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The so called 'resistance' now bomb random Somali MPs famalies

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Hand granade thrown at Somali MP's house, 10 of his family members critically wounded including his wife and small children. The latest incident show the desperation of the group, they are finished, attacking less protected Somali MP's houses with hand grenade they think will perhaps prove to us they are still a force to reckon with, Acuudibulaah what a sickos...



Xildhibaanaka tursan Baarlamaanka DFKM oo gurigiisa caawa lagu weeraray Bam gacmeed iyo dhaawac soo gaaray xildhibaanka i qooskiisa



War hor dhac ah oo aynu ka helnay magaalada Baydhaba ayaa sheegay in wax yar ka hor Bam gacmaha laga tuura lagu weeraray xildhibaan ka tirsan Barlamaanka KMG oo fadhigiisu yahay magaalada Baydhaba.


Qarax oo ka dhacay guriga Xildhibaanka oo ku yaalo magaalada Baydhaba ayaa waxa ku dhaawacmay 10qof oo uu ku jira Xilldhibaanka xaaskiisa iyo caruur uu dhalay.



Dhaawacyada 10ka ah ayaa laga deerinayaa 5 kamid ah dadka ku soo dhaawacmay kuwaas oo u dhaxeya Nolol iyo Geeri.


Qaraxaan caawa ayaa ku soo aaday maalin kadib markii dagniin warqada ah lagu daadiyey magaalada Baydhaba looga digaayo in ay dadweynha ka fogadaan goobaha ay ku sugan yihiin Itoobiyaanka iyo kuwa u shaqeya



Xafiiska war qabadka Dayniile

Goternburg, Sweden ,

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Baydhabo:Toban qofood oo ay ku jiraan caruur uu dhalay Xildhibaan Shaleyta y oo xalay ku dhaawacmay bam lagu weeraray guriga Xildhibaan

30. Maj 2008



Baydhabo(AllPuntland)-Kooxo aan la garaneyn ayaa xalay fiidnimadii Bam gacmeed ku weeraray guriga uu degan yahay Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Shaleyta ee magaalada Baydhabo, iyadoo qaraxaasi bam uu sababay dhaawaca Toban qofood oo ay ku jiraan Xaaska Xildhibaanka Caruurtooda iyo dad deriska ah.


Dhaawaca dadkan ayaa qaarkood la sheegayaa in ay aad u liitaan inkastoo lix ka mid ah xaaladooda ay wanaagsan tahay, waxaana falkan cambaareeay Xildhibaanka oo ku tilmaamay fal fuleynimo.


“Ma garanayo sababta keentay in la laayo Caruurta iyo Xaaska, taasna waa weerar fuleynimo ah”ayuu yiri Xildhibaan C/llaahi Shaleytay oo ka hadlayay wax yar kadib markii dhaawaca la geeyay Isbitaalka Magaalada Baydhabo.


Xiligii weerarkan uu dhacayey ayaa lagu waramayaa in Xildhibaanka uu ku sugnaa gurigiisa.


Dhacadadan ayaa si aad ah ugu xumaaday dadka deegaanka iyo xubnaha dowladda ee ku sugan Baydhabo iyadoo falkan uusan aheyn kii ugu horeeyay, waxaana falkan mid la mid ah horay loola beegsaday Taliyihii hore ciidamada Booliska gobolka Bay oo caruur uu dhalay iyo kuwo uu waalid u yahay ku dhaawacmay.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

AllPuntland, Garoowe

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When they are beheaded, bombed and killed by the thugs that thrived via the same method of killing, looting and selling river water to the thirst innocent, is OK... what double standard, takes hypocricy to a whole new level...

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Xildhibaanaka tursan Baarlamaanka DFKM oo gurigiisa caawa lagu weeraray Bam gacmeed iyo dhaawac soo gaaray xildhibaanka i qooskiisa


Should we condemn this? I don't think so. It's a gaal-raac bombed. What's the big deal?

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^^Yes, we should since his family was hurt and that should go above all political support or ideological positions!

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Emporer, no suprise that most of the SOL members, who are kabaab faithfuls are playing dead to this news.


