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General Duke

Hostage MP's find freedom in Jowhar...Boqore..

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Free at last, free at last oh they are free at last... Hostage MP'a are free in Jowhar, will the kidnapers follow them? Or keep intertaining their supporters with lies.. I wonder today Booqore is free, when will Jumatutu and Olol and others wake up and also become free..


Gudoomiye kuxigeenka 2-aad ee baarlamanka KMG ah oo caawa tagey magaalada Jawhar


Jawhar- 02.November.2005 Gudoomiye kuxigeenka 2-aad ee Golaha Baarlamanka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Cismaan Cilmi Boqore ayaa caawa gaarey magaalada Jawhar oo haatan xarun KMG ah u ah DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya.


Cismaan Cilmi Boqore ayaa la sheegay in safar aan horey loo shaacin oo xaga dhulka ah uu ku tagey magaalada Jawhar, waxaana wararku intaasi ku darayaan inaysan xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho ku sugan la socon safarkiisa.


Gudoomiye kuxigeenka 2-aad ee Golaha Baarlamanka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Cismaan Cilmi Boqore wuxuu ka mid ahaa xubniha ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ee ay xaga siyaasada ku kala duwanaayeen Madaxweynaha iyo Ra'isalwasaaraha, iyadoo inta badna uu shir gudoomin jirey kulamada ay yeelan jireen xubnaha labada Golle ee ku sugan Muqdisho.


Mr.Boqore ayaa maalmihii ugu dambeeyey wuxuu sheeganayey in uu xanuunsan yahay, waxaana uu ka gaabsadey in uu ka qayb galo kulamada ay yeeshaan golayaasha DFKMG ah ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho.


Warar Idaacada SBC ay ka heshay dad lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa waxay sheegayaan in safarka Cismaan Cilmi Boqore ee magaalada Muqdisho ay aad u soo dhaweeyeen xubnaha dawlada ee fariisinka ay u tahay magaalada Jawhar, waxaana lagu wadaa in maalmaha soo socda uu qabto shir jaraa'id oo uu ku cadeynayo mowqifkiisa siyaasadeed.


Axmed Xasan Mahad

SBC Jawhar.

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I wonder what the warlords in Muqdishu are thinking right now as everyone who was mucaarid yesterday baa maanta is dhiibaya marka I'll be waiting for day when Qanyare and Yalaxow will be forwarding their codsi for cafis to their Prime Minister and Presidnet and will be waiting with anticipation the reaction to this event from Jumatu!!!!


Waxaa si lama filaan ah ku yimi Gudoomiye ku xigeenka baarlamaanka ahna kusimaha gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Cilmi Cismaan Boqore ayaa soo gaaray xarunta KMG ee dowlada Dhexe ee magaalada Jowhar.



Waxaa si lama filaan ah ku yimi Gudoomiye ku xigeenka baarlamaanka ahna kusimaha gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Cilmi Cismaan Boqore ayaa soo gaaray xarunta KMG ee dowlada Dhexe ee magaalada Jowhar.




Gudoomiye ku xigeenka ayaa ahaa dadkii ugu ad adkaa ee ka soo horjeeday Madaxweynaha iyo Raysul wasaaraha iyagoo fikrado kala duwan kala qabay.

Gudoomiyaha oo su’aashaasi ka jawaabaya ayaa sii yiri Anagu waxaan nahay dawlad waxaana halkaan jooga madaxweynihii qaranka, Raysul wasaarihii iyo siyaasiintii kale hadii shalay aan mowqifkaygii hore hadee wax baa isbadalay mar hadaan halkaan imi. Boqore_Geedi_.jpg

Gudoomiye kuxigeenka Cilmi Cismaan Boqore ayaa sheegay in halkaani ay joogaan madaxdii sar sare sida madaxweynaha iyo Raysul wasaaraha uuna jecel yahay inuu si dhaqsi leh ula shaqayn doono.


Gudoomiyaha ayaa sheegay halka uu ka yimi inay tahay dal soomaaliyeed halka uu yimina ay tahay dal soomaaliyeed mar aan ka wareeystay sababta ku dhaliyey inuu Jowhar yimaado.





Xubnaha Muqdisho ayaa arintaani dhabar jab ku ah ka dib markii xubno muhiim ah kasoo tageen ka dib markii isbuucii hore uu sidaasi si la mid ah u yimi xubin katirsanaa baarlamaanka oo magaciisa la yiraahdo xuseen caraale iyadoo nayroobina ay kasoo galeen laba xubnood oo kale oo kala ahaa Qamar iyo Faax oo intoodaba ku fakar ahaa xubnaha Muqdisho.





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We shouldn't celebrate too early you know. Don't celebrate the day before the evening they say.


However I agree great news for the DKFS. Boqorre (Djibouti) was one of the fiercest Anti-Abdullahi Yusuf politicians in Moqadisho. Finally he has come to his sense's.


Let's hope others will follow suit. It might seem naive and wrong to suggest but I really hope that the Shariif follows suit and hence in the steps of the deputy Speaker of the House Mr. Boqorre.


Soon Abdullahi Yusuf will be driving into Moqadisho Inshallah without any armed escort from Jowhar.


