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This is the way forward regarding Women Education

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A women only markaz has been opened in Bosaso city called khadija bintu Khuwaylad, in which hundreds of girls will be educated in traditional subjects like cooking and sewing. I will move to Bosaso inshallah because they have implemented what I was preaching and hoping for all along.


Markaz ay wax ku bartaan gabdhaha kelya oo laga furay Boosaaso




Xarun wayn oo si gaar ah gabdhaha wax uga baran

doona ayaa galabta xariga looga jaray magaalada

tan Boosaaso


Xaflad aad u ballaaran oo lagu qabtay xarunta dugsigaasi oo magacbaxay Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli

ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay Madax ka socota maamul goboleedka Puntland,


Culimaa’udiin, ganacsato, Macalimiin, arday iyo waaldiin aad u fara badan.




Xafladdaasi waxaa ugu horrayn ka hadlay Sheekh Fu’aad Maxamuud Xaaji Nuur oo ka mid ahaa hawlwadeennada hirgelisay mashruucii lagu dhisay dugsiga Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli.


Salaan ka dib ayuu Sheekh Fu’aad billaabay inuu

faah faahiyo kharashkii ku baxay dhismaha

Markaz-ka Khadiija, isagoo sheegay in ku dhowaad

in inka badan 80,000 oo doollarka Maraykanka ay

ku baxday.


Sheekh fu’aad wuxuu sharraxay qiimihii ku baxay

shay kasta oo lagu dhisay markaska Khadiija

Bintu Khuwayli.


Dugsiga Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli oo u gaarka ah gabdhaha in wax lagu baro ayuu sheikh fu’aad sheegay inay leedahay qaybo badan qaybo lagu barto

shareecada Islaamka oo maadada ugu horraysa

ay tahay, barashada Computer-ka, tolista harqaanka, habka cunto karinta iyo wax barasho kale oo dhinaca

farsamada gacanta la xiriirta.


Xaruntaasi dhulkeeda waxaa bixiyay sida uu

sheikh Fu’aad Sheegay Allaha u naxariistee

Xaaji Salaad Cali Hogato kharashkii ku baxay dhismaheeda iyo qalabaynteedana aan cidna laga

soo baryin ee ay dadka magaalada Boosaaso ay



“dibad looma baryo tegin, hay’ad wax lama

waydiisan, dadka reer Boosaaso ayaa dhistay iyaga aaana iska leh†hadalladaasi waxaa yiri sheikh

Fu’aad Maxamuud Xaaji Nuur.




Sheekh Daahir Aw Cabdi oo u hadlay dhinaca Culimada wuxu si gaar ah u taabtay hadallada had iyo goor la sheego ayuu yiri in loogu doodo xuquuqda haweenka,

oo uu ku tilmaamay in looga gol leeyahay oo keliya

in xishoodka iyo Islaamnimada looga saaro.


Sheekh Daahir waxa uu intaa raaciyay in ciddii

gacan ka gaysatay dhismaha iyo hirgelinta

xaruntan Khadiija Bintu Khuwaylii uusan

ajarkoodu weligood dhammaan doonin.




Mas’uuliyiintii ka socotay maamul goboleedka

Puntland ee ka hadashay xafladdaasi waxaa ka mid

ahaa wasiirka waxbarashada Prof. Axmed Siciid

Awnuur oo uu ku tilmamay tallaabadan inay tahay

mid lagu faani karo oo u muuqato bulshadu in

wixii ay ku deeqeen wax lagu qabtay,


Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in dugsiga Khadiija ay

tusaale u tahay in bulshada ay iyagu wax qabsan karaan haddii ay isbiirsadaan.


Axmed Siciid Awnuur wuxuu kaloo sheegay inuu

jeclaan lahaa in la casuumo hay’adaha Ajnabiga

ee ka hawlgala Puntland si ay u arkaan in dadka

reer Puntland ay iyaguba hirgelin karaan mashaariic la mid ah kuwa ay sameeyaan.


