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Omar Arte Ghalip - the man ultimately reponsible for the tragedy of Somalia

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Ladise and gentlemen...


Imagine today that Prime Minister or ministry of Defence or Ineterior of Kenya orders Kenyan Army and/or Police to hand their weapons in to the Kikuyu or Lui gangs, what would happen in Kenya.


Omar Arteh Ghalip did excatly this in 1991 soon after he was nominated as Prime Misinister by Ali mahdi. He ordered Somali Army to surreder their wepons to then three rebels (SNM, USC and SPM) and the same day the tragedy of Somalia has been started and still going on.


From Ottanga refugee camp (not to mention those who died on the roads acrooss Somalia and the sea - Indian Ocean and gulf of aden) to Ceelasha Biyaha today, Omar arteh is ultimately responsible for all those who died by dismantling Somali Army and Police who would protect them from these suffering.


haven't you seen the latest news from Kenya who protected criminal gangs from Nairobi Town centre and many other areas in Kenya and you've just seen in a matter of minutes that the police have not arrived how 50 people were burned ALIVE.


unfortunately (as far as i know) this man is walking FREE in Hargeysa streets and perhaps chewing KHAt in its mafrashs ..... and everyday new victims are falling for a CRIME that he is fully responsible.



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a friend of mine told me that Ali Mahdi appologized and asked Somali people forgiveness for his role on Somali conflicts..


does he appologized for nominating above guy as PM or he forgot?


anyone listened his interview?

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Abwaan dagaalka iyo caydu waa maxay? Cige wuxuu soo bandhigay aragtidiisa with some reference oo uu you have another one which could be used against this?


I think illaa odayadaan Soomaaliya burburkooda mid walbaa qaybtiisa ku leeyahay haddii mid walba kuwo ciddiisa ah amaba dan ka leh amaba qaraabo kale la ah ay dhahaan keennu waxba ma samayn inaan xal la gaareyn saaxiib.


I myself listened to Arta's speech in 1991 and beleive that this had a big contribution to the Somali problems after the 90s although I wouldn't claim that he was responsible for everything. I beleive he played his part and even before markii dee dowladdii kacaanka uu hormuudka ka ahaa, so is C/Qaasim (another big time looser) and many more.



Once again saaxiibayaal let us be realistic and stop odayaashaan aan iska difaacayno si qiiro ku jirto and this is for many of us including me not only for Suldaanka and JB.

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Originally posted by Abwaan:

so is C/Qaasim (another big time looser) and many more.

Cabdiqasim ha gafin Abwaanoow. Cabdiqasim waa nin wadani ah sharaf iyo sumcadna Soomaali ku leh.

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the blame lies with each and every individual that has made a choice to destroy, not just those who have placed weapons in their hands.



you still owe me the 'culture' explanation

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Abwaan, anigu odayga maan difaacin laakiin waxaan cige waydiiyay uun inuu waxaan maqlay iyo saaxiibkay baa ii sheegayda inaga daayo uu information kaa dhaama la yimaado oo lagu doodi karo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



I dislike the said person though ......... that is why i don't wanna talk about him since he is not causing any problems in Somaliland.

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Abwaan, anigu odayga maan difaacin laakiin waxaan cige waydiiyay uun inuu waxaan maqlay iyo saaxiibkay baa ii sheegayda inaga daayo uu information kaa dhaama la yimaado oo lagu doodi karo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


JB Sxb waxaan maqlay waa Cali Mahdi oo radiyaha dadka cafis ka weydiistay ee Omar Arte Ghalip ma maqlin ....... his orders affected me in many ways as milions of other Somalis.


in Summary, Omar Arte's Crime is FACT it's not waxaan maqlay iyo waxaa layiri


he is even responsible for you being seperatist and Northern likes hearing Mogadishu is burning.


I hope you got my message

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Nobody likes muqdishu is burning sxb ,,,,, but the fact is that it is burning.

not Muqadishu you like is burning but who is RULING.


I am sure if Mogadishu's current ruler was your one of your allies you wouldn't love Mogadishu burning but today youren't only HAPPy but :cool:


however, remember masaakiinta ku baaba'ysa ina Yey is resting in London so masaakiinta ka naxa oo muqdisho ha holcinina

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