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The speech of the president (sounds with candid tone and concern)

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

^You got jokes...Ever considered becoming a comedian? You got my vote...

WANTED signature, that is his best. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Caamir:

Kool cat, Every president deserves criticism from his people.

Caamir, maba diidani criticism...It is always welcome, for sure...But it is my respose that burns them...Aad bey uga gubtaan...


I figured the WANTED signature to be his best, yet...But he can always redeem himself...

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The so called president openly declares "and fight with the HAWALAS".


He declares the entire religous establishment( including Al Islah) as " these men are our enemies, do you hear me? Let us fight the men!Whilst the his bunch of friends reply with applause.


He claims that the W.F.P is giving food to insurgents. His evidence? They give food to people in mosques.


I am wondering who writes his speeches? Doesn'the care what the impact of his words will

be in the Somali community?

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Originally posted by Caamir:

LLPP, I agree with some of what he said but don't be tricked by my usage of the candid word.


candid: free from reservation, disguise, or subterfuge; straightforward:


And don't be selective in his speech. If you want to critique this translated version of his speech, please do point by point. If you are being selective, then it will be
interprated by many that you are serving your hidden motive or the interest of one side of this conflict.

My hidden motive? OMG, adeer jiljileeca iska daa ninyo, I only wanted to point out one of the many inconsistencies in your president's speech. ;)

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LLPP, He is recognized as the president of Somalia. If you dispute that, it is up to you. We don't have to discuss in subjective matters.


GJ, what you expect of him when the very Islamist call him the enemy of the state and put a prize on his head? It is either that they engage in a constructive dialogue with his government or stick to their determination to fight and drive out the TFG from Somalia. Don't expect good terms from someone you marked as your enemy.


As Bashi says, the zero sum game won't take us anywhere. We have to compromise for the sake of our country and the safety of innocent people who are caught in the crossfire.

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Caamir, he said "religous" men not any particular group. He claimed "religous men" ie wadaads in general control everything....If he had said Islamic Courts or even Alitixaad that would have been understandable. But he simply declared all religous men including even Alislah as his enemies because they allegedly run everything. The fact that wadaads control those things shows that they invested and worked hard for their country when many people packed up and left. How can someone be regarded as an enemy simply for the business they control? Clearly, if there is no state apparatus to control those institutions, then private sector and individuals will move in to fill that void. The old type secularism were governments control everything and they even appoint the Imams failed in the Muslim world and it actually gives more support Islamists. Because the secular regimes clampdown on religous brotherhoods, media and attempt to control all the insitutions themselves. If Abdullahi Yusuf declares a date for the withdrawl of the Ethiopians and comes to the negotiating table, he can incoporate wadaads into the political system by letting them take part in the elections. This system has worked in various other Muslim countries. Armed Islamic movements have been forced to join the political process and make peace with their secular rivals.Even when they join the political process Islamist movements are only likely to win around 20% of the votes. If anything Abdullahi Yusuf's mentality of declaring everything from Wadaads, Xawalads; to the world food programme as his enemies can be considered hawkish and displaying a zero sum game mentality.

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Hope to see plenty of change in the next 2years, by the way, splendid speech. The time has come for the state to take charge of all matters. due to the last 17 years, every government post has been filled by either a NGO, a wadaad or a warlord. So to take it back is a must, since it's the only way to get back our statehood.

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GJ, what you expect of him when the very Islamist call him the enemy of the state and put a prize on his head?

Ha Ha prize on his head, kulahaa. I am now offering a box of cookies to anyone who can bring me the head of this man.

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Originally posted by GJ:

Caamir, he said "religous" men not any particular group. He claimed "religous men" ie wadaads in general control everything....If he had said Islamic Courts or even Alitixaad

GJ, he implied symbolically Xerta or Timawayn as those whose faith is clean from tricks and the art of deception.


He said,


We told them ..the mosques that we worship as the real Muslims, real Somalis , who hold on to the real religion, who are the majority, the mosques we pray,

GJ, Abdilahi Yusuf is hostile to these militant(Seef La Bood in Somali) group whose aim is to install a theocratic regime in Somalia.


Prof. Said captures a glimpse of Yusuf's engagement with these guys.




To return to the subject of political Islam in Somalia, segmentation has forbidden the emergence of a creditable Islamic fundamentalist force to make a bid for political power. There was one notable exception: in the early 1990s, the shadowy, toothless entity known as al-Itihaad attempted to seize power in Puntland, with a view to establishing a theocratic regime in that region.


Warlord Abdullahi Yuusuf (today's putative president of Somalia), a leathery survivor of innumerable gun fights and therefore not particularly noted for mildness of character, unleashed his militia on the holy warriors in a fearful massacre, driving the mullahs out into the wilderness and mercilessly hunting them down in their mountain hideouts. Inexplicably, the desperate pleas of God's soldiers for divine intervention in the face of Abdullahi's fury was completely ignored by the Almighty who indifferently looked the other way as the self-styled holy men were systematically obliterated.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

Ha Ha prize on his head, kulahaa. I am now offering a box of cookies to anyone who can bring me the head of this man.

Like the Bati del Wambara, the daughter of Mahfuz who put a prize on Lebna Dengel's head in the sentimental history of Ahmed Gurey. :D

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GJ, he implied symbolically Xerta or Timawayn as those whose faith is clean from tricks and the art of deception.


He said,



GJ, Abdilahi Yusuf is hostile to these militant(Seef La Bood in Somali) group whose aim is to install a theocratic regime in Somalia.


Prof. Said captures a glimpse of Yusuf's engagement with these guys.


Al Islah is now a millitant group?Saxiib, he said religous men who call control "everything". He wants to take " wealth" out of their hands. What he said in that speech is there for everyone to see. But I get to seee you are a man who is unwilling to make one criticism of this man. In fact, you probably think this is a good speech. How the W.F.P giving food to Mosques is alikined to giving food to insurgents is beyond and Timaweyn are free from deception? Who do we know that?Lastly, not all Somalis are Xeer!



quote:Almighty who indifferently looked the other way as the self-styled holy men were systematically obliterated.



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