In fact he will drive to Villa Somalia without any escort and in a deck-less without roof car.


The masses will cheer and throw wet leaves and roses into his car.


That scenario could be fiction but hey who said that no one can dream for once in their life-time.


Essentially isn't it that what we wanted all along.


We need a government that can tackle the issues that our country is currenlty facing.


I hope that it is not too late.

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Somalia: Deputy parliament speaker defects to Jowhar

Thu. November 03, 2005 12:45 am.


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left: PM, Mr. Boqore, President

Mr. Osman Elmi Boqore who was sitting for absent speaker of the in Mogadishu defected to Jowhar quietly in a surprise change of heart today. His first stop was the presidential compound where President Abdulahi Yusuf, Prime Minister Ali Gedi and other high ranking government officials were at the time.


Mogadishu faction leaders who are opposed to the interim government persuaded Mr. Boqore and many other members of the parliament, including the speaker to relocate from Nairobi, Kenya where the parliament and government were setup last year to Mogadishu, despite of government’s decision to relocate to Jowhar, 90 KM northeast of Mogadishu for security reasons.


The speaker of the house, Mr. Hassan Sheik Adan went to Mogadishu with many members of the parliament in defiance initially but left the country soon afterwards leaving Mr. Boqore, who continued his stance against Jowhar based interim government until today in charge.


Osman’s journey to Jowhar surprised everyone who is following Somalia’s current political landscape. Nevertheless, he’s not he first to defect from powerful Mogadishu faction leaders. Other members of the parliament left Mogadishu in frustration in the past few weeks.


After emotional greetings hugging, Mr. Boqore talked to his former foes about the surprise defection and how his group’s efforts to reconcile with the government were sabotaged by Mogadishu faction leaders who swore to do whatever it takes to discredit and dissolve the interim government.



Somalia: PM comes back to Jowhar victorious


News Category: Somalia


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After emotional greetings hugging, Mr. Boqore talked to his former foes about the surprise defection and how his group’s efforts to reconcile with the government were sabotaged by Mogadishu faction leaders who swore to do whatever it takes to discredit and dissolve the interim government.

Suprise to anyone..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

quote: Mogadishu faction leaders who swore to do whatever it takes to discredit and dissolve the interim government.

Suprise to anyone..
I cant believe you are suprised.

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^^^ Irony is still knew to you. However Boqoore spoke well...


Boqore “maamul u sameyntii laga waday Gobolka Banaadir waxa ay noqdeen kuwa lagu guuldareystay,aniga Jowhar uma imaan in dhaqaalo la I siiyo ee waxaan u imid in umada soomaaliyeed aan ka samata bixiyo dhibaatadii ku raagtay mudadii Dowladd La’aantaâ€.


Shir jaraa’id uu ku qabtay maanta Magaalada Jowhar Gudoomiye ku xigeenka 2aad ee Baarlamanka Federaalka KMG.ah ee Soomaaliya Cusmaan Cilmi Boqore ayaa wuxuu kaga hadlay Imaatinkiisii magaaladda Jowhar arimo dhowr ah.


Cusmaan Cilmi Boqore Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee golaha Baarlamanka kmg. ee Sooomaaliya oo soo gaaray magaalada Jowhar ayaa waxuu sheegay in barnaamijyadii dib-u-heshiisiinta ee ay ka wadeen Magaalada Muqdisho isaga iyo siyaasiyiin kale oo ka tirsan xubnaha golayaasha Dowladdu in ay noqdeen kuwa fashil ah.


Sidoo kale Cusmaan Boqore waxuu sheegay in waxyaabihii uu magaaladda Jowhar uu u yimmid ay ka dambeysay ka dib markii ay u muuqan waayeen wax natiijo ah oo ka soo baxa barnaamijyadii ay halkaasi ka wadeen qaar ka tirsan xubnaha Golayaasha Dowladda ee uu isagu ka mid ahaa.


Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee golaha Baarlamanka Federaalka Soomaaliya waxuu sheegay inuu isaga Go’aansaday inuu yimaado magaalada jowhar ka horna uu la soo xirriiray madaxda Jowhar ku sugan sida uu sheegay markaasi ka dibna laga aqbalay.


“Waxaan ku jahwareeray hawlihii ay wadeen raga asxaabteyda ah ee Muqdisho jooga,waxey yiraahdeen isbaarooyin ayaan qaadeynaa,hawshaas iyadoo aan dhamaan ayaa waxa ay hadana dhaheen maleeshiyaad ayaan xareyneynaa qabyo ayey uga tageen,kadib waxa ay bilaabeen olole la xiriira maamul u sameynta Gobolka Banaadir iyadana waxa ay noqdeen kuwa lagu fashilmay oo lagu guuldareystay,waxaa fulinayaa dhaartii aan ku dhaartay in aan waajibaadkeyga gudan doono,siyaasiyiintana waxaan ugu baaqayaa in ay tanaasul sameeyeen oo ay eegaan danta umada si loo samata bixiyo dhibaatadii ku raagtay Umada Soomaaliyeed,Jowharna uma imaan in dhaqaalo la igu siiyo ee waxaan u imid in shacabka soomaaliyeed aan ka samata bixiyo dhibaatada mudad 15-ka sano ku raagtay.


