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US wants arms embargo lifted....Why now..?

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After the UN monitoring report, the US adminstration has signaled its willing to support those calling for the lifting of the arms embargo on Somalia...


Here is the clan courts mouth piece


Dowladda maraykanka oo ku soo biirtay dalalka danaynaya in la qaado xayiraada hubka ee saaran Soomaaliya



Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa ku soo biirtay dalalka sida weyn u danaynaya in Soomaaliya laga qaado xayiraada hubka ee saaran muddo 14-sano ah, iyadoo dokumintiyo ku aadan arrintaasi ay qeybisay xubnaha joogtada ah ee Golaha Amaanka Qaramada Midoobay iyo dalal kale oo afrikaan ah, balse uusan ilaa iyo haatan ka fariisan Golaha Ammaanka arrintaasi.

Warka ayaa intaas ku daraya in dowladda Maraykanka ay soo jeedisay in laga qaado xayiraada hubka ee saaran Soomaaliya ay tahay mid lagu badbaadinayo dowladda KMG, si ay uga shaqeyso gudaha dalkaasi oo ay isku ballaarinayaan sida lagu yiri qoraalkaasi kooxo wadaado ah oo mayal adag.


Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa soo dhoweysay mashruuca ciidamada nabad ilaalinta IGADSOM ee loo dirayo gayiga Soomaaliya, wuxuuna ka codsaday dalalka ku bahoobay Midowga Afrika in ay taageeraan howlgalkaasi si loo caawiyo ayaa lagu yiri qoraalkaasi dowladda KMG ee fadhigeedu yahay magaalada Baydhabo, isla markaana ammaankeeda si buuxda loo adkeeyo.


Xayiraada Hubka ee saaran Soomaaliya weli ma jiraan go’aanno ka soo baxay oo lagu qaadayo xayiraadaas, waxayna warar ku dhow dhow Golaha Amaanka ayaa sheegaya in aan la qaadi doonin xayiraada qaraarkaasi oo tirsigiisa 733, balse warar isa soo taraya oo ku aadan arrintaasi ay sheegayaan in la ogolaanayo ciidamo nabad ilaalinta u imaanaya Soomaaliya ay la soo galayaan hub iyo saanado militeri, isla markaana loo ogolaanaynin in cid kale ay faragelin ku samayso Soomaaliya.


Arrintan ayaa waxay ku soo beegantay xilli ay dhoolatus militeri ku samaynayaan ciidamo Maraykan ah iyo kuwo Kenyaati ah oo wata gaadiidka dagaalka gobolka W/Bari ee Soomaalidu degto ee dalkaasi Kenya, iyo iyadoo ay xarunta dowladda KMG ee Baydhabo ay ku soo qul qulayaan ciidamo kuwii ugu badnaa oo ka yimaada dalalka Itoobiya iyo Ugandha, waxayna u muuqanayaan kuwo sii holcinaya xaaladda murugsan ee Soomaaliya.


Abdikarim Ibrahim Adan (Ampacilin).


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New York: Xukuumadda Maraykanka oo ku baaqday in cunno qabataynta hubka ee Soomaaliya la qaado.

Sabti, November 18, 2006


New York (AllPuntland)- Xukuumadda Maraykanka ayaa waxa ay shaaca ka qaaday in ay dhowaan golaha amaanka hordhigayso codsi ku aadan in dalka Soomaaliya laga qaado cunno qabataynta hubka ee saaran dalka Soomaaliya.


Safiirka xukuumadda Washington u fadhiya golaha amaanka ayaa waxa uu sheegay in loo baahan yahay in dalka Soomaaliya laga qaado cunno qabataynta hubka si looga gun gaaro dagaal yahanada carbeed ee dalka Soomaaliyeed ku soo qul qulaya.


John Bolton ayaa waxa uu sheegay mar uu saxaafadda kula hadlayay magaalada New York in xukuumadda Maraykanka ay gacan siinayso dalka Soomaaliya.


