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TFG troops allegedly raped a teenage girl in refugee camp

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Somalia: Demonstrators Accuse Gov Troops of Raping Five Refugee Women


Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)


26 July 2007

Posted to the web 26 July 2007


Aweys Osman Yusuf



Some of Mogadishu's Internally Displaced People in Heliwa district staged a huge protest against Somali government troops who raided a refugee camp and raped at least five refugee women including a teenage a girl.


The demonstration which was orchestrated by the relatives and neighbors of the victims took place in north of the capital with protestors chanting anti-government troops slogans.


Aden Osman, the husband of one the raped women, said he was taken out with a gun point by the troops, while butting him.


"They were several men armed with AK 47 guns and they said they were searching for insurgents and they began beating me until I went out conscious and then went for the women in the camp, raping them," he said.


Mumino Mohammed, one of the victims, told Shabelle that she had 15 days old baby. "I gave birth a baby 15 days ago, I told them, three soldiers who came into my shelter, that I have very small child but they raped me the three of them, despite my screams and begging that should leave me alone," she said.


Osman said they even raped 15 year old girl in the camp. "No one came to help us. All women in the camp were crying and screaming for help. They beat every single man in the camp," he said.


Nourto Haji, one of the victimized women, also said she was tortured before the troops raped her. "I am a mother of four children, and they beat my husband ordering him that he and the children get out," she said.


In the protest, they asked Somalia's transitional government to do something about their complaints and punish the soldiers who commited the cruel acts against them.


On Wednesday a demonstration against government troops also took place in north of the capital. Protesters were complaining that troops robbed their properties.


Hundreds of Somali businessmen and women were chanting anti-government slogans, marching inside Karan district for hours.


Some of them told Shabelle that the market in the area was raided and robbed twice in this week, demanding that the government should release one of their fellow traders.


Mohamoud Hassan Kulmiye, one of the rally-makers, said that they will continue staging demonstrations against the government until Aweys Mohammed Gaal, a shopkeeper, who was apprehended by Somali troops is released.


Abdifitah Nour Sabriye, the deputy of Mogadishu mayor, told Shabelle after he was contacted on Thursday that there were no government troops who raped IDPs.


"First, no group can stage a demonstration in Mogadishu without our knowledge and there are no government forces that raped women," he said.




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Mumino Mohammed, one of the victims, told Shabelle that she had 15 days old baby. "I gave birth a baby 15 days ago, I told them, three soldiers who came into my shelter, that I have very small child but they raped me the three of them, despite my screams and begging that should leave me alone," she said.

This is sick walaahi but don't worry this so called TFG is speeding their collapse.

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