Wasiirku waxa uu sheegay in adduunka oo dhan wada gartay in gabdhaha oo si gaar ah wax loo baraa ay

sii kobcinayso xirfadooda aqooneed.




Sidoo kale waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay wasiirka dowladaha Hoose iyo horumarinta reer Miyiga

Cali Cabdi Awaare oo sheegay inuu aad ugu

faraxsan yahay sida wax qabadka loogu muujiyay qaaraankii mujtamaha iska ururiyay.


Wasiirku wuxuu xusay in xiligii mujtamucu uu wax

iska ururinayay in dowladda si kale war loogu



Wasiirka dowladaha Hoose Cali Cabdi Awaare wuxuu sheegay in dad hadallo iyo fidno la wareegaya ay yiraahdeen, hablihii waxay bixinayaan dahabkoodii, raggiina waxay iska ururinayaan lacago sidaasi darteed meel ayaa duullaan lagu yahay.




Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in maanta ay haboonaan lahayd inay xafladan goob joog ka ahaadaan kuwii warkaasi beenta ah ayuu yiri la wareegayay.




Xafladdaasi sidoo kale waxaa goob joog ka ahaa w

asiir ku xigeenka hawlaha guud Yaasiin Cartan Maxamed, ku xigeenka Duqa magaalada Boosaaso

Maxamed Siciid Xiito, Bashiir Maxamuud Jaamac

BalBal oo ka tirisan xildhibaanada golaha

degmada Boosaaso, Beel Daaje Cali Faarax,

Suldaan Cabdi Salaan iyo dad badan oo

bulshada dhexdeeda magac ku leh.


Xafladduna waxay ku soo dhammaatay sidii

loogu talagalay.




Xafladdii furitaanka Markazka Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli markii ay dhammaatay dadku waxay bilaaabeen inay ukala dareeraan guryohoodii.

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halkani waa fasalka ay gabdhu ku baran doonaan computerka waxaa dhex yaalla ilaa 10 computer

iyadoo la filayo in kuwo kale oo dheeri ah lagu

soo daro.




Computerradani waxay sidoo kale ka mid yihiin computerrada ay wax ku baran doonaan ardayda

gabdhaha ah





Gabdhaha dhigan doona Markaz Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli waxaa sidoo kale la bari doonaa habka tolliinka dharka iyagoo Isticmaali doona harqaano lagu diyaariyay Markazka.




Harqaanada qaarkood noocoodu waa ZigZag waxayna ardaydu baran doonaa habka loo tolo saraawiisha iyo shaararka.





Qolkani waa kushiin ama jiko loogu talagalay in haweenka lagu baro sida loo kariyo cuntada.

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Yo, this attention deficit disorder of yours has gone on for long enough Please schedule an appointment with your nearest psyciatrist. Heck, SOL will even foot the bill.


Isn't Bosaso where all the wadaado where kicked out of?????


P.S. Bosaso doesn't need another Siad Barre.

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Yonis I hope you move there and learn to cook for yourself :D


Well, I'm all for education, but I think your idea that women should only learn cooking and sewing is quite chavinistic. Reading this article, and looking at the pictures of these "leaders", it's quite sad that all of them are men. I wish our country has some type of revolution where women can become leaders and explore the limitless possibilities of life. Most of the girls there are raised and groomed to just produce babies, and they always see themselves as being below men. I guess that's just how things are, and oddly enough some women are happy that way.

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Learn to cook and sew? - But what about basic studies like science, math, literature, philosophy and what not - a girl in somali can learn how to sew and cook at home (like Moi) - i am glad they have established a sense of education for the girls but really sewing? - and does this come in english format (my somali is not as good as i would hope it to be)

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Kat :D


Yoonis read this and you might wanna reconsider your relocations.