Waa markii ugu horaysay oo xukumadda Maraykanku ay si toos ah uga hadasho arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya iyo cunno qabatayta hubka iyo dalka saaran.


Wali wax jawaab ah kama aysan bixin QM balse waxaa la filayaa in dhowaan ay kulan ka yeeshaan arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya.


Hadalkani ayaa waxa uu soo baxayaa iyada oo dhowaan jimciyadda qurumaha ka dhaxaysa ay soo saartay wadamo ay ku sheegtay in ay ku xad gudbeen cunno qabataynta Soomaaliya.


Mahad Jama Koronto


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Only people among Somalis objectg to this is USC/ICU. USC/ICU knows how important is the weapons, unlike peace loving Somalis. It brought a name recognition, wealth, status, and power thus they don't want to be shared again. USC/ICU will lose this battle because among peace loving Somalis will not recognize: their power, their name, and their wealth; thus they lose again, again, and again!

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Dowladda Mareykanka oo ku soo biirtay olalaha la doonayo in cunaqabateynta dhinaca hubka ee saaran dalka Soomaaliya laga qaado.


November -18-2006 HornAfrik, Mogadishu, Somalia.


Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa ku soo biirtay olalaha la doonayo in cunaqabateynta dhinaca hubka laga qaado dalka Soomaaliya.


Nuqul ka mid ah qoraal ay qortay dowladda Mareykanka kaas oo loo qeybiyey xubnaha joogtada golaha ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay iyo qaar ka mid ah dalalka African-ka ah balse weli golaha ammanka ka fariirsan oo Idaacadda HornAfrik si sir ah ku heshay ayaa muujinaya in Mareykanka imminka uu soo jeediyey in la balaariyo ololaha la doonayo in lagu qaado cunaqabateynta hubka ee saaran Soomaaliya islamarkaana howlahaas ay ka qeyb qaataan dalalka African-ka oo idil.


Nuqulkan oo Idaacadda HornAfrik ay heshay ayaa sidoo kale muujinaya in dowladda Mareykanka ay ogolaatay ololaha IGADSOM ee lagu ilaalinayey dowladda fedraalka Soomaaliya islamarkaana lagu tababaraya ciidamada dowladda kaas oo ay ka qeyb qadanayaan wadamada IGAD iyo ururka midowga Africa.


Qorshahan ayaa waxaa qeyb ka ah in la ilaaliyo islamarkaana la adkeeyo ammaanka magaalada Baydhabo oo fariisn u ah dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, in la ilaaliyo madaxda dowladda iyo xafiisyada muhiimka dowladda iyo weliba ilaha dhaqaale.


Sidoo kale, qorashaha ayaa waxaa qeyb ka ah in la xaqiijiyo wadahadal nabadeed oo la furo, waxaana arrintaas ka mid ah in la tababaro ciidamada dowladda fedraalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya si loogu suuragaliyo in dowladda iyadana ay sugto ammaanka magaalada Baydhabo.


Iyadoo mar kale dowladda Mareykanka ay ku celisay sida qoralkan ku qoran inay taageereyso in Dastuurka Soomaaliya uu yahay midka kaliya ee lagu gaari karo nabad iyo deganaansho oo dalka Soomaaliya ka hirgala.


Hanaankan imminka Mareykanka soo jeediyey ee loo qeybiyey xubnaha golaha ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa waxa uu muujinayaa in cunaqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya saarneyd guud ahaan la qaadeen hase ahaatee la ogolaanayo in ciidamada imaanaya ay la soo galaan hub iyo saanad milatari balse aaney aheyn in cid kasta Soomaaliya ay hub geyneyso.


Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa 15-kii sanno ee ugu dambeysay ka soo horjeeday qaadista cunaqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya taas oo marar badan ay dalbadeen IGAD, AU, iyo sidoo kale dowladda fedraalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, balse imminka ayaa arrinta waxa ay u muuqataa mid dowladda Mareykanka ay ku xambaari karto sii xoogeysiga maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo walaaca Mareykanka uu ka qabo arrimaha Soomaaliya.


