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Al-qimmah reports triumphantly about 'Sheekh Atam' and the Jihad in the North East

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Allahu Akbar Shaykh Maxamed Saciid Atam oo Marki ugu Horaysay Ka warbixiyeey Xaalada Jihaadka Waqooyi Bari[soo Dagso]


Asalamu Calaykum Waraxmatulahi Wa Barakatahu


Dhamaan Walaalaha Musliminta Waxaan Idin ku Bisharayanynaa Soo Gudbinta Warbixin, Suaalo iyo jawaabo oo uu Sheekh maxamed Saciid Atam uga warbixin Jihaadka ka Dilaacay Gobolada Waqooyi Bari.


Warbixintaan ayaa ka baxday


Qolka Somali Islamic Dacwatu Tawxiid Center


Sheekhu Wuxuu Ka warbixin

1. Sababaha ku kalifay inay hubka qaatan oo u Hijroodan Allah Dartiis


2. Isbadalada u Hirgalay ilaa iyo Hadda


3. Mawqifkooda ku Aaadan Walaalahooda Jeyshul Cusrah Xarakah Alshabaab almujaahidin ama mujaahidinta Caalamka.


4. Warbixin ku saabsan qazwadi ay ku halagsameen Ciidamada Ashaahaado la dirirka Waqooyi Bari


5. Mowqifkooda kuwa isu dhiibay Dawaqeeda ee la baxay Ictisaam

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Furthermore there's an dua or prayer against the 'infidel government of Faroole'.


Ducadina wanagsan ha ka ilaawina


Walaalihina Hortaagan Dulaanka Cadowtoyo ee Maamulka Ridada faroole.


Walaalihina Shabakada Islaamiga ah ee Alqimmah




Walaalihina Qolka Somali Islamic Dacwatu Tawxiid Center

15 شعبان 1431

27 يوليه 2010



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This is the frontpage of Al-qimmaah and their banner is funny enough: Read it on the top what their banner is or let me write it down for you.


This is their top banner it's not a news article it's the pride of the site and it reads:


Allahu Akbar Shaykh Maxamed Saciid Atam oo Marki ugu Horaysay Ka warbixiyeey Xaalada Jihaadka Waqooyi Bari[soo Dagso]


حركة الشباب المجاهدين / البيان التأسيسي لقناة الكتائب الإعلامية

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Duke it will come back to haunt them they think this guys are local and that their concern is for the people but little do they know what they're.


It's like welcoming your own downfall and celebrating it. Who cheers for an earthquake, tsunami, volcano and a total out attack for his people prematurely and say's earthquake why don't you come sooner because he cunningly believes that after all this disasters everything will be the same and the people killed will miraculously awake and rub the dirt and fluids of their faces and bodies and the cities will automatically build themselves and everything will become rosy again.


Only in your dreams.

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This man never used to speak to the media and since that battle has been giving interviews left, right and center. The pressure is mounting and he is stuck in his hole for now.

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Pirateland State - the 13th Emarite of Alshababia !!


after one little incident you've already started pissing yourself.


This is why governments pay there soldiers...SO THEY CAN DEFEND THEM !


Good luck.

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^^ You're closer to Hargaysa than he is, saaxib. It's that Cheif Caaqil again (he's really not that good at what he does, is he?). :D

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