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Calamadda adduunka rated

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How does the Soomaali flag fair in the international flag competition by aesthetic and design?


Some guy compiled and rated them.


Our flag rates fairly well. In the fourth place, receiving an A or 86 out of 100. Not bad. Only Gaambiya's, Bakistaan's and Jabbaan's flags, respectively, are ahead of the Soomaali flag.


The following is the rate given.




I think this one beats Vietname by just a little, owing to superior colour choice and a smaller star.


The labels given to Soomaali flag:



Good colours



Good shape





The site is fun ee check it out.


I like the colonial nonsense label given to some flags that have miniature of British flag on the top of their flags. Australia, New Zealand, et cetera. Plagiarism label, too.

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After a quick survey of outstandingly good and bad flags, I was able to come up with some basic rules or advice to countries designing flags.


Rule 1: Do not write the name of your country on your flag.


This just seemed obvious to me. Nevertheless, there are some countries that will flout it (like Guam), and they need to be severely punished. Perhaps they think that their citizens might forget the name of their country.


This rule turns out to be difficult to police because of the silly things that countries like Rwanda and the U.S. Virgin Islands will do to get around it. And there a deeper problem of unoriginality here. It's just wrong to have writing on your flag. It subverts the ideals of flag design. Hence:


Rule 1a: Do not write on your flag.


I also felt that I ought to pick out some types of written things on flags for special punishment, besides the name of the country.


Rule 1b: Do not write some ****** slogan on your flag.


British colonies and former colonies love putting widdly little coats of arms on their flags with Latin slogans like 'et cetera' and 'Caecilius est in horto' on them (e.g. Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands). This is because junior civil servants in the Crown Office of Naming Other People's Countries want to show off how valuable their Etonian education is.


Even this is not the worst. Some British civil servants do not even have an Etonian education.




Rule 2: Do not put a map of your country on your flag.


When someone is travelling around your country, where do you think they will look if they need a map?


Bzzt! No, they won't look at the flag. Especially not if it has such a bad colour scheme as Cyprus's. Quite apart from the total uselessness of having a map on your flag, it really shows that a country hasn't gone to any effort if that's the best they can think of. I mean, if we just let people put maps on their flags, everyone could do that, and then there wouldn't be any need for any design effort to go into flags.


Actually, to generalise this rule a little, you can't just put pictures of things on flags. It looks wrong. Flags are supposed to be iconic. They're a shrine to the national spirit, not a tourist brochure. Accordingly:


Rule 2a: Do not put a picture of anything on your flag.


That's right: no pictures. Especially not of sheep (are you listening, Falkland Islands?) or parrots (this means you, Dominica!). Stylised logos based on representations are OK (Albania is pushing it) but representational art is out.



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Flags of the World Given Letter grades

Vorld Vide Wittgenstein - the Tractatus Generator

Engrish generator - please enjoy




And i thought it is real :D:D ,,,,,,,,



it is good in that way too

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"The Bonnie Blue Flag, a single white star on a blue field, was the flag of the short-lived Republic of West Florida. In September 1810, settlers in the Spanish territory of West Florida revolted against the Spanish government and proclaimed an independent republic. The Bonnie Blue Flag was raised at the Spanish fort in Baton Rouge on September 23, 1810. In December, West Florida was annexed by the United States and the republic ceased to exist, after a life of 74 days." (

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^Only real countries are allowed, no ficticious ones.


Couldn't resist was an open goal :D

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Qoloba calankeed waa caynoo

Inaga keenu waa cirkoo kale ee

Aan caadna lahayn ee caashaqa

Xiddigyaheey cadi waana ciidamisee

Cadceedda sideedaa u caan noqo ee



Calan suubanoow

Samadda u ekoow

Maalintii la suray


Waa in aynu u sara kacnaa

Salaan la hortagnaa

U sacabtumaa [shax shax shax]



Ka naxoow nafta waa.


Calan Soomaali diidoow silic u ...

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MMA.......qolobaa calankeed is my favorite Somali song, it should be the anthem actually.


Calan a good song but a bit short....and I don't like the clapping at the end....all the kids used to say....ii sacbiya


Northerner....give into temptation :D

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I like the colonial nonsense label given to some flags that have miniature of British flag on the top of their flags. Australia, New Zealand, et cetera.
Plagiarism label, too.

Your 'dear' flag is not an authentic one. It is a counterfeit from the Bonnie flag that belonged to Florida. Get a genuine flag to feel proud of!

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Me, Soomaaliyeey toosooy ma xumo. Have you listened the anthem based on Soomaaliyeey toosooy? Aad ayee u maqal wacantahay.


Abwaan, dad ayaa calankaas caalamka laga aqoonsanyahay, oo quruxdiis loo jeedo ayaa maseer ka haayo. Kaaga sii daranee calanakas waa kooda, meeshee ugu farxi lahayeen ayee bogus history lasoo shirtagayaan.


Calankeen waa jiraa, wuuna jiray, waana unique, asali ah, oo adduunweynaha laga wada aqoonsanyahay muuqaalkiis wanaagsan oona Soomaalinimo u taagan. Diida ama naca, idinka lee ha isnicina.


Mar labaad ka naxoow nafta waa. Calanoow waligaa jir. smile.gif




Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Calan Soomaali diidoow silic u ...

dh ... [/QB]
Ha xishoon nooh sideyda camal ee dhameystir oraahdaas. :D

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