C/casiis Xasan Max’ed (GOLF), Midnimo

Midnimo Information Center

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Cismaan Cilmi Boqore"Dadaalkii nabadeynta magaalada Muqdisho waa fashilmey"


Jawhar- 03.November.2005 Gudoomiye kuxigeenka labaad ee baarlamanka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Cismaan Cilmi Boqore oo xaley soo gaarey magaalada Jawhar ayaa maanta wuxuu qabtey shir jaraa'id oo uu kaga hadlayey imaanshihiisa iyo mowqifkiisa siyaasadeed.


Cismaan Cilmi Boqore wuxuu ku tilmaamey imaanshihiisa Magaalada Jawhar inay tahay isagoo fulinaya wixii uu u soo dhaartey ee waajibaadkiisa.


Cismaan Cilmi Booqre oo ka hadalaya hawlihii ay ka wadeen magaalada Muqdisho masuuliyiintii labada gole ee nabadeynta ayuu sheegay inay dhamaanba fashilmeen qorshahaasi, waxaana fulin la'aanta go'aamadii 29-ka qodob ka koobnaa ee lagu gaarey magaalada Nairobi uu dusha u saarey hogaamiyaasha kooxaha hubaysan ee ka jira magaalada Muqdisho.


Mr.Boqore wuxuu sheegay in lagu deg degey go'aamo dhawr dhar ah oo ay ka mid yihiin qaadistiiisbaarada, xareynta maleeshiyaadka iyo waliba talaabada haatan la doonayo in maamul loogu sameeyo gobolka Banaadir.


Ugu dambeyntii wuxuu shirkiisa jaraa'id ku sheegay Cismaan Cilmi Boqore in uu ka shaqeyn doono sidii looga gudbi lahaa marxalada qalafsan ee uu dalku ku sugan yahay mudada 14-ka sano ah.


Axmed Xasan Mahad

SBC Jawhar.





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A/Y coming to Xamar without troop escort and no bloody wars through which many innocents are murdered defeats the purpose. How shall we account for the blood some of his clansmen supporters are calling for? It defies logic for him to just come to town escorted by the same men who opposed him. Surely, if he was participating in group-hugs with them, he should have done it without embarrassing himself in the first place. What guarantees will they offer him this time that will change his mind about coming to Xamar? If he didn't trust their word before, how will he do it this time? And Xamar will still be the same when he comes.

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You have it all wrong Xoog. The president is amassing troops from all the regions of Somalia in Jowhar. He has support in everywhere and mostly in Xamar. What he is now doing is waiting for the 'warlords' ( mind you he is not one of them) to weaken so he can and walk into Mogadishu and liberate all the areas held by this madmen (once again keep in mind he is not one of them) and fake Sheikhs eg.Marka, Barava, etc. He has the support of all the nations in the World excluding Ethiopia ofcourse.

Most of all remember he was elected for the purpose of freeing the Nation from the yoke of savages who have ruined it in the last 15 odd years ( guess he was on holiday in those 15 years or was a probably a monk in a temple , thus classifying him as being innocent of any atrocity that hapened during that period).

It is widely believed that he has been promised the Nobel Peace price if he brings the head of Yalaxow, Qanyare, Caato et al ( bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia comes into mind here).

The defection of those who have run out fresh 'marduufs' is not worth anything to the President. He knows they will do the same again once their belly is full. The president knows all about 'caloshiis uu shaqeyste' how else will he have dominated the likes of Maxamed Dhere and Geedi. He is skillful in that field but he knows it requires his constant presence and attention that is why he is misiing his medication cause he knows Maxamed Dheere changes like the wind once his belly runs dry.

So keep in mind sxb Yeey is on the right track how long can he maintain is another question.. :D

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^^^Juma, what do u think of the Somali government's progress so far? and don't try to be sarcastic please, In all honest, just say what U believe, Or think to be the truth about the governments developments, and I mean the one in Jowhar.


Be real and more on to the point, on other hand what do u think of the one in Muqdisho's progress, again based on realities( that even could be taken from anti-gov newspapers that you admire).


Scale and balance both sides and can you draw a result on what happened so far, for we don't know what the future holds.


Does it matter?

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Qorshel, the point is, what some in this thread have suggested(the president will/may come to Xamar escorted by his opponents) makes no sense. If it was that simple for him to agree with them and recognize he has to work with them, would he settle in Jowhar and devide the government as he did? The idea for which he went there, which is fully supported by members if his clan like you who don't care how many die eventually at the hands of A/Y, was to invade the town and overpower opponents(he created after election) regardless of the dangers such unnecessary war has for the future of GOVERNMENT. Aadaa u dagaal jecishihiin if you are the supporters of A/Y. Dulmigaa idinka ka batay.

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Qorshel posed a balanced question. Xogsade as usual went over board full of baseless emotion. Obviously the daily slaughter and death caused by warlords actions in Mogadishu and the plight of the people are the fault of Presidnet A/Y.


We still wait for a satisfactory answer... I have doubts but Jumatu might fair better..

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