Arrintan ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmeysaa xilli qarka ay isku saaran yihiin dagaal dhexmara dowladda fedraalka iyo maxkamadaha xiisadahana ay sii kordhayaan iyadoo sidoo kale warbaxin Qaramada Midoobay guddiga dabagalka arrimaha Soomaaliya cunuqabateynta u qaabilsan ay soo saareen in ilaa Toban dal ay ku xadgudbeen cunaqabateynta hubka ee dalka Soomaaliya saarneyd.


Inkasta oo African-ka gaar ahaan IGAD iyo dalalka dariska ah ay dhowr mar ka codsadeen Qaramada Midoobay inay qaadaan cunaqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya haddana waxaa arrintaas hortaagnaa golaha ammaanka balse hadalka Mareykanka iyo codsigiisa ayaa imminka u muuqanaya mid hirgalaya taas oo albaabada u fureyso in dalal badan oo dariska ah oo markii hore kaga feejignaa arrimaha Soomaaliya cunaqabateynta hubka saaran awgiis ay soo galaan gaar ahaan dalka Uganda oo hore u sheegay in muddo sanad ah ay ciidamo diyaariyeen iyo dowladda Kenya, sidoo kale arrintan ayaa wadada u fureyso dalalka dariska ah inay soo galaan Soomaaliya.


Dad badan ayaa cabsi ka qaba in arrimahan ay sii kiciyaan xiisadaha ka jira dalka Soomaaliya iyadoo hore maxkamadaha u sheegeen inay la dagaalami doonaan haddii ciidamo shisheeye ay soo galaan gudaha Soomaaliya.

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Inkasta oo African-ka gaar ahaan IGAD iyo dalalka dariska ah ay dhowr mar ka codsadeen Qaramada Midoobay inay qaadaan cunaqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya haddana waxaa arrintaas hortaagnaa golaha ammaanka balse hadalka Mareykanka iyo codsigiisa ayaa imminka u muuqanaya mid hirgalaya taas oo albaabada u fureyso in dalal badan oo dariska ah oo markii hore kaga feejignaa arrimaha Soomaaliya cunaqabateynta hubka saaran awgiis ay soo galaan gaar ahaan dalka Uganda oo hore u sheegay in muddo sanad ah ay ciidamo diyaariyeen iyo dowladda Kenya, sidoo kale arrintan ayaa wadada u fureyso dalalka dariska ah inay soo galaan Soomaaliya.

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Originally posted by Kamalu Diin:

Only people among Somalis objectg to this is USC/ICU. USC/ICU knows how important is the weapons, unlike peace loving Somalis. It brought a name recognition, wealth, status, and power thus they don't want to be shared again. USC/ICU will lose this battle because among peace loving Somalis will not recognize: their power, their name, and their wealth; thus they lose again, again, and again!

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That's very interesting Duke, nice development! I guess the originl plan of the US was, to allow the courts to take over the whole country, then accusse them after that of harbouring terrorists or committing major terrorist attacks on western and zionist interests in neighbouring countries and the rest of the world!


After that to send in the bombers and bomb the country flat and then with their 'new' alliance of person's they 'think' is good for Somalia to bring them all the way to the throne in Mogadishu, and crone a second Hamid Karzai, that direcly takes orders from them!


But now they changing their policies and in fact they want the ban to be lifted in order for the TFG to get more credibility amongst the rest of the world and foremost its citizens! The day the ban will be lifted will be the day Somalia will be liberated from the dowladdiid and pro-anarchists inshallah!

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^^^For two years the US resited any moves to lift the arms embargo, even working with the warlords of Mogadishu and making contacts with members of the clan courts. Since they lost the warlords they moved eevr so slowly towards the TFG. Remmeber China also confirmed its support for the government when the President visited. So two of the five perminent members of the security council is not bad at all.

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Duke the US didn't first want to cooperate with Abdullahi Yusuf, which they suspected of having his own agendas for Somalia!


