujiyay arxan darada dadka wax qarxinaya oo aan u aabo yeelin meelaha ay weerarayaan iyadoo ay dad badan ku nafwaayeen madaafiicda ay iska ridayaan iyagoon ogayn meel ay ku dhici doonaan.

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There are bigger probelms in Somalia but for the Government to get to those other probelms the security situation first must be dealth with This little clan need to be put in there place and from the way things are going they will be put in their place.


They can no longer hold Somlaia hostage.

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Very bad mistake, if the south moqddisho tribes fight alone against TFG and Ethiopian. Things are very different than Siyad Bare come back in 1991 or 1996 the Black Hawk down. It requares more than on show and lot of strenght. The boys in south moqdisho has the experient of fighting streets but they do not have the manpower to fight very long battle. Simply few boys left for south moqdisho tribes. the likelyhood of winning this time is minimum. I agree it is win- win situation for a polical solution.

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^^^They will be swept aside as their much stronger clan courts were.


All this talk is the same BS, we had previously, there is nothing to stop the TFG from clearing this area, apart from the civilain casualty..


Thats the only problem, the arms they have the low moral and experience means nothing.

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Clearly the advantange is with t.f.g in terms of military and support. The questions is, if they root out this clan militia, will thye be able to rule them?


Some of the government supporters on here need to learn a little diplomacy.


Look at the subtle difference in words, eg "Clean up" vs "Annihilation".

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^^^No saxib, force is the only thing some people know, those who have "stinger missiles" and a mandate from heaven.


Also most of the clans of Mogadishu are on board notably the largest one or the one from North Mogadishu...


Thus when the weapons are removed, and the local police force is strengthened, things wll be better...

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They requested the talks and ceasefire and they could not fullfill their part.. [/QB]

The very fact that 'they' had direct talks regarding ceasefire with the occupying troops ..shows how much value the TFG and its leaders have to the to nil. It is astonoushing you found the courage to talk about this particular topic, when everything about it diminishes and under mines the authority of C/llahi Yusuf.

Ponder that point sxb, and evaluate how insignificant the position of C/laahi Yusuf is becoming - how on earth did he allow that , that his backers talk to members of another clan regarding the security and ceasefire in Mogadishu - while he is the President of TFG - and as you claim has the support of 95% of the Mogadishu clan.....halke bey saladu iska qabsan la'dahey sxb?

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^^^Juje the flip flop master, there was no cesefire as requested, the Ethiopian officers take orders from the TFG & the government has had enough with this gangs bull. One minute its religion the next sub-clan nonsence.


Oh this gang was one of the most armed factions in the country, and as you know the government takes its time as it did last time when it comes to millitary action...


Flip flopper now you belive there is an occupation, since one Col did not get a post & another dude lost out hummmmmmmmmm



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Originally posted by Pi:

Raadmiir, duqa, I've heard El-Presidente say time and time again that this goverment is Dib Uheshiisiin. That's why it never bothered to fight the ICU in the begginning. It was more than able to confront those moooryaan. To the government, human life is sacred. Compare them with those savages from the ICU turned clan who burn dead bodies.


You know what's funny, they think that if you talk and civilize with them that you're weak. The only thing they understand is raw force. Once you slaughter a few hundred of them they wake up from their deep slumber. Case in point: the battles in Bay and Bakool, even though the most hardcore clannists fled and never fought. Clannists like Dahir Aweys, Indhacadde, Cayrow and their petty sub-clan militias.

Oh boy. I see that we're back to boasting about other men's xaniinyos. In case you've forgotten, the entire international arena and media were characterising the TFG as weak and the Islamic Courts of Somalia as powerful. Hmmm, maybe news outlets like BBC, MSNBC, and Al-Jazeera are partially owned by Indocade ? Minor but influential stockholder maybe ? LOOL. Without the Etho-American intervention, Yey would be eating anjeero in Addis, chump. And thats a concensus opinion.


Wipe that milkshake off your moustache. And stop boasting about the strength of other men, it only exposes a prime character flaw: insecurity.

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