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Bintiland: Amaan mise Yasid?

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Originally posted by Libaahe*:

so ethiopia liberated burco, hargeysa, erigavo for them and they didn't work together? your delusional.
so you think puntland is trying to help you liberate ssc? this is from your own websites such contradictions.


Faroole "Waxaan Uga Digaynaa Raysal Wasaaraha Kooxaha Puntland Wax U Dhimaya" (SSC)

Somali people of northwest region including Egal, Riyaale, and Waraabe were working with Somali government in 1988 and 1989


The Ethiopian-snm invasion failed in 1988, and Somali governmen won, end of story. When Siyad Barre left Mogadishu in 1991, snm refugees returned to Northwest soamlia.


Faroole is bad cousin, so what??? Faroole is an individual like Buubaa, Sifir, Jirde Xuseyn, Mahamed Oamaar, and many more

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Buuba, Sifir, Maxamed Omar are not head of a adminstration they are merely calool uu shaqaystayaal who don't have the support of their kins. but Faroole has the support of puntland. Puntland = Faroole. in Puntland what faroole says puntland does it whether it is banning SSC figures in landing at Galckayo airport or tracking down any SSC sympathizers the list is endless. ;)

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Originally posted by Libaahe*:

Buuba, Sifir, Maxamed Omar are not head of a adminstration they are merely calool uu shaqaystayaal who don't have the support of their kins. but Faroole has the support of puntland. Puntland = Faroole. that is the sad truth my friend.

You don't make sense, its like saying Bush= America, Melez= Ethiopia, Spy Riyaale= Somaliland, Sharif= Somalia, Siyad Barre = Somalia,


Of course, America did what Bush said in 2000-2008, and American people didn't agree with Bush policies



Somalia did what President Siyad Barre said 1969-1991, and many somalis didn't agree with Siyad's policies


People and head of government are two different things or animals, they can never be the same

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The head of the state makes the decisions so in that sense especially in a state within a third world african country somalia ( puntland ) Faroole = Puntland like it or not at the end of the day he makes the final decisions in puntland and if SSC are allowed to land in Galckayo airport or bosaso airport. ;)

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Originally posted by Libaahe*:

The head of the state makes the decisions so in that sense especially in a state within a third world african country somalia ( puntland ) Faroole = Puntland like it or not at the end of the day he makes the final decisions in puntland and if SSC are allowed to land in Galckayo airport or bosaso airport.

currently, the leader of Somalidiidland the 80 years old Warlord Siilaanyo killed more than 15,000 people from your habar west burco during Burco civil war, now Mr. Libaadhe hate you should hating somalidiid-land and secession ideology , only because the leader of somaliid faction did something wrong by killing people.



Only unpatriotic individual and those who suffer from inferiority complex like somalidiids equate the country say that whole country = with one person (Head of State)



Most somalidiids hate their country SOMALIA because Siyad Barre did something wrong, caqli xumo



Take notes Libaadhe, your Somalia ≠ head of state, the country is bigger and will remain forever, but heads of states are individuals they come and leave



Puntland ≠ Faroole or Cadde Muuse


Somalia ≠ Shariif, Abdulahi Yusuf, or Siyad Barre


America ≠ Bush or Obama



Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waa dad walaala ah weyna iska hishiinayaan, sidoo kale shacabka SSC iyo Puntland waa dad walaala ah oo wada dhashay weyna iska hishiinayaan Insha Allah

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'Liibaan' lool 15k and where did you get those mythical numbers? :D brothers kill each other but in the end unite against a common enemey unlike some people who are being occupied (las anod) while their so called cousins watch aside. ;) i am still baffled by that lool it's like Hargeysa or Burco watching aside while Erigavo is being occupied. :confused: there is alot of questions to be answered. :D

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Originally posted by Libaahe*:

'Liibaan' lool 15k and where did you get those mythical numbers?
brothers kill each other but in the end unite against a common enemey unlike some people who are being occupied (las anod) while their so called cousins watch aside.
i am still baffled by that lool it's like Hargeysa or Burco watching Erigavo being occupied. :confused:

People of SSC, Puntland, and western Somalia are United to liberate Las Anod from Somalidiids, that is a simple fact

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Then explain why your websites would write such a thing? i mean you don't want to make allegations against the leader of the people you expect to help you do you? :confused:

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LOL that is almost 9 Months before he decided to label them Bintiland after they banned him from landing in galckayo airport and then later organising a protest against Puntland? :D i mean it just doesn't make sense who are you trying to spoon feed with your little sugarcoating tactics don't you know it doesn't work like that. ;)





Garaad Jamac Garaad Ali Calling Puntland - Bintiland

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NO, this was after Nairobi Conference, no one can ban the Garaad from Bosaaso




October 2009



Wasiirka Kaluumaysiga Puntland Maxmed Faarax Aadan Faruur ayaa ganafka ku dhuftay go,aamada ka soo baxay shirka Nairobi , warkan ayuu sheegay mar uu maanta u waramayey Idaacadda BBCda qaybta Afsoomaaliga.


Faruur ayaa sheegay in ay shirkaas xukuumada Puntland iyo shacabkuba ogolayn waxa ka soo baxay , isla markaana ay san goobtaas shirku ka dhacay joogin dhamaan odayaashii taladu ka go,aysay , ayna halkaasi isugu tageen sadex Garaad iyo siyaasiyiin wax kale u jeeda, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in Garaadada dalka joogaa ka cadhaysan yihiin arrintaasi.


Waxa kale oo uu sheegay wasiirka kaluumaysiga Puntland in maamulkiisu diyaar u yahay gobollada SSC ee maqan in ay wax ka qabtaan hawsheediin aay ku talo jiraan, loona baahnayn in la dhabar jabiyo, wuxuuna maamulka Hargeysa ugu baaqay in ay ka gurtaan malayshiyadooda magaalada Laascaanood.


Issimada iyo siyaasiyiinta Hogaanka kaga dhawaaqay magaalada Nairobi ayuu ugu baaqay in ay miiska wada hadalka soo fadhistaan si looga wada xaajoodo wixii ay tabanayaan, maadaama shacabka ayuu yidhi SSC wax ka dhisteen dawlada goboleedka Puntland, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay in ay shirka abaabuleen siyaasiyiin wax kale raadinaya.


Tan iyo markii Hogaanka Badbaadada iyo mideynta lagaga dhawaaqay magaalada Nairobi waxaa soo baxayey go,aamo ay labada maamul ee Hargeysa iyo Garoowe kaga soo horjeedaan hogaankaasi, madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland C/samad Cali Shire ayaa ka horyimi isaguna go,aanka ka soo baxay Nairobi, maamulka Hargeysana wuxuuba u soo diray Rag ka hortaga fulinta hogaankaasi.





January 29, 2009


Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali ”Maamulka hada jira waan kala noqonay kalsoonidii ”

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Originally posted by Taleexi:

My cousins are coming but they're slow in motion if you know what I mean.

Your right Taleexi, Our cousins will wake up Insha Allah, but they are slower than a turtles

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Whatever the Garaad called it, it is his to lance the boil whichever way he fancies, no? He is the Garaad of Bosaso as much as he is the Garaad of Buhodle, so maxaa uga gidhiish ah gabanada 3-da habrood?


This was funny, and yes they truly are slow.

"they are slower than a turtles"

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^^ Correction. Waa sadix habro, a side dish of Riyaale cousins, a sprinkle of Atam's boys and the LA cherry on top.

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