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Faroole: If Federal system is not respected, we will exit through the window.

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That window is Breaking away or declaring independency.


This is the second time Faroole is threatning the breakaway, the first it was during the jibuti conference in January.

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Somalipride what do you know? Why can't he?


We can all see Pland is gearing up slowly but surely to become another Bantustan.

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Because bro, he would have to pass it through parliament and get the okay from many different levels of society. Right now Gaalkayo is giving problems to the government and there's a delegation there trying to calm everyone down. There's bigger issues. Breaking away isn't an easy thing to do.

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Federalism did not work in '50s. C/qaadir Soobe ka daalay suu meel walba ula taagnaa in '60s, too.


And now it won't work. Soomaaliya dal federal lagu dhaqi karo ma'aha. Federal dad kala jaan ayaa iskugu yimaado, not Soomaalis.

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^Markaa maxaa lagu dhiqi kara,and you reckon the wishes of the people in Puntland should be ignored. :D


Here in Australia, they are the same people, and Federalism works fine, it is nothing to do with people, it is the choice, and agreeing to one form of government.

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Federalism works well when people are educated and the issue if about decentralisation of power. When it is an issue of tribes looking to curve out 'areas of influence', it will destroy national cohesion and fuel clanish mentality. The recent experience of Ethiopia is a good example. In the case of Somalia, once Somaliland and Puntland (and if) are given federal status, brace for requests of sub-federal entities within the same regions.


I think the af-maaay speaking Somali's will benefit if they learn with their mother tongue in their schools, but I really don't see any need for federal structures in Somalia in the future.


However, for now, it maybe alright to start with given that so much inter-clan suspicions exist.


By the way we can have a devolution of power and resources to community levels without Federalism.

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What people need to understand is that maamul goboleed means provincial administration and the current Federalism that is proposed is nothing but a clan-federalism (clan mini-states undermining a future central state) which should not be accepted as a long-term solution to our problems.


The different Somali clans have every right to develop the regions which they live in and order their houses in these times of anarchy.


In the transitional period it is safe to say that the different Somali clans can create provincial administrations and focus on regional institutional building. Peaceful coexistence and cooperation among and within the different Somali clans is crucial to overcome the mistrust and animosity that has reached staggering levels during the Civil War and consequent period of anarchy.


It is highly unrealistic to expect that Somalis will suddenly unite and forget the period of disunity, mistrust and conflict. A transitional period is needed in which peaceful coexistence and cooperation fosters a new sense of unity and thus a new sense of belonging to a Somali nation.

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18 years is not that long.


China was in transition from 1910 to 1949.


You had the collapse of the Chinese emperor, the descent into anarchy/lawlessness, the rise and fall of warlords, the Japanese occupation and the final civil war between the nationalists and communists.

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