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Somaliland Ministers in UAE --- Somaliland Passport Accepted

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What a change ,,,,,, Everyday there is a good news and a new development.


Today, Arabs are accepting the Somaliland passport is really another unbelievable success for Somaliland.



Check this out:



Hashim Goth, = DUBAI, 31 Aug. - Wefti laba wasiir ah oo ka socda Xukuumada Somaliland ayaa mudo sadex maalmood ah joogay Imaarada Raasalkhiima, Wasiiradan oo kala ah Wasiirka Macdan iyo Biyaha Qaasim Sh.Yuusf iyo Wasiirka M/tooyada Nuur Aamin, Xubnaha wasiirada ayay maanta Casuumad Qado ah ugu sameeyeen Hotel Maliniam ee ku yaal SHAARIQA.



Xubnaha wasiirada ayaa mudo sadex maalmood ahba joogay Imaaraadka, weftiga ayaa shalay la kulmay Sheekha Xukuma Imaarada Raasalkhiima, sida uu ii sheegay Wasiirka M/Biyaha Qaasim waxay kala hadleen xidhiidhka Somaliland iyo Raasalkhiima. wuxuuna intaas ku daray in ay macsuumaad ka heleen mandaqada sheekha, isla markaan uu jiray xidhiidh hore oo u socday oo mar kala go'ay ka dib markii Ninkii xidhiidhinayay oo Masri ahaa iyo Nin Somaliland u dhashay ay shil Baabuur ku dhinteen inta u dhaxaysay Hargaysa iyo Berbera.


Wasiir Qaasim wuxuu intaas raaciyay in ay Imaaraadka ku yimaadeen Baasaboorka Somaliland, taasina tahay weji cusub oo noo furmay hadaan nahay Somaliland, waxaanan raadinaynay Albaab aan ka galo wadamada Carabta, wuxuu intaas ku daray in ay Rabadaan ka hor ama ka dib ay Somaliland u soo dirayaan wefti, ka dibna ay martiqaad u fidinayaan M/weynaha si uu u yimaad Wadanka Imaaraadka.


Waxaan weydiiyay Wasiir Qaasim maxaad ka wada hadasheen wuxuu ku jawaabay waxaan kala hadalay xidhiidhka ganacsiga, Ma kala hadasheen Xaga Macdan iyo Waxyaabo kale ? wuxuu ku jawaabay way jirtaa waxyaabo badan oo ay danaynayaan balse wetiga ay soo diri doonaan ayaan waxaas oo dhan isla qorshayn doonaa marka ay Arkaan wadanka Somaliland iyo Khayraadkiisa.


Wasiir Qaasim iyo Wasiirka M/tooyadu waxay sii joogi doonaan wadanka UAE laba maalmood oo dambe, ka dibna waxay ku noqon doonaan Somaliland.


Wasiir Macdanta iyo Biyaha ayaa dadkii uu la kulmay maanta uga waramay xaalada dalka iyo halka ay marayso, wuxuuna sheegay in ay jiraan Mucaarad ay kala gara la'yihiin ka sida fiican wax ku doonaya iyo ka sida khalkhal gelinta ah wax ku raba.


Warkiisa wuxuu raaciyay Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Biyuhu in ay dhawaan is faham yimid ay sameeyeen xaga golaha Baarlamaanka iyo Xukuumada, taas oo ay is fahamka ka dhaliyeen gudi is xilqaantay, Xaga mucaaradka ka soo baxay Awdal ayuu ku sheegay wasiirku in aysan ahayn sida loo shaaciyay ee dadku taageersan yahay UDUB.


Hashim Goth, Dubai



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Somaliland is enjoying all of this success coz of ALLAH ,, and then its patriot citizens sxb.


The success was there even before the ethio invasion ......

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Jacaylbaro, it is time that you start thinking realistically and proactively. We need unity and the full return of our fragmented country. I shouldn't be reiterating this but seeking international recognition of one small section of Somalia is a trivial pursuit and adds to the deepening of our division.

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People are dying in the south ,,, it is now under occupation ,,, there is a total chaos and i feel i'm the only survival here.


There is no way i will join an occupied territory and loose the little governance i made for the past 17 years.


If the 5 somalis are uniting YES ,, count me on but this marriage of only 2 regions (north and south) did work for the past 30 years ,,, why do you want me to try again ?


Just wanna try how it looks like when i seperate from the rest ,,,,, if it doesn't work then don't worry , i'll be back.

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Recognition of Somaliland comes before recognising its passport. Lack of logic, the UAE does not recognise Somaliland it recognises the TFG..Pardon, did not want to burts your bubble dear lad.

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Adeer, you do protest way too much.


1.Does any country recognise Somaliland as soverign nation? NO

Because Taiwan is recognised by both Israel and the US and some others.


Adeer no one recognises Somaliland and it controls only the clan areas you hail from.


Thus the passport story above highlights the weak fake day dream the secessionist are living in.

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Yes, US and Israel recognise Tawin. The US has supported it for 50 years since the nationalists got chased out of the mainland.

Its absurd that you compare little clan Somaliland to Taiwan or Republic of China which was one of the victors of the WWII?

Adeer you are not schooling anyonw with your nonsence.


embessies to taiwan




The website of Tawin [ROC] provides more links to Embassies and consulates around the world.



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Taiwan Rattled by Prospect

Of Losing Allies to China


by Larry Luxner


These are difficult days for Taiwan—a democratic and prosperous nation of 23 million that, despite its astonishing economic success, just can’t seem to get any respect. Early last month, Costa Rica announced it would recognize the People’s Republic of China, sending panic waves throughout Taipei.


In response, Taiwan severed relations with its old Central American ally—ending a 63-year-old friendship that had appeared to be unshakable.

:D , Adeer Somaliland is no Taiwan. ;)

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LOOOL. Adeer many nations recognise Taiwan, have bilateral relations and trade with it. The US even defends it with warships.


Indeed, the history of Taiwan goes hand in hand with mainland china which does pressures many nations with "either us or Taiwan".


Your point in comparing the little, poor clan region of North West Somaliland to Taiwan an Island of 23 million with a history that goes back since 1945 is what?


Somaliland is a state which is part of the Federal Republic of Somalia...

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I remember Yuusuf Garaad of Somali BBC interviewing the SNM gang’s foreigner minister at one of London Airports. The guy was arguing he was traveling with his secessionist passport and Mr. Garaad was saying to him why can't you show it to me so I can see which page the U.K. entry is stamped on. His reply was, ask the airport immigration officials what kind of passport I am traveling with. Mr. Garaad did not obviously want to embarrass him in air and dropped off the argument because he could have reminded him he is no position to ask the U.K. immigration about the personal info of any person including his subordinates that work under his supervision in The Somali BBC section. Is he a terrorist investigator that U.K. authorities are cooperating with?


Why wouldn't the guy simply show him the passport if he was not lying?


My people are always deceived with lies! When are they going to grow up and catch the lies? You can lie some of the people all of the time. IsN't it?


[ September 03, 2007, 08:58 AM: Message edited by: Nayruus ]

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Cry cry and cry ppl ,,,,,,, those Ministers used their national passports (somaliland) to go to UAE.


and PPl to go other countries in Europe and Africa using the Somaliland passport.



Does that hurt ?? ,,,,,,, Ahhhh ,, simply take anti-pain .. i know it is really painful. :D

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