First police academy opens in the northeast


© Derk Segaar/IRIN

Hamdi Hershi Mohamed, a female police cadet, among the 150 recruits at the Armo policy academy, northeastern Somalia


ARMO, 21 Dec 2005 (IRIN) - Hamdi Hershi Mohamed, a 17-year-old female police cadet, was among the 150 recruits marching on Tuesday around the compound of the newly opened police academy at Armo, northeastern Somalia.


"I have experienced the effects of the collapse of my government. I decided to come here to defend my country, advise my people [about] peace and revive the sovereignty of my country," Mohamed said.


"I have no fear, I’m ready to defend my dignity and that of the people of my country," she added.


The khaki-clad recruits were encouraged by hundreds of enthusiastic people waving twigs and small posters bearing pictures of Somalia's interim leaders, including Prime Minister Ali Muhammad Gedi, who was among the guests.


The Armo police academy, supported by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), is located some 100 km south of Bossaso.


Before the official opening ceremony, crowds of Somalis - with many women ululating - had lined the road from Bossaso to Armo to give Gedi a rousing welcome.


"The opening of the academy is a historic moment. It is the first such national institution that has been built in Somalia for a long time," said Maxwell Gaylard, UNDP Somalia resident representative and UN humanitarian coordinator.


"It will be the first step to the re-establishment of the rule of law and security in Somalia," he added.


The recruits, 130 male and 20 female, who joined the academy on 10 December were the first recruits. They were drawn from all over Somalia, Gaylard said.


"There are thousands of militia throughout Somalia, so there is a long way to go before law and order will be restored," Gaylard added. "Together with Somali authorities, we identified 500 militiamen who will soon be retrained in the academy."


The academy would be run and operated by Somalis themselves.


"What we found, quite frankly, is that if you give these young people an opportunity apart from the gun - and if the process is managed properly - they are usually eager to grab it," he added.


Gedi told the ceremony: "The young women and men who will come out of this training will form part of the new Somalia, where the rights of every Somali are protected and the rule of law will prevail.


"We cannot waiver in our quest to change the way things have been for the last decade-and-a-half and more."


Local leader said one of the main challenges facing the new police force was the large number of arms in the hands of civilians.


According to Haji Said Hussein, one of the elders of the Armo community: "In every house, there is a gun."


To contribute to the re-establishment of security in the area, his village had provided the land for the academy at no cost. The new institute also had economic value for the community itself, he said.


"Carrying a gun in Somalia is a natural thing," Gaylard observed. "We are not going to change the culture of Somalis overnight."


Hussein noted, however, that people were carrying guns to protect themselves. "If the rights of the people are protected, there will be no need for the guns," he said.


Gani Mohamed Haji Abdi, commander of the Armo police academy, hoped that the new institute, by incorporating women and former militia members from all parts of Somalia, would become part of the country’s reconciliation process.


"We want an academy that is part of the people, from the people and for the people," he said.


The three-month training course would cover community policing, basic police training, nonviolent disarmament, physical fitness, self-defence, marching and theory. The new recruits would also be instructed on human rights, gender sensitivity, and child and minority protection.


The ultimate aim was to establish a professional civilian police force able to effectively contribute to the restoration of peace while gaining the trust of the community.


Abdellahi Salah Seruwah, who joined the Somali police force in 1974 at the age of 14 and is one of the senior teachers at the new academy, noted: "The police of Somalia was once among the best in Africa, but it disintegrated and we are reviving it right now."


"After 15 years, we don’t want to fight anymore," he added. "We need to put down the gun. The new police are crucial for the internal, local peace."


However, a local aid worker expressed a degree of scepticism, saying one of the main problems facing the force was non-payment of salaries to some officers. As a result, many of them had to look for other sources of income, she said, which sometimes jeopardised their credibility.


"The men and women who finish this course will be proper officers. They will be paid when they leave this compound - through international assistance and Somalia’s own revenues," Gaylard said.


UNDP would also assist the authorities to implement revenue-generating ideas and initiatives, he added, so that they would be able to pay their police force.