US's rhethoric was always, that only a man from the H-clan is able to rule the country, which comes from their direct believe that only the people in the capital can make or break a government for Somalia. They were always in favour for the government to go to Mogadishu and only then would they give their 'full support' but now the US realises, that in fact Somalia is different from other countries and certainly that they can't compare it with other countries, in which the key to power lies with the folks that control the capital of that country. But now US is convinced that H-clan will not deliver anything and that they can't move an inch, hence their persuasion to support Abdullahi Yusuf's governments effort to try to lift the current weapon embargo/ban, which is infact totally useless because already millions of weapons come into Somalia every other day, that's why for the government to work the weapon embargo on Somalia must be lifted and the US is certainly willing to assist and be helpful in that matter and to give in to the demands of the Igad countries foremost Ethiopia and Kenya plus the other crucial partner against terrorism in the middle east Yemen, that's why this latest US 'warming' to the TFG and H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad!

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What's wrong with lifting of arms of embargo? So far these guys have been fighting each other by squirting their water guns, about time they got the real deal. Every time I see somalia mentioned in the news, I cower in shame, put my hands over my face... we're the laughingstock of the world. Our once brave men are now reduced to bunch of wimps. Not a day passes where someone doesn't pompously promise to obliterate his adversary. But when shid hits the fan, they scatter like pack of craven critters.


I want some actions, some good old *** whopping. Someone must lose, to the winner goes the spoils of war and chance to shape the annals of history by forging it in own blood. What we have now is death of thousands wounds. Very painful way to go. I want finality, not forever impasse. I want swift end to all hostility and that can only come when some side gets good trouncing.

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Lieutenant-General Sakhar wrote:


Duke the US didn't first want to cooperate with Abdullahi Yusuf, which they suspected of having his own agendas for Somalia!

Almost Identical to what happened in Ethiopia 15 years agao. The US was not friendly to the Northerners which its most powerful and organized core was Tigray.

The US organized so many conferences and meetings to delay the northerners marching to Addis Ababa, but everything fell apart and last minute the US befriended the current regime.


The similarity is also unreal.

President of TFG in somalia is from Puntland and president of TFG in ethiopia was from Tigray (none other than Meles Zenawi)

Eritrea has very similar history and conditions as Somaliland.

Tigray was the most organized and totally under control of the rebels, but Tigray was also for Federal sytem and not for separation.

Puntland is the most organized and self governing state, and is for Federal system.


Meles when he was in TFG president, if all else fails can rely on the support of his home state. President Abdullahi Yusuf is exactly the same.


The US in ethiopia thought that the northerners are too far from the center of power (capital) and they will not last. The same reading in Somalia.


What the US didn't count on was the power of autonomy for peoples to govern themselves. The somali is free minded and always wanting self government, wether a village a city or sub-clan or clan, whatever level he can accomodate.


The US and ethiopia were always parallel, but never agreeing in Somalia. The US favoured warlords that were most opposed to Ethiopia, Kenya or Djibuti.

The TFG has one characteristic the US doesn't like. Federalism. In Federalism its the states that have the power not Mugadishu or currently Baydoa.


Kenya in short years is headed that way. Its a good system where the village can blame itself for failures or praise itself for success, rather than some remote far away government.


The US has now run out of options. It has approached the SIC, but even the US has realized the SIC will not be able to setup a government for Somalia where the other states would accept even grudgingly. By now the US can see that there cannot be a Somalia without a formulae acceptable to those that already have self government.


Yemen may have also tipped the balance.

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^^^Some very good points, never knew the US resited the change in Adis, maybe they thought Ethiopia could not function without the Amhara?


President Salah of Yemen has been the greatest ally the TFG has had, though many here would like to ignore or are in denail due to this fact.

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Allsomali Online News, Saturday October 07, 2006


Minnesota Senator Coleman

Amendment to Department of Defense Authorization bill will require the construction of a diplomatic and pro-active strategy toward the war-torn country


Washington, D.C. - Washington, D.C.—Recognizing the need to develop a pro-active U.S. strategy toward Somalia, Senator Norm Coleman applauded the inclusion of a Somalia amendment he had cosponsored with Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) in the final version of the Department of Defense Authorization bill, which passed the Senate last week and is on its way to the President’s desk for signature. The amendment requires the U.S. government to coordinate a comprehensive strategy to aid the war-torn country.


