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Senseless war with Faroole's clan might be the only option left for ONLF

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A&T, Cowke and others here, lads Puntland and it's people have no time for such nonsense , the ONLF is a failed entity, and will have no effect on us asid from the stinky farts they continue to gas the world with.

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PIS iyo beelalaha cadaystay cadawada ay u hayaan Ummada ku nool Gobalka **** in badan wey ka shalayn.

I see some very backword mentalities here, but never expected it from A&T, war heedhe maamulka P'land iyo PIS aan la dirirno waa wax la gartay, but to say we will wage war against the **** tribe who's name was mentioned by Jaffe is utterly madness and senseless.I have many friends from the *** tribe who are disgusted and hate the PIS and the damage they are cousing to P'lands image.


[ October 30, 2009, 02:18 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Moonlight, since I didn't say what you are ascribing to me, I can't give any idea other than saying I agree with you.


By the way, no one is buying the filmsy excuse of saying PIS is different than Puntland admin. The admin didn't claim they are not part of them and if they are so powerless to stop them, they must say so.


And we know when Puntland admin is targeted, it will come down to clan warfare. Don't you know that?

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General Duke,


I refer you to what I said yesterday about the natives Sartre described. Daasad madhan qayla dheera!!


We are fighting one of the strongest army in Africa with the full backing of the US, not small fishermen who could not confront another small entity with delapitated armroury from Siyaad's era in Las Caanood.

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^^^A&T, this is yet another example of your weak mind. Insha Allah your crocodile tears and clan hate will not even start a clan war on SOL let alone in the real world. Also PIS is an organ of the state of Puntland. :D

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Good admission. So there is no distinction between PIS and Puntland Admin. This we knew, but your guys were denying.


Adeer waa la ogyahay who is responsible for what is happening, and yes while you can afford some bravado from the cyper pulpit, the real tradegy will happen to others. I can tell you this latest act will not pass with our arguments here. But let us not rush yet. It is not about vengence, it is about ensuring a deterrent is put in place.

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Waryaa Che, there is no drama for the kids whose testacles are being smashed as you sip your milkshake and type carelss words.


Have some mercy on your fellows who are suffering.

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By the way, no one is buying the filmsy excuse of saying PIS is different than Puntland admin. The admin didn't claim they are not part of them and if they are so powerless to stop them, they must say so.

Well I never sid the PIS were different from the admin, the ONLF guys have every right to diffend their people against the PIS or against the admin, but what shocked me is your thread title,please read it again, plus the call of your friend Jafe for revenge against the clan of faroole, guys this is not easy thing to say, you are talking about war against another somali tribe which is disgraceful to say.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

Good admission. So there is no distinction between PIS and Puntland Admin. This we knew, but your guys were denying.


Adeer waa la ogyahay who is responsible for what is happening,

A&T, adeer no one ever denied that PIS is an organ of the state, you are only trying to argue with yourself here.


Also yes indeed, the responsability lies with you, your clan and your leaders. For over 20 years more than 60% of your population has cooperated, worked for and took bribes from Melez of Ethiopia. Even you are a speaker of the sweet language of the Amhara. :D The other 40%, are fighting a ****** war, blaming Hargaysa or Garowe or even the southern mad men for thir failures. Some of this group hold concerts and sing silly "national" anthems abroad, clueless about the reasons behind their actions.


Indeed the blame is closer to home, and if you want a clan war between Nomads in drought stricken lands, then that just highlights that you are on your way to be a failure like much of the political leadership of the ONLF. :D

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Have some mercy on your fellows who are suffering.

and is it having some mercy on your fellows to beat the dum of a "senseless war" ? are you not jeopordising the lives and the livelyhoods of your fellows in Bosaso if a tribal war breaks, come on guy, control you emotions.

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It is disgraceful and senseless, but it will come down to this.


And when you talk of Puntland adminstartion, are you honestly suggesting different clans are involved in the human trade? It is one tribe that is involved and the fight will have to concentrate on that sole tribe. You don't expect ONLF to shoot one Puntland Minister from the DARAAWISH to avenge for this!!


Puntland political decision-makers are ONE clan alone especially when it comes to handing over the Oga.den youth to Ethiopia. That clan will have to face the consequences of its leadership.


It is not pleasant, but in light of what is at stake, which is our struggle and self-determination, it is not a big issue!


Edit:- Moonn, if you think the refugees in Bosaso will be in trouble, you are right. There will be big consequences for both people. That is not what I am calling for and I want. But, that is where things are going down as I see.


General Duke, come with something better than that. You are becoming very redundunt these days.

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^I have mercy for all Somalis specially those under occupation, but to encourage an open warfare between Somali is short-sighted and I'm not sure what it will accomplish?

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Again, propoganda of a failed organisation will have no effect on the state of Puntland. Thus keep singing that sweet song lad, you after all produced the likes of Omar Jess who used to burn innocent civilians for clan reasons, nothing major expected from his disciples.

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A&T ninka maxaad ooga gabanaysaa, i can see your having mercy on him...kkk...but i think its time you stripped him naked.


Kid is a propoganda machine.

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