Source: IRIN Dec.21, 2005

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You know the funny thing, I saw some female police officers in the UAE, who worked for the female branch of the police and I got to chat with one of those girls. She told me there are alot of female criminals and we're here to catch them. I asked her "Don't you feel afraid?" and she replied no "it's my duty i.e. pleasure", I was really surprised.


Instead of looking after the children she goes around looking for some criminals. It's really amazing stuff.


But I like the Iranian Female Commandos best with their black jalaabeeb(jilbaab)and niqaab. Someone posted a video where they were sliding down a rope from a five-storey building really funny.

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Reerahaan surwaalgaabka socdo maanta oo mooday dhaqan Carbeed mid ka wanaagsan kan suuban ee Soomaalida hadii la iska qaban mar dhaw Carab ayaa noqoneynaa. We will dress like them. Eat like them. Speak like them. "Ukhtii/akhii," here I come ayaa ka dhaceyso mar aan sidaas u dheereen.




In the domain of seef labood, we will never see like honourable soldiers like these, who served their country nobly.


Waa in la iska qabtaa kuwaan Carabtii lacag kusoo siisay inay Soomaali Carabeyaan oo ku gambanaayo diinta. Kun sano kahor ayaa diinta heysanay, waxaana ma arkin ee wadaan.

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The "way forward" for Somali women's education is to train them to become tailors and cooks for eternity? Like someone mentioned before, some Somali women have mastered both the aforementioned crafts in the comfort of their homes. If they genuinely wanted to establish an all-girls school and educate the female masses, they should've offered a variety of subjects, not just these common crafts.


P.S. So many bearded men in the pictures of an all-girls school. Why? :confused:


Originally posted by Tolstoy:

for it's true that once upon time, as I can recalled from this distance, I too, was one those
, who had marched dutifully for the benefits of that bygone dictator of the then Somali Republic - namely the late
Gen. Siad Barre

So, just like ina Riyaale, you too was once a proud Guulwade for the "bygone dictator"? I think I'm beginning to finally understand the source of your callous bitterness.

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Originally posted by Rowda:


MMA & Tolstoy;


What is it that you’re so ashamed of in the above picture that made two of you eulogize that cursed regime? How could intelligible people like you confuse issues?Is it the mere khemmar that made you disgorge?


You owe us explanation. Is it the hijaab you object? Or the shortness of the trouser? Or both? Or is it the whole Islamist politics that you do not like?

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Miskiin nin oday ha yaa lagu moodaye, fikradaa la timidne ha yaabin markaan ku niraahno wax inaga naga yaabisay noqotay.


Waxaad ku timaantay dhaqan carbeed, ma iyadaa mise waa mid diimeed? Waxaad ku tilmaantay dhaqan suuban, ma iyadee ahayd mise mid qur'aan ku dhaqnayn? Gabdho qaawan oo cawradooda banaan tahay intaad la timi baad tidhi mid wanaagsan oo xus diimeed ku dhaqan bay ahayd, dumar asturane aflagaadaa kula booday.


Waxaad tidhi "We will dress like them. Eat like them. Speak like them"! Xashlilaah ninyahow, if I didn't know any better I would say you are a re-incarnation of Kamal Atuturk! Intaas ka iigu ekaato tani, mindhaa gaf bee kaa ahayd.


Kun sano kahor ayaa diinta heysanay, waxaana ma arkin ee wadaan.

Haday nafsadaadu arkin waa la arakay. Gabdhahayaguna waligood bay asturnaayeene magac Soomaali gaf haka galin walaal. Waa wax la garan karo dad badan inay diinta qaxii ka bacdi si fiican u fahmeen laakiin cawaanimo wax lagu faano oo daliil laga dhigto maahan ee garo walaalow.

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Horta wax "shame" la dhaho iyo wax "eulogize" lagu amaanay ayaaba iska yar. "Cursed regime" or not, that regime at least stood the advancement of women's liberty. Waana in lagu aamaanaa, regardless how surwaalgaabs hated then. Soomaalida awalba dumarkooda plenty of xoriyad ee meelaha ku maraan ee lahayeen, laakiin reer surwaalgaab are trying too hard to reverse all of that.


