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It's all over!

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The superiority of the Islamic courts, together with their determination and organisation skills have indeed succeed in the War for Moqadisho.


On top of their miliatary gains, they also have won the battle for the mind and soul of Moqadisho residents.


I do not entirely trust the Islamic courts but I've supported them from day one, as I see this as a choosing of two evil, but I took the lesser evil and therefore supported the Islamic courts.


I am happy to see them gaining so much control miliatary and politic wise as they're in the vicinities of Balcad as reported they're 15 km away from the strong hold of Muuse Suudi and inshallaah, they will also capture Jowhar and this would be the end of warloditry in Moqadisho and surrounding areas.


My greatest wish and hope is, that the Islamic courts can really peacify Moqadisho and remove the roadblocks for good inshallaah and I hope, that the TFG government then will inshallaah settle in Moqadisho!


The courts will participiate in the political climate of this country in three years time inshallaah, when universal sufferage will be granted to all Somalis to elect, who they want for President.


They can, then ofcourse elect Sheikh Shariif, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys or even Sheikh Yusuf Indhacadde!


But they have to peacify the whole city first as they have the upper hand in Moqadisho! The only hope Moqadisho has to get out of it's anarchy are the Islamic courts, who can bring back something that resembles normality in Moqadisho inshallaah.


The war is over and the warlords are capitulating, how wonderful! If only the Islamic courts would hold fast to their promises of pacifying the whole city!

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I am pessimisstic about the future knowing how these ousted warlords can be given refuge and entitlement by the TFG. Such unwise gesture consequently will make Xamar off-limits to any government they are party to. Can you imagine Qanyare coming to Xamar to be part of a peaceful government where he is just an average citizen? Or Yalaxoow? Not to forget all other warlords cut from the same cloth.


Soomaalida waxay ku xun tahay waa cafiska ay u fidiso the criminals, and indeed from highest to the lowest ranks of government is filled with forgiven criminals.


A nation of criminals, lead by criminals, will end up lost in criminal enterprise.


I hope if a final victory over the warlords is attained in Xamar, Local government is formed and demand should be made that the TFG must fire all criminals as much as possible to avoid any hindrance for further progress in the path of peace and redress for the wrongs of the past.

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I hope if a final victory over the warlords is attained in Xamar, Local government is formed and demand should be made that the TFG must fire all criminals as much as possible to avoid any hindrance for further progress in the path of peace and redress for the wrongs of the past.

Don't hold your breath buddy. So long as these warlords and their like elsewhere are breathing, this problem will forever be present.

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To eradicate the cancer completely a bounty should be offered for the capture of the warlords dead or alive. Seriously I am willing to offer my thousand U.S. Dollars. Americans gave the warlords two million dollars. Why should not 2000 Somalis in diaspora each contribute $1000 to come up with 2millions dollars as a bounty to capture these warlords? If we put our heads together we can change and better our sad situation. Rahima prepare to write a check for $1000.

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