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Latest Iran TV Propaganda in Somalia: Ethiopian army to “slaughter 800 hostages”

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Latest Iran TV Propaganda in Somalia: Ethiopian army to “slaughter 800 hostages”


Yeah, this is not a prank.


Remember the fake news about dozens of Somali women that were raped by Ethiopians and the Somali president that has been getting slapped around on his face by Ethiopian generals?


Well, now, it seems like the Iran government’s Press TV website (
) has not entertained us with enough fake news yet. Many Ethiopians have been simply shocked about the level propaganda. But, the latest propaganda from Iran might actually take the cake.


Having employed the renowned Radio Shabelle Media Newtork politicians turned tabloid journalists to its already biased Press TV media,
the Iranian government propaganda machine now claims Ethiopian troops are going to slaughter 800 “hostages” in Somalia!


According to its mission statement, Iran’s Press TV was designed to balance the propaganda from BBC and CNN. Well, we Africans do appreciate the general idea of Press TV because BBC is not exactly the most balanced news source out there. But honestly, we did not expect garbage in exchange for BBC. After a second thought, maybe BBC was not that bad after all.


Two years ago, the UN Security Council reportedly said that the Iranian government was financing and arming the Islamists in Mogadishu against Ethiopia. That used to be an allegation but now we Ethiopians can clearly spot who our enemies are and Iran’s decision to make enemies in the capital of Africa won’t end up profitable in the long-run.


Iran can not harm the new friendship between Somalia and Ethiopian governments.
The Iranian ploy to create a religious war by arming radicals was already crushed, especially since Ethiopia is one of the first countries in history to adopt Islam.


Anyway, what a waste of millions of dollars of Iranian tax payers! 800 hostages to be “slaughtered” by Ethiopians? Are you kidding me? Simply amazing.


SOURCE: African Path, March 22, 2008

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Xabashis indiscriminately killed, massacred, murdered thousands of Soomaalis, yar iyo weyn, caruur iyo waayeel. And if they slaughter a few hundred more of innocent Soomaalis, it wouldn't be a surprise. No need to believe what a foreign media service reports, whether it is CNN or an Iranian one. Just ask what they did -- and still doing -- to Soomaali residents of Soomaali Galbeed, and today in the whole of Soomaaliya.

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