Dugsiga Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli oo u gaarka ah gabdhaha in wax lagu baro ayuu sheikh fu’aad sheegay inay leedahay qaybo badan qaybo lagu barto shareecada Islaamka oo maadada ugu horraysa ay tahay, barashada Computer-ka, tolista harqaanka, habka cunto karinta iyo wax barasho kale oo dhinaca farsamada gacanta la xiriirta.

Kuliyada ee fureen maxaa lagu bartaa? Cunta karis barasheeda ma xumo laakiin...? Xarqaanle noqo ma xumo laakiin...? Iyo "wax barasho kale oo dhinaca farsamada gacanta la xiriirta."


We know "farsamada gacanta la xiriira" waxee ka wadaan, for surely I don't think inay injineernimo ama makaanikonimo lagu baranaayo meeshaas.


"Shareecada Islaamka" ee lee yihiin waana la og yahay manhajka kaliya lagu baranaayo meeshaas kooda kaliya see u arkaan mabda'ooda, saaba ka aragtid masawirka gabadhaha dhan iskoolkaas cusub dhigto, loona soo wada da'day sidii baabuur garaash ku jiro camal.


Soomaali diintooda iyo dhaqankooda waxaas ma ahayn. Reer surwaalgaab manhajkaas ee rabaan dalka keenaan, eena faafiyaan. Soomaali badan ayaa aaminay, oo wax walba ee rabaan inay dadka ka gadaan "bidco" ugu waday. Laakiin maanta waala is bartay. Soomaali kun sano ee diinta Islaamka heysatay, kunkaas sanana jaahilnimo kuma aanan wada jirin, oo waa ogeyn diinteena suuban inay dhaqankeena asluubsan isku socon karaan. Hadii kale mar horee af Carabi ku hadli lahayeen, oo diintii iyo dhaqan Carbeedkii isku qaldi lahayeen, sidee reer surwaalgaab rabaan maanta.


I can only imagine what reer surwaalgaab would think of Xaawo Taako today: "She should have stayed at her aqal and learned how to cook soor for men." In their view, I can guess, she died not as a martyr for her people and nation.

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Originally posted by Kashanre:

Xashlilaah ninyahow, if I didn't know any better I would say you are a re-incarnation of Kamal Atuturk! Intaas ka iigu ekaato tani, mindhaa gaf bee kaa ahayd.

Hadaaba Ataturk ila gaartay, bas waaye. Waaka baxay meesha. 1004.gif


Warlord-supportnimo maantana seeflaboodnimo ayaa ku darsaday. Deadly combination, but surprised? Not!

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^Address the message, not the messanger. I know you have a history with that sxb, but do take care this time. smile.gif


We will dress like them. Eat like them. Speak like them

Is this not what Ataturk used to turn the country agnositc? Was that not the reasoning behind the internal and Turkish led oppostion to the last Islamic caliph? Was that not what Atatiurk used to change the call of aadhaan to Turkish as opposed to Arabic? Was that not why the innocent fez was outlawed and replaced with the the felt hat? Is that not why even dates were banned at a certain point? To be blunt sxb, what you uttered are not the words of healthy Muslim. :confused:


Among other things, you clearly showed aversion to speaking arabic, atleast a worldly language in demand worthy of being mastered if not a holy, heavenly language. Yet you display no objections to English! You attacked the Islamic dress of our woman, yet labeled the Western military garb of those female soldiers as dhaqan "suubanayd" oo mid caadada Soomaali ku dhisnayd. Caadadee, dhaqankee? Armaan isku caado y isku dhaqanbo ka hadlayn? Eat like themne maba ahayn wax aanbo fahmi karay so taa jawaab may heli karin.Marka meeshaa wax kalaa ka jiro yaan filayaa, ee admit you wronged. A qhalad is a qhalad. smile.gif

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