“I have been frustrated at the lack of a pro-active U.S. strategy toward Somalia,” said Coleman. “Without an Ambassador it is difficult to maintain a consistent focus on the area, but recent history shows us that Somalia is a country that we overlook at our own peril. This is a matter of humanitarian and diplomatic importance, but also one of our own national security. We cannot allow Somalia to become a failed state in such a strategic part of the world.”


The amendment directs the U.S. government to:


* Clearly state a policy toward Somalia that will help establish a functional, legitimate, and unified national government in Somalia;


* Strengthen diplomatic engagement with Somalia, both bilaterally and with partner countries; and


* Develop a plan to address transnational security threats in Somalia and throughout the region.


Coleman also plans to push for the appointment of a special envoy to the area to increase the diplomatic presence of the United States.


“Developing a strategy to address the problems in Somalia is a good first step toward securing that area of the world. However, we need to continue building on this program by appointing an envoy to serve as the point person for the strategy,” Coleman added.


Source from Senator Website

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Uganda oo sheegtay in ay kala kaashanayso Maraykanka iyo Britain sidii Somaliya looga qaadi lahaa xayiraada hubka

Last Updated::2006-11-20 20:10:17


Kampala:- Wasiirka difaaca ee dalka Uganda Crispus Kiyonga ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dawlada Uganda ay kala kaashanayso dalalka Maraykanka iyo Britain sidii Somaliya looga qaadi lahaa xiyaarada hubka ee Saaran


Waxaa wasiirka gaashandiga dalka Uganda Crispus Kiyonga uu sheegay in wasaarada arrimaha dibeda ee Uganda iyo dalalka kale ee iskaashiga ka dhexeeyo ay dadaal ugu jiraan sidii ay ugu guulaysan lahaayeen in Somaliya laga qaado xayiraada hubka


Wasiirka gaashandiga dalka Ugand ayaa ka sheegay hadalkan shir jara'id uu shalay ku qabtay magaalada Kampala isaga oo isla markasna si wayn u beeniyay in Ugand ay ku xadgudubtay xayiraada hubka ee saaran Somaliya.


Waxaa wasiirku uu sheegay in aysan jirin ciidamo ka socda dalka Uganda oo ku sugan dalka Somaliya ,balse waxa uu raaciyay in uu jiro in Uganda uu xil ka saaran yahay dalka jaalkisa ee afrikanka ah hadii loo baahdana ay diyaar u tahay in ay u soo dhaqaaqdo.


Waxaa wasiirku uu gaashanka ku dhuftay waraysi uu siiyay wasiirka amniga ee dalka Uganda Amama Mbabazi wargeyska Daily Monitor's political magazine ,wareysigas oo wasiirka amnigu ku qiray in dalka Ugand ay Somaliya ka joogan ciidamo kuwaas oo sugaya amaanka DFKMS isla markana tababaro u fidinaya ciidamada Somaliya


Waxaa wasiirku uu markale ku celiyay in laba arrimo ay ka hortaagan yihiin Ugand in ay ciidamado nabad ilaalin ah u dirto dalka Somaliya


1-xayirada hubka ee saaran Somaliya


2-iyo iyada oo barlamanka dalka Ugand uusan ilaa iminka ansixin in ciidamada Ugand loo diro meel ka baxsan dalka Uganda

Sidoo kale afhayeen u hadlay ciidamada dalka Ugand Felix Kulayigye oo ka hadlay shirkan jar'aid ayaa sheegay in batalka ay Uganda u diyaarisay nabad ilaalinta Somaliya uu diyaar yahay


Waxaana uu sheegay in ciidamadan ay qaateen tababaro gaar ah oo ay bixinayeen khubaro Fransis iyo Maraykan ah .

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