As tragic as this is, the opposition needs to implement a new plan of attack.


By opposition, I am not referring to Yey and his clowns, but ethiopia.


General Gabre can't sit around while these lunatics blow up every woman and child to get to them. They need to start hunting these animals down, and erase every last one of them from the face of this earth.


PS:Isseh, please oo orod quraan halagugu soo aqriyo. Jiniga iska naar. YOu dare call yourself a muslim and you think the bombing of muslim women and children are justified? Jinni aa waxaas kaa keenaayo, ee sheydaanka iska soo naar. Acuudi billaah, faataxo soo mar, nin lagu jiro aa tahay.

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^^You were making sense till you started lauding your hero General Gabre, a man who's forces have caused more harm on Somalis than Alshabaab ever could. Glad to to see you brought out yourself out of closet, my dear, the killings in Beledweyne must have brought your humanistic side out!

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^GEELKA, I would rather opt for general gabre anyday, than to side with the likes oo islaanimo isku sheegaayo oo hadana wax quran eh qoraayo, as the case of your beloved holly warrior aka isseh:



It's a gaal-raac bombed. What's the big deal?

Ilmo masaakiin eh, and naago who can't help the situation they are in are gaal raac eh, therefore they deserve to be bombeD?

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kabaab faithfuls. So the're making kabaab of the innocent. These groups have no agenda other then killing. Don't they know that are alienating there potential supporters.

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LazyG, gerhaps you should read again. It's the xildhibaano quotation I made that I have addressed.


If you are familiar with even rudimentary common-sense, you would use deductive reasoning to learn that the term gaal-raac is addressed towards men, whose servitude to Amxaaro should cost them their lives.


Addressing women and children is committing a deel-qaaf, if you know what that means. A short-coming I have been well-bred not to commit smile.gif .


Anyway... you should ask for clarifications lest you misunderstand things.

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Lazieg, If I cheered for with General Gabres crusading occupiers everytime Alshabaab wrongfully killed a person, them my name would be Haile Mariame Gabrefaraxhalage by know and I would be eating raw kifto(or whatever they call it)! Be against Alshabaab, curse them call them fanatics,terrorists and losers: cidna kuma diidna!



Lakin, Gabre praising and cheerleading for a regime that has brought nothing but death and destruction will inevitably lose it's moral crusade, in this case a Xabashified SOmali one!

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L.G while it is regrettable that the children were harmed, nevertheless the house of an MP is a legitimate target in the eradication of the stooges.


Assuming the qualifications for being an MP is not a brain-dead coward it is logical to assume that he/she is a target and that sooner or later this would happen .... unlike his other colleuges who kept their families out of harms way while taking part in the death & destruction of other innocent children


This is simply cause-n-affect by what stretch of imagination does he think he can facilitate death/maiming/rape of innocent children/women and that his family will be spared ???


you reap what you sow

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Isseh, please save your bs for someone oo waxaas cabo.


The subject was the families of the mps, not nimanka themselves.


I don't see an mp injured here, but women and children.


Just be man enough to admit qaladkaaga.


I Was right when I said jinni was the driving force behind your reply.


I actually thought that you weren't capable of such hate, but now that you are writing with a straight face, talking about termka was used for this purpose and for that purpose does leave me to believe inaad nin niyada ka dhanqan aa tahay, who is possesed. Wallaahi inaadan jirin.


Just do yourself a favour and take my advise about quraan aqris, you need it.

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

L.G while it is regrettable that the children were harmed, nevertheless the house of an MP is a legitimate target in the eradication of the stooges.


Assuming the qualifications for being an MP is not a brain-dead coward it is logical to assume that he/she is a target and that sooner or later this would happen .... unlike his other colleuges who kept their families out of harms way while taking part in the death & destruction of other innocent children


This is simply cause-n-affect by what stretch of imagination does he think he can facilitate death/maiming/rape of innocent children/women and that his family will be spared ???


you reap what you sow

His family should and will be spared by the Muqmawama( the true ones) since they are Muslims and they have not commited any crimes against other Muslims!

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